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Modern Warfare 3 Breaks Records, Sells 6.5 Million

You're shocked, right?

Today, Activision Publishing has announced that they have shattered their own day-one sales record: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has become the biggest entertainment launch ever with an estimated sell-through of over $400 million and over 6.5 million units sold in North America and the UK during the first 24 hours of availability. Totally nuts.

For the third consecutive year, a Call of Duty game breaks the record held by the previous year's entry and becomes the biggest entertainment launch in history. Last year's Black Ops raked in $360 million while Modern Warfare 2 in 2009 drew $310 million. For MW3, "millions of fans attended more than 13,000 midnight openings." Said Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick:

"We believe the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the biggest entertainment launch of all time in any medium, and we achieved this record with sales from only two territories. Other than Call of Duty, there has never been another entertainment franchise that has set opening day records three years in a row. Life-to-date sales for the Call of Duty franchise exceed worldwide theatrical box office for 'Star Wars' and 'Lord of the Rings,' two of the most successful entertainment franchises of all time."

Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg added that CoD "is more than a game" and it has "become a major part of the pop cultural landscape." He also added what must be a subjective viewpoint on MW3, calling it "the most intense, adrenaline pumping entertainment experience anywhere." Yes, well, it was pretty intense, but when are you gonna change that engine…?

In other news, Activision also announced that to celebrate Veteran's Day, the company donated $3 million to the Call of Duty Endowment, a non-profit, public benefit corporation that tries to get jobs and training for veterans. That makes $5 million Activision has donated in total. So thanks to all the military members out there.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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12 years ago

A lot of people complaining about this game but the sales don't lie. I bet there's a least a few people who trashed the game who secretly own it lol.

12 years ago

I trash it and I dont own it ;).

I'm not really against CoD, i've been playing every year release since MW1 and I just can't pay for more of the same.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

You know, I would just like to say that while 6.5 million is massive, Uncharted 3 sold – yes, SOLD – 3.8 million on day one.

Considering that one is available on only ONE platform and CoD is a world-beater, I think the numbers are extremely encouraging.

12 years ago

I were thinking the exact same thing. It really put the U3 sales into perspective. Incredibly impressive!

12 years ago

That's got to be some sort of first day record for Playstation right? that's absolutely awesome

12 years ago

Sold to who? You can't be telling me 3.8 mill customers bought UC3 on day one. That's better than WEEK one sales of the PS3's BF3 and GTAIV COMBINED. Hell, Black Ops took a week to sell 4.5 mill on the PS3. But UC3 sold 3.8 in ONE day? Sure they did. To WalMart.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Fine. You're right. Stop talking now.

12 years ago


Sony actually stated Uncharted 3 sold 3.8 million copies globally on day one..just sayin..

12 years ago

Alienage once again completing against _______ for PSX's court jester.


12 years ago

@ alienange, he just did.

Last edited by friction on 11/11/2011 2:45:37 PM

12 years ago

jawk, lately, i think alienage has been much worse. at least with _____ you kinda expect it.

12 years ago

I don't know. Guess I'm obviously in the minority. I don't like realistic war games with people on people violence. I prefer Resistance 3 type games. That's insane though that so many people bought this game. Guess these are the most popular out there to the masses.

12 years ago

same here, i'll play Killzone or resistane for FPS, but yeah we all know whats popular

12 years ago

Since when is MW realistic? If it were, I might be interested.

500+ foot snowmobile jumps…yeah, that's exactly like being in battle.

12 years ago

http : // www . youtube . com / watch?v=keUDMw4i2HY&feature=related
that video says it all right there.

Last edited by raptassassin on 11/11/2011 11:02:44 AM

12 years ago

im glad im NOT part of that number jezz i really dislike this game… dare to be different, the only reason it sold so much is cause those people that only play games like madden and nba( things most gamers cant) COD appeals to them i hear it all the time, " i only play madden and COD" cant stand it and then they try to call themselves gamers

12 years ago

Well that simply isn't true. The reason it sold so much is because CoD has a extremely solid fan base. Then those fans have friends that they encourage to get the game once they get a console. Word of mouth along with media advertising is why this game sold so much.

"things most gamers cant" Are you implying that most gamers can't play Madden or NBA 2K series? I hope not…but people who only play those games are still gamers..just the casual gamer..I don't think they'd argue or make a claim to be hardcore gamers..

12 years ago

A solid fanbase who didn't realize they're paying for more of the same every year.

12 years ago

Since these launches are so big now, I think it's time they started having them at, say… 6pm or something. This midnight stuff doesn't work anymore. Would be nice to get a new launch early in the evening and actually play it a while before heading back to work.

