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Namco Bandai Ships 1.5 Million Darkened Souls

If you were up for the challenge, you weren't the only one. It seems publisher Namco Bandai needed to meet high global demand.

According to developer From Software (as translated by Andriasang ), Dark Souls has now shipped 1.5 million units to stores around the world.

As you can see by the region listings, North America received the largest number of copies (620,000), while Europe got 470,000, and Japan saw 370,000. Remember, From Software released the game exclusively on the PlayStation 3 in Japan, so that number is substantial. Of course, none of these numbers indicate actual sales performance, but when shipped stats are this high, we have to assume people are buying the game.

Obviously, one should expect it to surpass its predecessor, Demon's Souls , as the original IP was only released for the PS3 (everywhere, not just Japan). Dark Souls is multiplatform outside of Japan so that should definitely help with the overall sales. It'll be interesting to see the PS3/360 split, though, won't it…?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls

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12 years ago

nope i am not i got deamon souls and still not beat it just dont have the time to hit my head on the wall these days

12 years ago


Well said, said it better than me. I also forgot that part. But I know the developer said something about thinking about the story with the pieces they give you like using your imagination of what you think is going on. It's along the lines of that of what they said.

12 years ago

I would have expected a far higher number for it truly deserves to be played by any rpg fan.

My Uncharted 3 delivery was delayed by UPS (for which Amazon apologized) and so I'm currently trophy hunting on New Game+ with about 70 invested hours.

12 years ago

i not seen any talk about how good the story is only how hard it is
to me story makes a game i love RPGs but if there story is week and its more work then fun why shoud i get it

12 years ago


Dark Souls and Demon's Souls I would say is more for the Hardcore RPG fan, not everyone will like the experience that it will put down on you.

Demon's Souls didn't feel like it had a story, but it showed you bits and pieces of the world that you had to put together, and you had to think of what was going on. I don't remember exactly what the developer said about it, but they wanted you to imagine what was going on with the pieces they gave for the story.

(something like that) I don't feel like looking for the article they did for it though.

12 years ago

The story is about you saving or dooming the world.

You can join different factions to change your experience but the ending is split in two. What happens, I will not say but I can say this: Although it seems like *another* saving the world story, it is well done and gives you alot of freedom. It is also much less *cliched* or *typical ordinary* than your out of the mill jrpg with a brave hero and his childhood girl friend lol. I love Jrpgs but to me one of the lacking factor in most of them (not all) was the story (points WKC 1 lol the game was awesome all around but the story OMG it was Mario trying to save peach all over again and again and again… Worst thing… You don't even know the girl and put your life on the line for her O_O At least Mario got acquainted to Peach in TV shows and stuff lol). And I think Dark Souls, although not heavily narrated with tons of script, does a very good job.

Dark Souls's world is also filled with mystery and secret things you want to uncover. You really feel like *your not at home* and *youre not welcome* when you play that game at first.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 11/2/2011 7:00:49 PM

12 years ago

I'm getting it for Christmas 😀

12 years ago

Hopefully will buy it by the end of this yr.

12 years ago

It looks tempting but I haven't had a chance to finish of Deus Ex yet with the horror that is midterms and I just pre-ordered Skyrim for PC.
Plus I may get uncharted 3 before dark souls depending on which one I can find a better deal on.
I never remember having gaming decisions this difficult when I was a young'n.

12 years ago

i wanted to get this and had it preordered but i couldnt afford it. only game i could get was uncharted 3. maybe one day i will try this game

12 years ago

Im having a great time with it. The first 1st week it came out, I played it non stop & then slowed down on it a bit. I wanted to finish some of the backlog I was almost done with first, then concentrate on it. To me, the only way you can get through Dark Souls/Demon's Souls is giving it your full gaming time.

12 years ago

Game is great but the lock system… Jesus Christ! is worse than the Demon's Souls one.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/2/2011 3:05:48 PM

12 years ago

Demon's Souls Lock-On system was perfect, I didn't have any problems with it, but the only problem was me using it in an area which I shouldn't have.

But the Lock-On system in Dark Souls seems like it doesn't want to Lock-On people when I try to switch targets for some reason, sometimes It'll work smoothly sometimes it won't. It just seems slow to me for some reason.

12 years ago

I'm still hanging in there.

12 years ago

Its beaten me unfortunately…

Only a dozen hours in but I see a lot of grinding needed to get past some of the next bosses.

Think I need to grimly realise that I've not got the gaming time of my youth any more and it's not really the sort of game you dip into once or twice a week!

Damn it, youth is wasted on the young!

For any student or gamer with loads of spare time I would recommend it fully… It needs your full attention, care and devotion.

I think I need to stick to Uncharted 3.

12 years ago

I got the Platinum on Demon's Souls, in about 200 hours. Most likely I will pick up Dark Souls for Christmas.

12 years ago

Not bad numbers im sure it will sell as time rolls on. Funny it sold more in america cuz 9 out of 10 invaders that invade my game are japanese players. Anyhow about the lack of story, dark souls gameplay and multiplayer elements combine make up for a story and it excels. Not many developers can do what from software can do. You the gamer playing the game is the story you forge your own path. Your a helpless individual released into a twisted and dark world where the game itself wants to kill you, other players out there wants to kill you, some want to help you and then kill you lol. It never gets old and my heart always start pumping when my bonfire goes out and fog gates seal areas signalling an imminent invasion. I keep my sheild up my pyromancy at the ready and prepare for the worst. Im 200+ hours in and going i am the story and so is my hard faught battles.

12 years ago

Very well said! It's one of the best games I've ever played. I dare say on par with Demon's Souls.

On Halloween night, instead of watching a horror movie, I decided to make that trip into New Londo Ruins I kept putting off, my nerves were a wreck. I don't know of another game that can have that affect on your mental well being.

I've been so hooked on the game, I'm even finding it hard enjoying other new releases that I know I should, and normally would, be loving. Batman Arkham City was a victim but I will get back to that game eventually.

12 years ago

Im trying to wrap up dark souls since i just got U3 and i wanna get skyrim and (ducks for cover) mw3 lol. I just camp at anor londo and a few areas which i left bosses alive so i can fish for invaders. I lost lots of sleep thanks to dark souls it actually started to affect my work so ya i need to wrap it up for these next round of games out soon or it will be uneployment for me.

12 years ago

what the?
how does this sell 1.5M units in what a month?
when enslaved struggled to sell .5M units in over a year!
sigh, ill never understand sales……..
i mean seriously, im not saying dark souls is a bad game but you would think a more open appealing game would sell much better then a game that requires the patience of a freaking saint!
i want to get into dark souls one day, but i dont have the cash to buy a new TV and controller so ill wait.

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