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Which PS2 Series Most Deserves A Triumphant Return?

In celebration of the PS2's 15th anniversary, we posted up a respectful editorial yesterday.

But when we're talking about arguably the greatest video game console of all time, we need an article dedicated to the games.

After all, despite what anyone might say about an affordable DVD player or better marketing than Sega (and Dreamcast consequently suffered), the PS2 became a timeless legend because of its hugely extensive and wonderfully innovative library. Some of those franchises are still around today; legends like Metal Gear Solid , Gran Turismo , Final Fantasy , Ratchet & Clank , etc. But which series from the PS2 era would you like to see return? Which one deserves a next-gen effort?

Although I know I'll never get it, I really wish we'd get another Shadow Hearts . The first title, Covenant , remains one of my favorite RPGs of all time. The sequel wasn't quite as good but it did boast a refined Judgment Ring, making it one of the best and most unique combat mechanics in existence. It was turn-based but you needed timing – and strategy – to be successful, and the end result was just magic. The story and characters were excellent as well.

So, what's yours?

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9 years ago

Zone of the Enders and the Bouncer and Jak & Daxter and a new Shinobi from SEGA

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/5/2015 10:12:31 PM

9 years ago

Yes, Zone of Enders on now-gen consoles! Now THAT would be something to behold.

9 years ago

Yup, Zone of Enders is amazing, especially the 2nd one, make it happen kojima…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

ZoE put cramps in my fingers.

Definitely The Bouncer.

9 years ago

You know you've found a truly like minded friend when they too enjoyed The Bouncer. What a tiny little gem.

9 years ago

The Bouncer is a fantastic game. Quality production value, decent story and characters, brilliant art design and solid combat system – It has it all. The only thing which puts this game back is the missed opportunity of multiplayer in the story mode. I know the story is set through the perspective of the character you choose for each encounter but I reckon just a narrative in a single perspective would have been a worthy compromise if you could play through the story with buddies.

I'd really welcome a 'Streets of Rage' style game on the PS4. One with AAA production value and incentive to replay it (Be it a leveling system, different story routes etc.) But I think these days a game like that would be heavily critiszed much like The Order 1886 – LINEAR! TOO SHORT! You know the claims. Which is a shame really because I would certainly welcome a title like The Bouncer but I feel there is no place for it in this market.

I bought another game on the PS2 called 'Urban Reign' but it has a mission structure, so it feels really broken up, unlike The Bouncer where you progress through the story rather than just chapters or missions.

9 years ago

I would love to see Xenosaga!

9 years ago

Hear, hear!

Also, Rogue Galaxy!

9 years ago

Xenosaga, Star Ocean and Shadow Hearts

Last edited by Voyager236 on 3/5/2015 11:03:14 PM

9 years ago

Monolith is now owned by them Nintendo folk. Better get a Wii U.

9 years ago

Xenosaga is still a Namco's trademark, so they can make a version in HD.

9 years ago

Ape Escape…

9 years ago

AMEN! I loved this series, Ape escape 1 was one of the most creative and fun games I have played.

9 years ago

I'd love to see:

War of the Monsters-An Incog fan from beginning to end, this was my favorite of their very nice portfolio. The building destruction was amazing on the PS2; on the PS4, it would be mind boggling.

Sky Odyssey- Kind of a forgotten Sony Japan gem. The flight scenarios were fun and tough, like the level where you were constantly dumping fuel, so you had to refuel by a train that went in and out of tunnels. If you were good enough, you could fly into the tunnels with it. An early level that would benefit from PS4 power was where you had to land on an aircraft carrier at night in a hurricane.

Shadow of Rome- Capcom was at the height of their craft in the sixth generation and this game exemplified their "everything touched was gold" mystique. While the stealth levels could have been better, the gladiator levels were amazing. Animals, traps, beating people down with their own severed limb: great stuff. Anyone that played this game would realize their is absolutely no defense for the game, Ryse: Son of Rome. Ryse is absolute trash by comparison, gorgeous graphics be damned.

Wouldn't mind seeing Konami dust off Suikoden or one of my all time faves, Ring of Red. There's more than just Metal Gear, Konami.

Last edited by n/a on 3/5/2015 11:25:36 PM

9 years ago

All those games you listed were excellent. I remember being blown away by Sky Odyssey because of how creative the missions were.

Shadow of Rome was really well done too I forgot about that one.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

Shadow of Rome was great.

9 years ago

Forgot one:

The Def Jam Series: Vendetta was good. Fight For New York is, without a single shred of doubt, my favorite fighter of all-time. Tremendous story, amazing soundtrack, a create a fighter and customization that puts anything released now to absolute shame, great and diverse finishers, maybe the best interactive stages since Power Stone,and a great roster. Def Jam: Icon…..I don't think I've ever had my heart broken by a game quite like this one did. The idea of the stage moving and reacting to the beat of the song was brilliant but the fighting itself was like brawling at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Love to see this series get another shot using AKI's excellent template.

Last edited by n/a on 3/6/2015 4:06:41 AM

9 years ago


Hell yeah homie! I remember Ludacris being my favorite. He was fast and strong, and his special was brutal!

I'd love to see this series return to glory with ps4 visuals. I'd attempt to blow my speakers with all the great music the game would no doubt have. We need more games for the "urban" market.

