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God Of War IV Has Estimated Date Of September 2012?

Many have wondered when we might see the next God of War , primarily because developer Sony Santa Monica said they'd be taking a break from the franchise after God of War III .

But GoWIII launched back in March 2010, so maybe it's time to start sniffing around for rumors and evidence concerning the next action extravaganza.

We've seen some job listings in the past but nothing like this: a reader has sent us a link to New Zealand retailer Mighty Ape , and this clearly shows God of War IV with an estimated launch date of September 28, 2012. Now, that could be just a placeholder date or a flat-out mistake, and let's not forget that it isn't a US source. However, September of next year doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility, although it'd be breaking the franchise's tradition of releasing new installments in March. We'd love to think it's actually accurate…

Recently, we asked if GoWIV should have a different character and setting ; perhaps that question will be answered before the end of the year. Either that, or Sony will wait to announce it at a big gaming event.

Thanks blitz30952.

Related Game(s): God of War IV

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12 years ago

Could happen. Hopefully David Jaffe is on this then. I like his idea of moving toward a more 'Darksiders' approach with puzzles, variety, etc. mixed with obscene amounts of gore and combos.

12 years ago

I second that

12 years ago

No chance of that

12 years ago

david back at $ony SM and working on this would be a freaking dream come true!
in fact a little too good to be true………

12 years ago

Here's hoping for an announcement at this year's VGAs!

12 years ago

That would be a very brief development cycle considering they didn't start it right away but the sweet engine IS in place. I still wonder about that weirdo vehicle combat job posting Santa Monica had. Chariot races?

12 years ago

Have just finished 1 and 2 back to back and am halfway through 3 now, god i love these games but kinda feel that there's no need for a fourth and maybe a new ip would be better. Last thing we need is for such an awesome series as this to end up as another CoD banging out annual releases living on the greatness of the earlier titles. Saying that though, i know if 4 appears that i will buy it 🙂

12 years ago

Don't get me wrong here. I LOVE the God of War franchise, and Kratos is the king of anti-hero's. But I think his story is told. I want a new direction, a new story, a new main character, and a different mythos. I'd love to see Santa Monica tackle another flavour of mythology. Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, etc…

Still, if Kratos is back for another installment you can count this gamer in on day 1.

12 years ago

I want the aztec mythology too 🙂

12 years ago

Not sure about another GoW..Sure I want to know what exactly happened to Kratos at the end of GoW III..At the same time..who else can he exact revenge on? It's always been rumored to turn to Norse mythology but iono..Anything Kratos related I'm on board with..

12 years ago

As others have already said, I feel that Kratos' story has been told and concluded quite fittingly. I just hope they don't water down the other games just for a new installment.

12 years ago

They should introduce a new protagonist. Or is Kratos the antagonist? Either way I would like an all new take on the series. I'd go to War with Kratos anytime but I'd like some time to miss his sagas. 3 years or more and we begin to see teases here and there. Show his Blades vaugely to indicate that the True Spartan will soon return. He could bring in the next generation.

PlayStation 4. Ready For War!

On another note. Id Love to see a Modern Day God of War. The Ancestors of Kratos discover their Bloodline and bring Myth and Legend to the Future. Where only Chaos will restore Order. Anything is possible….

Last edited by FatherSun on 11/9/2011 12:10:41 PM

12 years ago

GoW3 got a big 'meh' from me. It was fun, but got old fast. But I managed to finish it. No game can go unfinished, unless it's Borderlands. I'd welcome another GoW, though.

12 years ago

I've finished Borderlands twice while God of War 3, I maybe made it to the halfway point before I stopped playing it. To each their own I guess.

12 years ago

Yeah. I genuinely tried to like the game with the 4 player co-op with friends, but I just couldn't get into it.

12 years ago

Sony always blows announcing a game at big events, I expect to hear about it from them sooner.

12 years ago

Awesome 🙂

12 years ago

OK but has this been confirmed by either Sony or Santa Monica though????

12 years ago

I live in New Zealand and this is the first I've heard of this. Mighty Ape is a decent website down these ways – although even I'm not 100% convinced? I'd like to see something new too, but imagine though if there was insider knowledge down here in the country where WETA Productions and Sir Peter Jackson have created some of the most impressive animation in movies? … Tintin for example … if they get involved, Kratos (or whomever) may never have looked so good … oh well, I'm sure we'll find out more soon? … or not.

Last edited by Socrates on 11/10/2011 1:39:53 AM

12 years ago

i seriously doubt that dates even half accurate!
GOW3 was in development when 2 started development, and that was out what 6 years ago?
GOW3 took over 6 years to make, so how the hell are they going to throw out GOW4 in 2?
yea the engines already built, but still no way in hell they could do a GOW game in only 2 years!
plus $ony would announce this at E3, so that only leaves 2 months to release the game.
nah, were not going to see this releasing next year!

12 years ago is where I ALWAYS buy games from and now I'm deciding to Pre-order The
GOD OF WAR IV already… Here's the link if you think its fake, its not!

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