12 years ago

if you want it at 6pm, pick it up at 6pm on the day it comes out…

Last edited by aaronisbla on 11/11/2011 8:23:02 PM

12 years ago

@ Ben

I don't think they have the time to create a new engine as IW/Sledgehammer and Treyarch only have 2 years to create each new game. If I am not mistaken, engines can sometimes take 3-5 years to develop. Activision needs to give them a break so they can create a new engine. Or they couuld create another development team to work on a new engine. You would think they would have the money to do this considering the yearly revenue for COD.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yes, I know all that.

The franchise needs a new engine, plain and simple. It's over 6 years old now.

12 years ago


That's not an excuse, they just can stop releasing the same damn stuff every year and create another engine

12 years ago

These are very impressive numbers, but it's really no surprise. COD is the justin bieber of gaming. LOL. I'm not knocking it although i do like BF series better. I'm just saying, it really is like a pop star releasing a new album every year. I agree that they need a new engine. I mean cod could really benefit from destructable environments or something like that. Anyway, this is already old news in my eyes because its the same thing year after year. Congratulations Activision i guess…

12 years ago

I'm really sick of hearing, "the biggest launch in entertainment history." Video games should not be compared to movies, music, books, etc. when it comes to sales figures. I movie ticket costs $8-$15. A video game costs $60+. There's an obvious reason to why Modern Warfare 3 made more in its first day than, say, Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. Anyway, there's my rant.

On a side note, I was thinking the same thing in regards to Uncharted 3's sales that you were, Ben. 3.8 million on a console that everyone once thought wouldn't last compared to the 6.5 million that a multiplatform title brought in? Like Beamboom said… it really brings things into perspective.

12 years ago

Well, if you look at it as hours of entertainment per dollar payed, it is the biggest entertainment launch. However, I personally compare to the movie industry and not literature, etc.

12 years ago

The UK and US love wars, even virtual ones.


12 years ago

Apparently you do to Mr Helghast.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Not taking away anything from U3, but I'm pretty sure those were the numbers sold in 2 REGIONS only, jus' sayin'.

LMAO @ Ben's stop talking now.

& to the guy that was somewhat implying that those that play Madden & NBA can't be called gamers; that's utter bullsxxt, homey. Not everyone's preference is the same.

12 years ago


12 years ago

i understand why some people hate COD – when I first started playing I was really crap too and didn't enjoy it much – if you practice some you to could be a decent gamer. If however you have poor dexterity and slow reactions – stick to rpg's

12 years ago

lets see who bites first

12 years ago


12 years ago


Last edited by TrophyHunter on 11/11/2011 5:11:01 PM

12 years ago

Nevermind this trash, I get no Skyrim because it's Veterans day!

12 years ago

wait, it's been taken up by UPS, do they work today?

12 years ago

UPS will still deliver, USPS is off though.

12 years ago

Well done to activision i picked up MW3 on tuesday finished the story in a few hours. The story was very good, then i went on the mp it is basically MW2 except with new maps, different guns etc, don't get me wrong i do enjoy the mp although i feel it and the game engine need changing. So far already MW3 is filled with campers, well at least i have BF3 online to play and uncharted 3 to finish if i get frustrated with MW3.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
12 years ago

i am happy to announce that i am NOT part of the 6.5 million people that bought this. ^_^

12 years ago

welcome to the club lol

12 years ago

to be honest, i know this differs from most of the views here, but i think cod should continue to stay to its roots

no doubt it could use some graphical overhauls by a new engine, but i disagree with the people who want something new and different from the old ones, if they change it up, people will just complain that they ruined the winning formula, activision cant win either way

i enjoy mw for my multiplayer, social fun, and uncharted when i want to play seriously, i havent got uncharted 3 yet due to exams, but once i finish ill join that 3.8million D1P players and finish it off in 2 days because i cant put the controller down

12 years ago

i dont mind if the core of the game stays the same, i wish final fantasy core gameplay stays the same too, but they should at least update/improve it a lot more between games. right now they're basically releasing modern warfare 1 with a different story and skin, everything else stays the same, even the problems online. they also reuse and recycle assets like buildings a whole damn lot. saw an article on kotaku that they reused one of the buildings from modern warfare 1 into modern warfare 3 and it looked better in modern warfare 1.

12 years ago

they definitely need to upgrade the engine – it still runs smoothly – and the controls are slick compared to BF3's mushy responses – but before the next generation of consoles comes out – they need a graphics upgrade that can still support the 60fps that COD games need. Whether next years iteration from Treyarch are the first to use a new engine – i dunno – Infinity Ward have been the innovators up to now…

The age of the game is apparant more so on the PC version. I got BF3 and MW3 on both PS3 and PC – BF3 on the PC blows away MW3 – unfortunately BF3's PS3 controls are sluggish and unresponsive compared to MW3's PS3 version.

12 years ago

holy bat sauce batman who would of ever expected that!?
sorry, my sarcasm module is on the fritz……

12 years ago

MGS collection all the way 🙂

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