9 years ago

Just a little back story i discovered on Shadow of Rome. Apparently Dead Rising was actually supposed to be Shadow of Rome 2 but they decided to replace the Roman settings and characters for a shopping mall and zombies.

Shame really as it was one of Capcoms dark horse gems.

9 years ago

Kessen! But that's only because Ratchet and Clank is already on the way back. Can we say "Final Fantasy"? Just because the current games with that name don't bear a lot of resemblance to the series as it stood in the PS2 era.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Was Kessen a launch title? I think I remember trying it and being all intrigued, only to realize that RTS of any kind wasn't really my thing. 🙂

9 years ago

Haha, it definitely wasn't for everyone, although I quite liked how it did what it did. Good on ya for giving it a try :).

It was 'around' launch, but I can't remember if it came out day and date with the PS2 or was 'launch window', and had a couple of sequels over the life of the PS2. They made a couple of sequels as well, and Kessen 3 (I think) even got the PS2 classic treatment on the PSN a few years ago. Disappeared after that though :(.

Last edited by Axe99 on 3/6/2015 2:39:42 AM

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Can't decide:

The Bouncer, Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, ZOE.

The list goes on. Which is another true testament to the PS2.

9 years ago

Fatal Frame, is all I can think of for a series that was on the ps2 and not the ps3.

I was going to say Suikoden but the ones on PS1 were better.

9 years ago

Man, Crimson Butterfly had me looking over my shoulder while playing.

Now, Nintendo holds the damn series hostage in Japan. Love Nintendo, but keeping the Fatal Frames in Japan and localizing stuff like Fortune Street that NO ONE wanted befuddles me ssomething terrible.

9 years ago

Soul Reaver, Legacy of Kain!!!

9 years ago

Zone of the Enders without a doubt.

9 years ago

Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain, Ape Escape, Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, A proper Monster Rancher game, Monster Hunter, Tenchu.

Probably so many more I am missing. The PS2 really does have one of the best gaming libraries of any console ever.

9 years ago

I would say jak and daxter, but I think naughty dog will just stick to mature games like uncharted and last of us.

Onimushsa was pretty memorable too.

I don't have anything in mind really. I want to see kingdom hearts, but we all know that's coming.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

Hell yes.

9 years ago

Onimusha Series

9 years ago

well for starters i would definately say R&C cos i'm a massive fan of the series as awhole.

as for other ps2 era games that have yet to make an appearance jak and crash come to mind to mention tony hawks pro skater but i think they are working on something like that atm.

oh burnout yeah that would be awsome. GT would make a great racing game for the ps4 oh and spartan total warrior was a great game for the time, although idk who owns that IP so thats probably not gunna happen but yeah thats the games i would like

happy gaming

9 years ago

O n i m u s h a.

Please Capcom?

9 years ago

So many, I want Level 5 to continue Rogue Galaxy. It's perfect, it was always an action JRPG that would fit better in these times than the times in which it released.

Xenosaga must go on

Final Fantasy (haha)



9 years ago

Yes, absolutely. 'Rogue Galaxy' was so great, even better than I had thought. And I had fairly high expectations after 'Journey of the Cursed King.'
It sold a decent amount, but I don't know what it needed to sell to warrant a sequel.

9 years ago

Akihiro Hino is the Dangerfield of gaming. No one mentions him but his resume is absolutely remarkable. I hope Level 5's "every platform RPG" (can't remember the name) is a huge hit.

9 years ago

I have defended White Knight Chronicles but it has its problems, Rogue Galaxy is a much better property.

9 years ago

Rogue Galaxy is still on my shelf in my JRPG backlog. It does look fantastic and I hope to get around to it some day – Need a JRPG break just spent 110 hours on Persona 3, that is without 'The Answer' section in FES 😛

9 years ago

Oni as in Oni or as in Onimusha, World?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

You know, one of these days, I'll actually have to play Xenogears. The one RPG of the PS1 days I so regret missing. 🙁

Played Xenosaga, though. Great games (but I stopped after II).

9 years ago

Being nearly done with Xenogears Ben, I can say it eventually earned its reputation with me. It took a good while for me to get there for it but sure enough it did become a favorite. The camera and limited field of view is hard to overcome though. It was nearly a deal breaker for me.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/6/2015 1:48:54 PM

9 years ago

Oni! an early title that goofed around as a wannabe Ghost in the Shell kind of story and game. The female lead was cool and the TPS was pretty good. It'd shock the world to bring out a sequel.

9 years ago

It's also probably a shock to the world that Oni was made by Bungie.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/6/2015 8:42:15 PM

9 years ago

I'd like to see revamped and story-infused next gen versions of:

1) Armored Core

2) Ace Combat

3) Zone of the Enders

9 years ago

'Steambot Chronicles', still my favorite game, really needs to get a sequel. Word that Granzella may get the rights from Irem gets me more excited than almost anything else gaming-related.

9 years ago

Loved that game, it was a gem. They could do so much with the IP. I only felt like the controls were a little off in the Bot.

9 years ago

Yeah, I've read that from a lot of people who otherwise enjoyed the game. Personally, I adjusted to the controls rather well, so if they do get around to a sequel, I hope they give us more than one controller scheme.

9 years ago

The Suffering and PSi Op's Mindgate Conspiracy.

9 years ago

I used to fiercely debate my friend on which was better, Psi Ops or Second Sight.

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