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PSXE Poll Update: Fans Don’t Expect PS4 Until 2013

Despite the rumors that internal Sony studios are working on PS4 game concepts, most aren't counting on the new PlayStation to arrive next year.

According to our recent poll, the majority of readers expect Sony to release their new piece of hardware in 2013, although quite a few say it's still a long ways off (2014 or later). Sony has often said the PS3 has a 10-year lifespan but that doesn't mean they won't launch a new machine in that period; they like to say the PS2 had a solid decade under its belt – and it did – but the PS3 launched 6 years into the PS2's reign. We'll also be interested to know if Microsoft will release the new Xbox before the next PlayStation; that will likely determine the tone for the next generation.

This week, we're going to bypass any questions about Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (we know the vast majority of our readers are gonna buy it), and we'd like to focus on the capabilities of the PS3. It's five years old now and we've been reading various comments from developers concerning the available power remaining. Do you think the machine is maxed out? Or do you think there's still a long ways to go?

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12 years ago

I think there is still alot of untapped power left in the ps3.

12 years ago

I voted "No, but there isn't too much power left." but I could be very mistaken. I'm far from the most technically-proficient poster here, but it's just my impression. Uncharted 3 managed to do the impossible by topping Uncharted 2's graphical prowess, but other than that, we're not seeing a lot of graphical improvements particularly from the third-party games. That said though, I think there's still a lot of life yet on the PS3 and I am still not ready for a PS4 at this point in time.

12 years ago

I said "I don't know, it's really hard to say." I'd like to say that the system surely has to be tapped out, or close, but then I also feel that any game released in the next couple years might totally blow everything else out of the water. So "I don't know" was the proper answer for me.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 10/30/2011 9:34:25 PM

12 years ago

I don't think it's 'maxed out', but I also don't think there's a lot of playroom left. We're 5 years in now and all the developers that matter have a pretty good handle on the PS3. We'll continue to see improvement in the later years of the PS3's life (GoW2 comes to mind), but we won't continue to see the drastic leaps in improvement we've seen in the last couple years. And hey, if we do then this gamer will gladly eat his words, gladly.

12 years ago

I think there is still plenty of juice left. So far only Naughty Dog has pushed any kind of limit, so that leaves hmmm… every other developer out there to prove something. (Maybe Polyphony too, I don't play car games) I think it's clear by looking at history that the system won't give up its best stuff until later. See: The Last Guardian.

12 years ago

From what I've read, Kaz and PD is in desperate need of more RAM, to handle both physics and graphics. As we all know, the shadow continues to be a big problem. They're continually trying to refine GT5. The most apparent improvement is the blocky smoke when the car in engulfed in it. Other than that, I doubt they can make the shadows any better unless they tone down on the fps, resolution, cars on tracks, detail, and its really advanced lighting engine. Heck, their physics engine alone takes a pretty good chunk of the PS3's power.

Imo, Kaz visioned too far regarding the PS3's power. Meaning that he may have overestimated its potential. GT5 is a really advance game, and it seems to be overlooked by many. I can't stress enough how advance it really is, and dare anyone to try and find a racing game that is up to scale to what GT5 can do (and no Forza doesn't come close), especially on the PC with 256MB of video ram.

So can PD make a better looking GT game on the ps3? Sure, but surely not by much.

12 years ago

World, I would say Santa Monica and Guerilla have pushed just as hard.

DiCE is not doing a bad job, employing specific SPU optimisation techniques for the PS3 version of Battlefield 3.

On Euro Gamer, Richard Leadbitter came quite close (for the first time ever), to admit that the PS3 has better visuals than the 360 version, thanks to the strength of the SPU optimisation and RSX combination. The lighting in particular is very strong on the PS3.



12 years ago

I voted "No, but there isn't too much power left".

Now with that said, I also agree with World that that almost every developer besides ND, can most certainly "UP" their AAA game coding skills & super-tweaks to make for even more fanstastical games before the PS3 has officially been considered as being completely maxed out.

12 years ago

What games max out the PS3? Can we even name two?? Since when does one or two games that push a console to its limits mean we have to run out and get new system?

12 years ago

I think the question implies more to how much better PS3 games can really get, including ones that are not maxed out, compared to the worth of upgrading to a new console's power.

What I mean is that even with the games that aren't maxed out as you say, can they really improve so much that they'll be significant in difference that a new console isn't needed? Look at the difference between God of War I-II, and God of War III. Which was the bigger jump in improvement. From GoW 1 to 2, or 2 to 3?

If you were to compare say the early games of the PS3 when it launched compared to now, then we can safely say that a new console isn't needed. The difference is clearly significant enough in that case. We're comparing improvements vs. revolution. For the improvements to be close to par with the revolution's worth, the improvements have to be significant. By significant, I mean something that we can easily detect to what has improved. Otherwise, it's time to revolutionize and move on (e.g. new console).

