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Rumor: A Super Smash Bros.-Type Game For PS3?

Well, it's not exactly an official unveiling but we'll take it…with a frown of uncertainty.

Yesterday, Paul Gale Network teased a big new PS3 exclusive , which the site proceeded to pseudo-announce .

Apparently, it's Sony's take on Super Smash Bros. Brawl . If you're familiar with the game, it's a 2D fighter that features most of the legendary Nintendo mascots. It offers ceaseless action, four-player fun, and the chance for Bowser to square off against Link (and a great many other combat possibilities). As you might expect, Sony will use their mascots for this new title, and the fighting will also take place on a 2D plane.

The source couldn't reveal the actual name of the game, but did give us a sampling of the combatant roster: Kratos, Sly Cooper, Nathan Drake, Fat Princess, Parappa the Rapper, Sweet Tooth, and Rico ( Killzone ). It seems the stages will be "vibrant and varied" and will include locations like Misty Island from Jak & Daxter and LittleBigPlanet . This is nice and all but until we see an official announcement, we're still calling it a rumor.

We also have no idea why a source would wait to "announce" a game when they're not allowed to reveal any pertinent information (developer, publisher, intended platforms, release date, percent complete, etc.). Furthermore, we don't know what designer would give a relatively unknown site such a scoop; things here aren't adding up. So we're skeptical.

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12 years ago

I am still excited at just the thought lol

but there is a good chance he did that to get his page out there, he had no comments on his post and as Ben said why would they break news with a site so unknown.

if he is lying well, he obviously doesn't know what crowd he is dealing with. he's begging to be hacked

and why wasn't this news posted any where on the official sony page, PlayStation blog other major gaming sites and yea he's going to get hacked. lol

12 years ago

I think this is a waste of time honestly… I mean comon, really, Sony " mascots " are a bunch of nobodies when compared to the Nintendo crew, with the exception to snake, who isnt really a PS mascot anyways, and who is already in Brawl…

I think Sony needs to keep their eye on the ball here, and not try to copy Nintendo anymore then they already have… yes Move, I'm lookin at you.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

I love Sly Cooper. Pretty sure he could mop the floor with Cole. It would be nice to get some third-party exclusive characters, too…earlier Final Fantasies? I'd really like to see Valkyrie Profile characters in a fighting game, too.

I wonder how this game will turn out…a traditional 2D fighter like Street Fighter, or 3D like Power Stone? It probably won't copy Smash Bros. entirely, otherwise there'd be no reason to buy it. I like the PS3 a lot obviously, but Nintendo's mascots tend to be a lot cooler, for me at least. I like the legendary swordsman or lonely bounty hunter better than talking animals and guys who spout one-liners (With the exception of Sly, of course ;P)

12 years ago

New game will also be announced at JUMPFESTA in Japan, which coincides with the Vita launch. Source : Andriasang

Last edited by cLoudou on 10/31/2011 10:15:00 PM

12 years ago

Kratos versus Drake??


12 years ago

I call BS on this Paul Gale, it's a hoax.

12 years ago

Smash Bros. was endless fun. Depending on how it's made, I think it could be just as great. I like fighters but a few of them have either let me down or didn't keep me attached as long as I would have hoped.

12 years ago

If it's true, I can't wait to beat the stuffing out of Kratos with Sack Boy.

12 years ago

i hope they comeout with it

12 years ago

It'd be fun if done right. I just doubt its validity. Why would this guy get the scoop and be the only one in the know? It just doesn't make any sense.

I hope it's real, and if it is, I hope it's awesome. But as of now, I don't believe it.

12 years ago

as much as i would love a game like this on ps3, i see nintendo's characters to be more viable to a game like smash bros. i mean the characters in smash bros werent too serious, i dont know how to describe it. the game just screams good clean fun with nintendo characters. when they put solid snake in the new smash bros, he seemed really out of place to me. i dont know, maybe its just the atmosphere of the game itself. they're are a few that would work like sly characters, jax, crash, sackboy. however, most of the well known sony mascots doesnt seem to fit into this kind of game. of course i'm comparing it to the actual smash bros games. i'm not doubting that they cant make one that works, i bet they can. its just probably just my view of what a smash bros type of game would be.

12 years ago

Interesting. Will be tough to go head to head with Super Smash Bros, that game is incredible fun.

If it uses the PS3 to its full capability, has great graphics, a solid physics engine and slows down the action a tad (I swear, I didn't know what I was doing half the time while playing Smash Bros), then I reckon it will be totally worth it!!

If they make it more along the lines of Street Fighter 4 or Mortal Kombat, then it will no doubt be one of the best exclusive fighting games on our machine.

As for the 360 roster on their fighting game…

Master Chief (Halo)
Cortana (Halo)
Marcus Phoenix (Gears of War)
Dom (Gears of War)
Theresa (Fable II)
Alan Wake
Kinectimals pet
ummmm… your avatar

… hmmm… a whole bunch of third party characters that MS paid millions of $ for?

Yep, Sony can pull it off. MS can't. Playstation has more iconic characters, but would be hard to match the roster Nintendo has created over the years.

