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Volition Will Likely Keep The Popular Saints Row Style

Grand Theft Auto IV took the award-winning series in a new direction, but that didn't exactly please everyone.

It's why we asked if you thought GTAV should erturn to its cartoony roots , and recommended that if you like that zany, unabashed style, you should check out Saints Row: The Third .

Interestingly enough, if you're a fan of Volition's over-the-top, completely unrealistic craziness, you'll be happy to know that Saints Row 4 (you know there's gonna be one) will be very much the same. According to what Volition design director Scott Phillips told BeefJack , fans don't have to worry about Saints Row going all gritty and authentic like GTA.

"I think with The Third we’ve definitely defined the sort of game we want to make. This is the open world we want – we want our players having fun when playing our games, and we want that to be our focus as a studio and as the Saints Row team."

When asked if the next title would amp up the insanity to even higher levels, Phillips said that as developers, they have to take the next step. And that step involves more totally offensive (in a good way) content, and not a switch to the hardcore realism we might find in GTAV. Finished Phillips:

"I mean, I think you always have to take the next game to the next level, you want to maintain the feeling of the previous game but expand it in new directions. And I’m sure we’ll come up with ideas that will push that boundary."

Well, it's nice to have contrasting sandbox games, don't you think? A little something for everyone. Volition and THQ will keep enticing you with ridiculously loopy street violence and pornstars, while GTA will go all epic and dramatic on your ass. Nothing wrong with either.

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12 years ago

I may have to give Saint's row a second look.

12 years ago

I thought you weren't one for rauchiness, blood, gore, and violence? This game may not have the blood and gore, but check and double check on the other two.

I for one can't wait for the zaniness. Good for you for branching out though if you do decide to check it out.

12 years ago

If it's not done in an excessively realistic manner, it can work for me. It just depends. I'm not one for gore and what not, but if Saint's Row has more of a game like feel rather than the gritty reality, then perhaps it will work for me, perhaps not. Either way, I have a game backlog already, and U3 arrives next week which will only make that worse.

12 years ago

Backlog indeed. I have Batman AC, Infamous Festival of Blood (with no blood I might add, which I dislike), and BF3 as of today. #1 priority is U3 next week, then followed 2 weeks later with SR3, and lastly Skyrim. After that, I think I am golden until February before anything new I want releases, so if I find time I will also sample Vanquish and SWTFU2.

12 years ago

I think you'll enjoy Vanquish, it's fast, furious and fun.

12 years ago

Highlander: "If it's not done in an excessively realistic manner" ->
Trust me on this one, it's not. It's all about goofing around.
The blood and gore is about as realistic as a clown sitting down on a small baloon filled with ketchup (or something).
I guess you'll see a red spat where you slinged a person with your car-mounted man-cannon too but realism is nowhere to be found. Really; This is Tom & Jerry violence.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/29/2011 4:28:04 AM

12 years ago

I'm more excited about SR3 than Uncharted and Skyrim.

No offense to these games, but I'm just looking for wacky fun.

12 years ago

I like saint's row corniness!! It so much fun.

12 years ago

Cool beans, we need to keep on keeping on with a few over-the-top wackiness games.

12 years ago

This is the 2nd game I've ever pre-ordered….. well the 1st really cause I was gonna get the best buy pre-order of Batman AC but I figured I'd just wait until they re-release it with all the DLC

12 years ago

i swear to god if saints row goes the way GTAIV did im bringing the apocalypse forward!

Last edited by ___________ on 10/29/2011 4:18:14 AM

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