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PSXE Poll Update: Skyrim Lives Up To Expectations

Well, you guys were right. 😉

Last week, we wanted to know what your expectations were concerning Bethesda's epic – and almost infinite – role-playing adventure, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . The majority of readers said it would turn out to be the best RPG of the year…

Well, most critics and fans would agree, now that the results are in after Skyrim launched on Friday. I remain absolutely shocked that I fell so much in love with the game; for the record, the 9.7 I awarded this game is the second-highest score I've given anything this generation (no, I didn't review any of the Uncharted s). Why? It just blew me away and to be frank, that doesn't happen so often anymore.

This week, now that both Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 are available and you've likely sampled both, which do you think won the quality war? We say BF3 has the edge in the single-player department , while MW3 has the multiplayer advantage. We gave both games the same overall score (9.0), but what do you say? Are they even? If not, which one came out on top?

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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12 years ago

I'd say they're pretty even overall, but CoD needs a new engine because in my opinion it's the high octane action games that benefit the most from good graphics, and that's one reason why I enjoyed BF3's campaign better. For the simple fact that I was more in awe of what was going on.

Although the final mission in MW3 was pretty freaking awesome.

12 years ago

For me it's Battlefield 3, though I own the PC version so not sure how the console version turned out.

12 years ago

Agreed though I've been spending way too much time playing StarCraft2. I plan on putting a ton of hrs into BF3 after Thanksgiving.

12 years ago

hmm i can't vote, but I can tell you Skyrim ate my whole weekend. As much as i love these games the addiction doesn't kick in until about hour 10 so it's really got me now and I hafta give it up for a few days, boo.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
12 years ago

Same boat as you. Except this is my first elder scrolls game that i actually played more than 20 mins on. Now i have a full week of classes.

12 years ago

Skyrim ate 28.4 hours over my weekend. The Old Republic took the rest. RPG goodness all around.

12 years ago

I enjoy watching all the
Skyrim glitch videos on Youtube.

12 years ago

best RPG of the year is not really saying much, what RPGs have we had this year besides WK2?
not much…….
as for BF3 or MW3 neither.
both were hyped to kingdom come and both turned out pretty meh.
just like almost every game this generation!
as the saying goes, all bark no bite.

12 years ago

Dark Souls dude.

12 years ago

no, dark souls is not a RPG.
its a torture device!

12 years ago

Torture device.. is a game with something actual gaming lacks…challenge, Oblivion rewards you for walking! lol, not sure if this happens with Skyrim.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/15/2011 3:00:30 AM

12 years ago

Like World, I can't vote on the BF3/MW3 subject because I have yet to try either. Don't get me wrong, I want to play each of them, but I'm totally back logged with games from earlier this year. After working through those games I plan to give both BF3 and MW3 some playtime, but maybe not until the summer drought.

The problem for me is that I'm not much of a multiplayer fan. I spent a lot of time on Halo 3 with a buddy of mine, and CoD4 with some guys from work, but was never really that good. One thing I really liked was the CoD 4 campaign. It was short, but with all the different experiences like the sniper mission and the C-130 gunship level (one of my favorite gaming experiences ever) it was a lot of fun. I've heard that MW3 is more like MW1, so I'll probably try it first.

As for Skyrim, I'm extremely excited to get this game, based on the reviews I've heard, and that Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games ever. I don't know when I'll be able to pick it up, but I whole heartedly look foreward to tearing into it.

12 years ago

One more day and I can enjoy Skyrim! This has been so difficult to wait. Thanks Assassins Creed for getting me through it.
As far as MW3 vs BF3, I really enjoy them both. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. I am just very happy that I was able to buy both. I have a ton of fun playing them. 2011 and 2012 are proving more and more that the PS4 really needs to be backwards compaitible. If it's not, I will have 3 PS3 sitting in storage. What an incredible gen of games on the PS3. Gaming Bliss!

12 years ago

Hopefully I'll be getting a digital copy, til my boxed one comes, tomorrow.
Now I just have to get hmwk done before I start playing.

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