Look at games like Rage, Skyrim, NBA 2K12, BF3 etc. Even if they're not maxed out, how significantly better can they get? If you compared them to the early days of the PS3, you can say Rage, Skyrim, and NBA 2K12 were significant enough in improvements. Look at 2K7 vs 2K12 for example. Can 2K13, 2K14, or even 2K17 improve as much as that (2K7-2K12) for the PS3?

12 years ago

I don't understand why so many people are against a new system people think ok New system just mean new and better graphics but I disagree just like with every new iteration of a system we get more much more. I'll start from psx although not first to do cd's for a console we got cd 's with great visuals(for the time) great games and arguably some of the best RPG'S ever,

ps2 we get updated hardware with DVD player great graphics new ip's Awesome games online gaming on consoles started to take off first MMO on conaoles(to my knowledge) and much more

Now ps3 I probably don't really need to say the milestones its made with games like uncharted heavy rain little big planet resistance etc not mention the psn and other great things that we have gotten (just to many to list)

I haven't mentioned a fraction of what's been done over 15 years and with each passing generation it gets better but most people would rather stat where we are. I'm ready to see what's next because we all know, no matter how good looks it could always look better be better do more be more

12 years ago

Excuse my typos I wasn't done typing accidentally hit submit before I could correct it. I had more to say but o well lol

12 years ago

im going to throw away my ps3 because sony keeps coming out with alot of exclusives and im short of time to play all of them…. please slow down sony… before you come out with the ps4, wait until i beat MGS4 Uncharted 1,2,3 and the other 70 exclusives that you have lined up for me….
until then, just give it a 6 more year; by then, i'll be done with these exclusives

12 years ago

i think PS3 is not maxed out but not much is left, i mean if ND says that then it's got to be right

Last edited by AshT on 10/31/2011 1:43:39 AM

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

I voted 2013 Games Com for PS4

12 years ago

What do you mean exactly by the PS3 being "maxed" out?

The problem with the whole maxed out dilemma is that multiplats are being held back by the 360. We can only really only depend on exclusives for games that are at least close to maxing out the PS3's potential in processing power and physics calculation. Graphics-wise, yes it should pretty much be spent. It's a 5 year old graphics card that is heavily dependent on the PS3's processor and memory, with memory being the main problem.

That being said, it's hopeless to wait on multiplats to get near in maxing out the PS3's potential. We will never see the day multi-plats max out the ps3 in both power, and disc space. For graphics, I honestly think the 360 and PS3 are close to par with each other. The processor is really what's kicking the 360's rear.

12 years ago

Unfortunately you are right, and it is something I have repeatedly talked about here for the past years… Memory is a huge problem.

Reality is the CELL RSX combination can produce some incredible graphics, the issue is having the memory to help store and pass all the information necessary to the CELL and RSX for processing.

Streaming routines have come along way, but I think even the exclusive Sony developers could do so much more with a gig extra of on board memory… what I shame, really!



12 years ago

2014 sounds good to me.
gives time for the tech to evolve, bugs to be worked out, nm process be shrunk down and get cheaper.
reveal 2013 for a 2014 release sounds good.
as for the ps3 being maxed out, nah developers are just saying it for the sake of it.
rolls eyes!

12 years ago

2016 sounds good, the PS3 is only starting to hit its stride now and in 2 years it will be at its peak.

12 years ago

i don't know… i have mixed feelings about this. let's face it the multiplat developers will never max out the ps3 either becuase they do not know how or don't think it's worth their time to try. hell they are barely able to scrape out a multiplat game that is on par with the 360 version.

for a few developers i would say yes the ps3 is tapped out. the majority of developers probably never will max out the ps3. that's a shame too. i wish all games could look as good as kz3 but sadly they do not.

12 years ago

I voted "not maxed out, but not much room left." I think the first party devs are getting extremely close to maxing out the ps3. I don't believe we'll see minor improvements for another year until the PS4 comes out in 2013. There are many other things the PS4 might have other than more RAM so I'm curious to see the next generation of gaming..Although I'm absolutely content with my PS3

12 years ago

I voted no as well, i think it still has plenty of untapped areas but we'll see.

12 years ago

No, it's not, but there's not much left. Actually a more accurate answer would be;

If you're ND then it's pretty much max'd out and all there is left are the meager performance gains that come from optimization. If you're one of the other first party studios, your current project probably represents the peak of PS3 development this cycle, anything else will be optimization. If you're almost any third party dev, it's not nearly max'd out yet, you have another wave of games yet to really exercise the beast within the black shell. Some third parties are closer to the maximum than others of course.

It's a bit like asking how long a piece of string is – about *this* long…

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