12 years ago

this is the big ps3 exclusive? big whoop. i told you guys this would not be a big ps3 exclusive and it would be some obscure announcement. could i have been more correct? i'm sure underdog will be dissapointed that i do not have to eat my shorts. epic fail as far as big ps3 exclusive annoncements are concerned. i question the validity of this rumor as well.

12 years ago

'Rumor' We don't know what it will be yet, so I wouldn't pull the trigger just yet.

12 years ago


As the fellow above me said, it is just a rumor at the moment.

But if this does turn out to be the big PS3 exclusive, then i agree with you.

Big whoop x2.

12 years ago

It would be awesome if the game (if it really is true) had 2 types of game. The first a la smash bros. and second a la street fighter. Maybe even add tag team battles. But if this game wants to be a success, they have to include LOTS of cool characters, I say at least 20 or so, and some secret ones obviously, also some extra costumes.
I can see now a fight between kratos and nathan drake, or solid snake and Cole, or sweet tooth and a chimera, etc. There is a lot of big ps3 (and future sony consoles) upside if this is done right.

Last edited by godsdream on 10/31/2011 11:52:24 PM

12 years ago

Again, who in the hell is Paul Gale?????

12 years ago

Smash Bros. is the reason I keep playing my Wii (besides other first-party games). If these rumors prove true, I may just have to finally focus all my attention of the PS3. And with a more robust online system, imagine what a smash-bros like game on the PS3 would be like.

12 years ago

Read up on Paul gale he actually know quite a few people in the business. This might go along with what Sony Santa Monica is doing. They are hiring people that know about coding for online and a multiplayer component. Here's hoping it is Sony Santa Monica.

12 years ago

oh lord.
its playstation move heroes all over again!
come on $ony, havent you shat on our beloved mascots enough yet?
just because ninty whores out the mickey does not mean you have to follow suit!
the wise once said theres no dignity in television.
well, looks like theres no dignity in video games either!
come on, wheres the brand loyalty?
no standards, no shame what so ever!!!!!!!

Last edited by ___________ on 11/1/2011 3:51:53 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I'd be interested in something like this.

I use to play super smash bros on the N64 alot back in the day,

12 years ago

I've been saying that Sony should do this for years. I still don't think it'll happen, though… and if it does happen, I'd rather see Sony's "colourful" characters in it only, rather than people like Kratos, Nathan Drake and the dude from Killzone.

Captain Qwark
Dr. Nefarious
Gol and Maia
Sly Cooper
Parappa the Rapper
Spector and the Ape Escape Apes
UmJammer Lammy
Polygon Man

The Negativitron

Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon
Kevin Butler

I'm sure there's plenty more that I can't think of and I'm also sure this'll never happen.

12 years ago

Add Cloud Strife into the cast of characters and I guarantee it'll break 4 million.

@tridon – Great list. I especially love Kevin Butler as a secret character. hehe

Cole McGrath and Nathan Drake would deserve to be in this too. Even though they're more mature characters, Solid Snake fit in well with Brawl so they could work.

I know this is most likely false but I've been waiting for a Playstation version of Super Smash Bros. for a while.

12 years ago

Ehrgize anyone?

12 years ago

They already tried this; it was called Kung-Fu Rag Dolls….or something like that. I remember it came out as a download the same time as Smash Bros because I bought it and it was not that great; I then went out and bought a Wii just for Smash Bros.

I say this is just a hoax. IF it does come out…I'm not getting it D1.

12 years ago

Had a feeling this could happen after watching the recent PlayStation ad.

12 years ago

smash bros on N64, man i murdered my controller playing against 3 other friends.

tha idea sounds koo but tha way i picture it in my mind it doesnt seem like something i would want… spyro, crash bandicot, kratos & others…. mmmm i dunno. anythings possible it might be amazing if executed right.

12 years ago

Well, all I know about Paul Gale is that he posts on 1up's extremely dead message boards so if he needs to go there with the 10 moderators, 10 regulars, 10 lurkers and 10 editors who appear there then he is indeed small potatoes.

Last edited by n/a on 11/1/2011 4:09:12 PM

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Smash Bros is great, but one thing that makes it so special is the balance. It's perfect (except for metaknight). Why? Link and Ike legitimately stand a fighting chance against each other. Kirby could probably beat Bowser if he tried. But the PlayStation crowd isn't really cohesive. There are a lot of cool, interesting faces, but Crash Bandicoot just doesn't stand a chance against Kratos. Lol.

12 years ago

Nah, this wouldn't make any sense

12 years ago

Sounds like Ragdoll Kung Fu to me.

It was fun for a while.

12 years ago

Hello everyone and thank you to PSX Extreme for linking to my story. That above link is basically saying that the next update I will be able to provide you will come out on November 3rd. I appreciate your patience during this unveiling process and do understand your skepticism and where you're coming from. All will be revealed in time and I hope you continue to be as excited for the game as I am.

12 years ago

I hope they have snake and ratchet

12 years ago

LoL… I dont think this will work out as good as SSB but meh. Bring it on!

12 years ago

Just saw a new story with more details on PaulGaleNetwork if anyone is interested. Pretty cool!

12 years ago

great idea. but c'mon now, bring in some ps/ps2 characters!! final fantasy, crash bandacoot, dante from devil may cry, and some dbz. can't go wrong with that. ^ ^

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