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Three Silent Hill Titles Will Frighten You Throughout Q1 2012

It's one of the best franchises in gaming, especially if you're into terrific horror experiences.

And there's even more Silent Hill goodness than we could've hoped for, as Konami has announced that a Silent Hill title will be on store shelves in each of the first three months of 2012.

It starts with the Silent Hill HD Collection on January 24. This was delayed beyond its original fall 2011 release, and features overhauled versions of both Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 , along with new voice performances. Then comes a launch title for the PlayStation Vita; the formerly revealed Silent Hill: Book of Memories , which comes out alongside Sony's new portable on February 22.

Last but not least is the highly anticipated new entry in the franchise, Silent Hill: Downpour , which is now scheduled to hit the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in March. So who's up for a full quarter of thrills and chills?

Related Game(s): Silent Hill HD Collection

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12 years ago

I wish Silent Hill 4 was on the HD collection. I know it got some negative reviews, but I thought the overall atmosphere was spooky and the design was creative (being stuck in your room).

Silent Hill: Book of Memories. I'm not one to prematurely cut down a game, but umm, I'll definitely have to wait to see what people think of it. Right now it looks like a pile of crap, but let's hope once I get down into its core there is a hidden nugget of gold underneath all the layers of excrement. Just like Final Fantasy, this is one series I hope one day makes a comeback.

Here is to hoping…

12 years ago

I loved that crazy room, the rest troubled me because nothing actually died permanently.

12 years ago

The Concept and story of The Room is brilliant. But my god did it have flaws in its gameplay. The melee combat had such minimal range. But what really got me on the second half was when you have to guide the woman. To go through a door you have to have her right next to you. Otherwise she'll stay in the previous area getting attacked. What is really bad though is the Man in the black coat can just walk through any door he pleases, thats just a gameplay imbalance.

Then of course, there is the backtracking… possibly the worst form of backtracking I have played within any game… Still I would rather play thsi than any SH game which proceeded it.

12 years ago

I definitely understand the qualms with the gameplay, but I still enjoyed it regardless. I thought the gameplay in the first half of the game was alright, melee and all, it's just in the second half when you have the woman with you that peeved me, especially since it was all just backtracking through the same areas. I did love all the crazy stuff that goes on in your room though second half, that was awesome. Freaked the shit out of me first time through the game.

I wouldn't have minded the invincible ghosts/Walter so much if it was just you that was in need of protecting. Unfortunately it wasn't the case. They could have still included her but in smaller doses would have been nicer.

Here's to hoping Downpour is alright! Let's hope we don't have to listen to Korn music while playing though =P

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 11/3/2011 5:13:32 AM

12 years ago

I'm hopeful for Downpour but that gameplay trailer thing was kinda weak. Hope it's better than it looked in that early build.

12 years ago

2 and 3 yea, but the likelihood of downpour scaring me is, well, as likely as scooby doo knocking on my door and handing me the keys to the world!
ie its never gonna happen!

12 years ago

It 'was' one of the best franchises in gaming. Though since Silent Hill 3 it has just gone down hill. The Book of Memories game is just a pure exploitation of the franchise, It has no resemblance to SH at all other than chucking a few trademark monsters in.

As for Downpour, from what I have seen so far, it just does not feel like a Silent Hill game. If anything it looks closer to Alan Awake. The combat already looks clunkly and the monsters unoriginal. I just cannot get excited for this.

As for the SH HD Collection, Apparently they have changed the voice acting, which is due to Konami not being fair to the voice actor of James. It's understandable, but still dissapointing. So I will stick to my PS2 version of SH2.

12 years ago

I love silent hill games, can't wait for more next year will be spooky 🙂
Now only if I could have either fatal frame redone for the ps3 or another fatal frame game love those games as well 🙂

12 years ago

I am looking forward to the SH collection but ffs i wish they would alter the current horrible voice acting! That is a big issue for me personally after playing the PS2 SH2 & SH3 games for years. I've become used to the old voice overs & their tones & it just doesn't seem natural hearing these new voices, that emotion & soul is just lacking man.

Maria, Eddie & James just sound terrible now. Eddie has lost that chilling passiveness & Maria has lost that downplayed sultryness while James sounds more happy than he does depressed. I am almost scared to see what they will do to Heather from SH3.

I also agree that SH4 The Room should be part of this collection, it was one of the better PS2 SH offerings (Much more better than Origins & Shattered Memories) imo.

As for SH Downpour, i will grab it as the survival horror in me is starving but i am not expecting this to torment my nerves & unsettle my bowels like SH2 or SH3 did back in the day.

Either way, personal ranting aside, this is a game with the words "Silent" & "Hill" in it therefore i will buy it, but at the same time keep my PS2 copies too.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 11/3/2011 7:21:28 AM

12 years ago

Waiting on the HD collection..Silent Hill 2 is my favorite with 3 right behind it. I never could get into The Room..It just didn't hold my interest like 2 and 3. Hopefully Downpour will bring the series back to where it should be.

12 years ago

I was hoping for a SH5… 🙁

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