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“Winter Of RPGs” Delivers Three Classics To PSN

Three great RPGs (even though I wasn't a big fan of one). All of them worth playing. …get 'em on the PlayStation Network.

Square Enix has placed plenty of PS1 classics on the PSN this generation and recently, we heard rumors that Final Fantasy V , Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Cross would be going the digital downloadable route.

Now, it's official . All three gems will be part of S-E's "Winter of RPGs" campaign, which starts on November 8 with Chrono Cross . Most critics will say it's not only one of the best RPGs in history, it's one of the flat-out best games ever made. Then comes FFV, which arrives on November 20, and FFVI, which is scheduled to land on December 6. So yeah, Bartz, Terra, and Kefka will all be coming back and if you want to take a trip down memory lane, you know what to do.

Me, I got FFV and FFVI when Squaresoft re-released early Square classics with Final Fantasy Chronicles and Final Fantasy Anthology . And of course, I have Chrono Cross . But not everyone has those, right?

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12 years ago

I also own all these PS1 games, but I would love me some portable Chrono Cross! Too bad the FFVI version is so shotty though eh? Blah, I may pick it up if it's $5.99 like some of the other SE classics, but I dunno. I'd get Chrono Cross for $9.99 though, if it came to that.

Hmmm… PS1 classics on Vita anyone? I'm still unsure whether we'll be able to play PS1/PSP/PS2 games on it. That actually will weigh into my buying decision on the PSVita.

12 years ago

anything on psn that works on a current psp should work on the vita.

12 years ago

really want chrono cross, wonder when it will be released in uk.

12 years ago

Goodie. I want to play them all, but I don't have the time. Especially when I already have several "worthy to play" PSX jRPG's hanging out with my dusty PSP.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

These are still cheaper on eBay than they'll be on PSN, and ebay prices drop once a game becomes downloadable. No reason to download them, unless you really want them on PSP.

Either way, they're all great games.

Hey Ben, have you noticed the load times on Chronicles and Anthologies are a lot faster on PS3 than they were on PS1? They're not nearly as long as I've heard – like 1/4th of a second rather than 8 seconds.

12 years ago

I don't see a price.

12 years ago

I'm currently playing FFV on my phone, I get bored riding the bus home from downtown so I hadda do somethin. For some reason I could never get into Chrono Cross, something bugged me about it.

12 years ago

Same here, couldn't get into Chrono Cross either even though I did beat it twice and got every character. I think it was because I was expecting a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger. Plus I didn't get how to levelup characters.

12 years ago

Hey Ben,

Of those three games, which one wasn't your favourite? I'm guessing FF V since FF VI and Chrono Cross have a MASSIVE fan following, almost as strong as FF VII!!!

12 years ago

Already have all of them originals for PS1, but it's good news for everyone who don't.

Last edited by godsdream on 11/3/2011 11:26:21 PM

12 years ago

Autocrossbow! I want one…

12 years ago

Yay FFV!! The best SNES FF.

Exdeath will consume you!!

12 years ago

I do like FFV, but with a name like Exdeath I couldn't take him seriously.

12 years ago

So, this winter of RPGs is really nothing new since it's retro PS1 titles. As much as I love them, SE has no right to claim this season of RPGs when they have done nothing for current generation RPG lovers.

12 years ago

Maybe it's referring to the season of "Really Patient Gamers" while we wait for any kind of news about FF Versus XIII.

12 years ago

It's still A winter of RPGs sorta, Skyrim and Dark Souls, maybe Kingdoms of Amalur

12 years ago

I know it's just me, but I just do not see the appeal of Skyrim.

12 years ago

I agree with all of you, actually. Not really fair to be a big winter of RPG sale and not actually contribute with any new RPG's.

Yet, at least there are some successful wRPG's this season.

12 years ago

Fantastic! I just got my US PSN Account, So I now have Parasite Eve, Xenogears,Chrono Trigger & now Chrono Cross has been announced I am so happy, as I have never had the chance to play it. As for FFVI its one PS1 classic we have had over the US for a while… and yes its awesome.

12 years ago


My old disc copy was busted long ago. Now I can finally play it again. ON PSP!

Question about the versions of FFV and FFVI… I assume they're exactly the same as the Chronicles/Anthology versions. But does that mean that they still have the load time issues or what? I know the GBA versions had new translations and such, and it would be pretty sweet if they threw that in.

Either way, these are three of the greatest video games of all time, so I'm pretty stoked. 😀


12 years ago

I don't know about the US version but the PAL PS1 version off FF6 still has thge long loading time for the menu. It's exactly like the PS1 release, I imagine the US version will be too.

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