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Does GTAV Have A Chance To Outsell Modern Warfare 3?

It's an interesting question.

Grand Theft Auto IV sold a whopping 22 million copies and according to analyst projections , the recently revealed GTAV has a chance to sell 24 or 25 million. Now, those same analysts predicted similar lifetime numbers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , which launches next week.

Some say MW3 could sell nearly 30 million, however. And with the generation perhaps winding to a close over the next couple of years, we don't see anything else that could challenge either title for the overall sales crown. Maybe competition won't matter, either; CoD can keep launching amidst the insane fall lineup every year, and Activision never has to worry about sales. Same goes for GTA; nothing can really have a significantly negative impact on the game's launch.

Review scores may have some effect, as analyst Michael Pachter predicted that GTAV could sell 20-25 million in its first year provided it nets "mid-90s reviews." Does GTA rely a little more on critical reception than CoD? There are plenty of questions to ask but in the end, do you think GTAV has a chance to top MW3 in the overall sales department?

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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12 years ago

I don't know about beating CoD, but a close runner up for sure. Love it or hate it, CoD sells on a name alone. Although, so does GTA… This will be awesome to see if it topples it.

12 years ago

Indeed, we need some games to beat COD's sales. Then that will mean more smart gamers.

12 years ago

I think it will fall just short, but I hope it addresses the stuff that turned people off about GTAIV and maybe takes some steps the series really needs like a decent hand to hand fighting mechanic.

12 years ago

Allow me to clarify, as per the article's focus I think the sales will fall just short of Modern Warfare 3's.

12 years ago

Where did I say it would suck?

12 years ago

@World, I agree. As much as I LOVE the GTA games, they are SO CLOSE to being so much more. The hand-to-hand combat was pretty terrible in the PS2-era games, and GTA IV wasn't a ton better. In the post-Uncharted, post-Gears world we live in I am SURE Rockstar sees the importance of super-polished combat gameplay, and they will have plenty of templates to work off of.

12 years ago

You need to settle down; yes I've made it very clear that my opinion is that the fun and originality lies in the Saint's Row series now over Grand Theft Auto. I think that's still okay around here.

And it has been many years since I played San Andreas, I have a great deal of information in my head I need to access and the names of particular areas in games from last generation don't sit at the forefront so I asked that question because I wanted to know the answer to it.

12 years ago

I felt like he was back tracking a little bit there world.

Personally I don't think I'm excited for either of the games.

12 years ago

I don't know, but I hope it does for the sake of gaming. 2 things that I do know is that I've never bought a CoD and I got GTAIV and also I'll be buying this baby.

12 years ago

No it's not possible to beat, cod since there are a lot of pre-orders and people that are going to be buying it. I hope Grand Theft Auto 5 has a midnight launch as well.

12 years ago

i think it could beat it only due to people been wanting a new gta game for way to long. It's similar to people who want kingdom hearts 3 or new jax and daxter

12 years ago

Let's not start up a "Big Game vs. Big Game" thing again…

12 years ago

i say most definitely. GTA 3 is what caused the surge in gaming. it didnt matter if u knew gaming or not when folks discovered GTA they went crazy.

if GTA5 has most of the activities from San Andreas with the stage of graphics we reached… if it doesnt sell of shelves fast as any COD it well sell more overall.

12 years ago

That's pretty debatable. But I know where your coming from and it definitely made an impact, especially for open world games.

12 years ago

I dont think so, maybe close but not outsell

12 years ago

no way. cod benefits from people buying it to play with their friends and that its an easy to pick up and play game. even the mighty gta series would have trouble out selling cod. that's unfortunate, but true. another factor is the direction gta goes. i know a lot of gta fans were pretty split on gta4. many did not care for it and say it's overrated. is the gta brand as strong as it once was? maybe not.

12 years ago

Oh I think once a GTA fan always a GTA fan. I wasn't overly impressed with GTA4 and will say it's a lesser experience than gta3 and vice city. I might be one of the few who didnt get into San Andreas. With that said I'm going to give gta5 a chance because I do like the games.

12 years ago

"once a GTA fan always a GTA fan" I agree. I was hugely disappointed with gta4. Still, when the gta5 trailer was here I almost screamed like a little girl. The love for GTA is still there, embedded in the core of my gamer heart.

