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Square Enix Hosting Final Fantasy XIII-2 Community Event

Do you plan to be in London this week? Are you in London right now ? Okay, probably not, but at least we can still expect some new footage.

Square Enix will be hosting a "unique community event" that focuses on the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2 , and the publisher will show off fresh gameplay.

FFXIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase will be on hand in London, and attendees will get a chance to meet him. The event will be held at the Electric Cinema on November 5 and if you want to go, simply register for the official fan community, the Square Enix Members group. Then you have to complete a form expressing your interest in attending, and you just have to pick one of three time slots. Entry is free and any selected attendees can bring a guest. Bottom line? We're most interested in seeing more gameplay footage, and perhaps more of those staggering cinematics.

Remember, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is scheduled to launch on January 31 in North America.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII-2

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12 years ago

Damn… no one cares about us in London, Ontario.


Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/31/2011 12:18:44 PM

12 years ago

But more people care about London, Ontario than they care about Prince George, British Columbia. I lived there for 20 years, never again me thinks!

12 years ago

hey i liked ff13 so i am not so worried. the only thing i will say about the ff13-2 trailers is the music is just awful. some of features ff13-2 sound interesting. what was the name of that casino in ff7? was it the golden saucer? if it was i heard there is going to be a 2.0 version of it in 13-2. time travel sounds interesting. lighning as an armor clad "warrior godess." sounds pretty awesome.

i'm not so sure how much i like the idea of sarah as a playable character…she looked so fragile in ff13. if i were her father i'd tell her to put some more clothes on. you can't take down enemies looking like that, right? oops i almost forgot this is a ff game. i remember my reaction to tidus's outfit in ff10. he kind of looked like he was sporting something libarche designed. don't even get me started about that god awful girly boy character design for vaan in ff12…cringeworthy.

oh well. very much looking forward to square's unrivaled production values.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

It just shows that SE hopefully understands that folks are letdown with FFXIII and worried that -2 is not going to sell as much.

Not buying -2

Goes back to playing Rage and waits for SKKKKYYYYRRRIIIIMMMMM!!!!!!

12 years ago

Not one to be staggered by cinematics, I think this FF will be a pass for me. All flash and no substance makes for one dull jrpg.

12 years ago

Hey, that's great, Square-Enix. Really super. Nice to see this game receiving enough attention…

Saaaay, you know what game would be great to have its own event as well? Well, off the top of my head, perhaps maybe FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII?!?! Just a thought. Would be nice to hear even a little bit of news. Hell, even if just at Jump Festa. A release date, trailer, screenshot, etc. Just throwing that out there.

12 years ago

I'm heading to London to see Nobuo Uematsu in concert on Saturday. This could be a fantastic tie in.

12 years ago

I saw the Distant Worlds concert when it was in Toronto.

Fantastic fun!

One of the soloists was piss poor awful, though. Hopefully your singers are little better.

12 years ago

I just went to the one in Seoul and it was pretty good. The organ soloist was playing Dancing Mad with some funky timing though, which peeved me a bit, but otherwise that song was done really well! What great shows.

12 years ago

They Sydney one was pretty dam impressive.

12 years ago

the gameplay at the expo was pretty meh exactly what i was expecting after XIII.
FF is officially dead to me!
$E, please for the love of god just do what your fans have been begging of you for the past 5 years!
we want kingdom hearts 3 god dam it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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