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Fortune Hunters’ Club: Get A Big Break On Uncharted 3 DLC

If you want the full Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception experience, you need to be locked and loaded for all future content.

After the fans said they'd like an option to grab downloadable content at a discount, SCEA has responded with a what they're calling the Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunters' Club .

Members are entitled to the first four multiplayer map packs and the first three multiplayer skin packs for Naughty Dog's highly anticipated gem. This DLC will be available in November and if you pre-order now, you can grab it all for only $24.99; doing so will also net you the exclusive Fortune Hunters' Club Theme. When each new pack hits the PlayStation Store, you will receive an XMB message that links you directly to the content. Then, just download and go. The total value of all the packs combined is over $45, so that's basically a 45% savings on 7 multiplayer packs, plus the free theme.

Perhaps we should have similar deals and "clubs" for other games, especially those that rely heavily on multiplayer (more so than Uncharted ). If you're hooked on a certain game, it'll undoubtedly be more attractive to pre-pay for all the DLC you know you're gonna pay for anyway, and at a hefty discount, too.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

Sounds great! I really like this idea! I have always been in the camp where if you think DLC is over priced or should be on the disc that you just shouldn't buy it. But this idea is great and at a discount. I might be able to swing this. With my $40 Kmart gaming credit I will get U3 for $20. But I also want BF3 and Skyrim, so it's going to be interesting.

12 years ago

Uncharted is in a whole other league than battlefield and skyrim.

12 years ago

Yes, of course, U3 is a D1P. I am just trying to figure out how I can get BF3 and Skyrim too.

12 years ago

consixdering i only care about maps and not skins Im sure Ill be paying just as much if not less even if i dont preorder heh

12 years ago

Then why not just preorder it and the get the skins anyway?

12 years ago

Whaa a bunch of content that they could put on the retail game?, I'm not happy with this.

Last edited by Oxvial on 10/18/2011 4:11:55 PM

12 years ago

This is for future content. Just so you know.

12 years ago

I love Uncharted for the Single player campaing, I'm not really a online player so i will have to let this really awesome deal pass.

12 years ago

I won't lie, this a great option (keyword OPTION) for people loyal enough to buy into it now and potentially save money. But Naughty Dog hasn't even announced what the map/skin packs will consist of. And "at least $45 worth" of DLC content? That's 3/4 of the MSRP, what happened to $60 equating to a complete game??

Last edited by StubbornScorpio on 10/18/2011 4:29:09 PM

12 years ago

What is this " Complete Game" you speak of?

12 years ago

Ouch, just bought Batman today. My wallet is going to take a hit. :O

12 years ago

Kmart has B:AC with a $30 Game coupon. It seems they are being aggressive in getting a piece of the gaming pie.

12 years ago

Yep, I took advantage of that offer. One thing to keep in mind with Kmart, though, is you can't stack coupons on a single purchase (even though the coupons say you can). Register doesn't allow it. You can ask the cashier to ring up your items as separate transactions, but if the number of items is fewer than the number of coupons, you won't be able to use all your coupons. Also, bring a copy of the internet ad of the in-store deal, because more often then not, the gamer deals don't show up in their printed ads, and sometimes, as I found out today, deals don't always activate at the register, even when you use your gamer membership.

12 years ago

@shams, Yeah, I found out that they can be conveniently uninformed in these matters. But I was ready for them. Kmart better get it together if the want to be a contender in the Game Industry. It is going to get ugly. All this technology moving fast on us.

P.S PSVITA US Launch date: 02/22/2012!

12 years ago

Sounds interesting but I'm not much of a "multiplayer". I wonder if The Fortune Hunter Club will have some kind of online presence in the future. Its called a club but is actually a program. I may just purchase it to support The Naughty Dogs. There are my most respected Devs. And they EARNED that!

12 years ago

I will buy this since I get everything Uncharted. I just wish they would give us a special avatar or mp skin or something to show online you are in the club. You can show it off and see who else is in the "club." Nobody sees my theme. But I will use it anyway. Now, back to Arkham City!

12 years ago

Sounds a lot like the Rockstar Pass for L.A. Noire, which was also a fairly good deal. I may have to look into this.

12 years ago

Why so expensive? The previous DLC are only 5.99 with 2 maps and skins each.

12 years ago

Sounds good, but I'll have too many single player campaigns to play this fall, so I'll probably do what I did with Uncharted 2; wait half a year or so until there's a 50% off deal on PS+.

12 years ago

godsman is right about the price. The uncharted 2 map packs were only 5.99. so this is no deal. first four map packs times $6 equals $24. Unless they have more maps in them. This is just a pre-order. Actually there probably wont be more than 4 map packs. So these are the first 4 and likely last four. However this probably will be the last Uncharted on the Ps3 so it could be a 3 or 4 year life cycle till the next one on Ps4 so maybe there will be lots of map packs.

12 years ago

Speaking of Uncharted, I found this very enjoyable:

12 years ago

sweeet deal i may decide to do this

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