12 years ago

you forgetting IV actually had a great MP mode?
GTA should sell better then MW3 for 1 simple reason.
there are MANY COD wannabes and so many get pretty close.
but there is VERY few GTA wannabes and even fewer get close.
in short if you want a GTA game you basically have to buy GTA.
if you want a COD game, well take your pick from the list as long as the sun is hot!
though i have to confess thats true, once a GTA fan always a GTA fan.
not even the massive disappointment of IV is enough to destroy my love of the series!
i saw the trailer today, and, well, im as giddy as a kid in a candy shop!

12 years ago

you guys may be correct. i've read a lot comments where gamers have ranted about the direction gta 4 took. many seemed let down by it. that does not mean they swore off the series though. 1 off game does not mean you totally swear off a series unless it's final fantasy game i guess.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I'd say that's right.

I think every great video game franchise has at least one entry that falls short of fans expectations, but usually isn't enough to keep them away from future releases.

I didn't like GTA IV that much, but i always held out hope that i would like V, and it looks i will.

Even though i didn't really like GTA IV, i did see the quality in it. I never thought the GTA series declined in quality, i just didn't like the direction IV took.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 11/3/2011 5:26:39 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Before i watched the trailer i had no intention of getting GTA V, but now i do. And one of the reasons for that is because it looks like the military jets are making a return. WOOHOO!!!.

I hope GTA V has all of the side games that the original San Andreas had, things like gambling, low rider competitions, and everything else.

As for whether or not it will outsell MW3, i'd say it has a more than average chance. Actually it probably has a better chance to outsell next years COD since it won't be a MW game, i could be wrong though.

On a side note, i hope Rock Star will consider doing a GTA HD collection to hype the release of V. I would love to play the original San Andreas (as well as 3 & Vice City) in HD, and with trophies.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 11/3/2011 4:01:26 AM

12 years ago

are clouds white?
is the sky blue?
is water wet?
do cows go moo?
of course it has a chance to sell as well as MW3, in fact its got a chance to OUTSELL MW3!
its freaking GTA for crying out loud, before MW GTAIV was THE BEST selling game of all time!

12 years ago

No, maybe gta is to hard for cod fan, cod fan just want headshot…

12 years ago

Out of the two I'd like to think GTA deserves to sell more but realistically I have myself thinking MW3 will.

12 years ago

I believe it will reasons why is MW is a shooter war game which i think are just being pushed out with no care or heart in making them. GTA is amazing franchise and the company is amazing they take their time in making their games we've waited a long time for a new GTA so you know they have taken a lot of time in this game.

12 years ago

Yes. It will.

12 years ago

Without question GTA V has a chance of outselling MW3. Theres rumours of GTA V being downloadable only and sold as a download code in box, a bold move but I doubt its true.

12 years ago

no way is that rumour true. it was started by some crack smoking industry ananlyst who made a pitch for it. he could see it happening is all he really said. patcher chimed in and said no way was that happening. a code in a box? what are you supposed to do? go home and spend a week downloading the full game? screw that. not happening.

12 years ago

I don't see it outselling MW3 but it does stand a chance of coming close

12 years ago

I'm going on the record now..GTA V is going to outsell CoD easily..GTA IV sold over $22 million copies..With more consoles in homes due to price drops I expect the number of GTA V sales to take a enormous jump.

12 years ago

*didn't meant 22 million copies..too late to edit post

12 years ago

1. Buy lottery ticket.
2. Win the lottery
3. Buy 30 million copies of GTA5
4. Wait for Activision to stop crying
5. …
No, that's pretty much all I want to do. 🙂

12 years ago

With a question like this, I always think of the parents. Buy a kid a military shooter, or a game like GTA whose track record is no secret to even some of the most oblivious parents(for the most part). Sorry, COD wins. It goes without saying, however, GTA will sell like hotcakes. I'd even go as far as saying that the difference would be under 1-2 mil. Though I wouldn't say it'll outsell COD.

Last edited by JLB1 on 11/3/2011 6:17:11 PM

12 years ago

GTAV deserves more sales

12 years ago

Never met a person who doesn't like GTA. It's a top seller all the time no game could compare to it because it's the original open world action adventure game. GTA paved the path for a whole generation. CoD has to face off against Battlefield. I think the sales will be closer with those 2 rather than with GTA.

12 years ago

If Modern Warfare 3 beats GTAV in sales, then I'll feel kind of ashamed to be a gamer, seriously…

12 years ago

I really do think it has a chance. Topping MW3 would be one hell of a feat.

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