After launching nearly 12 years ago in North America, the PS2 went on to become arguably the most popular video game console of all time.
Now, after the PS3 has been on the market for almost six years, and after 2875 PS2 titles have shipped (in Japan), it seems we may be looking at the very last new PS2 game ever.
According to Kotaku , it's Final Fantasy XI: Adoulin no Makyou , which is set to release some time next year in Japan. Yeah, it's an expansion for a ten-year-old MMORPG and few are gonna care. But really, this is just an excuse to look back on the PS2 and go, "Damn, that was an amazing system, wasn't it?" So many games, so many great games, and tremendous staying power. The PS2 did quite well for several years after the PS3 arrived, remember.
And what was the last worldwide sales count for the PS2? 150 million or something? I think it's more than that now. But it's sort of a weird feeling to see the name of what could very well be the last new PS2 game…maybe it's just because that machine always seemed relevant, you know? Like it couldn't die. But alas, in the electronics world…
What an amazing lifespan, its crazy to look at the graphical differences at the beginning of a consoles life cycle and near the end to see the progress developers have made mastering the consoles.
Why do you say it's the last?
It's because this game's launch date for the PS2, is not until 2013.
I guess I didn't realize they still made PS2 games. I remember when my brother got his just after it came out, I was blown away by the likes of Gran Turismo 3 and DOA 2. Later I remember having a blast playing MoH: Frontline and The Simpsons Road Rage with my buddies. These franchises still exist, but it truly is the end of an era, isn't it?
I wonder if all those people on the margins of gaming society that are a generation behind will step up and get the PS3 now that the PS4 is revving up.
Jak and Daxter will always hold a special place in my gaming heart.
We never even got Final Fantasy XI for the PS2 in Europe, I was playing Metal Gear Solid 3 and Timesplitters: Future Perfect online so I would have been up for it as well 🙁
It has a monthly subscription. Would that have turned you off?
ill be getting that
I have fond memories of that game still. I spent most of my time as a Red Mage. I leveled up other classes, too, but that was by far my favorite.
Plus, you NEVER have trouble finding a party. XD
I just saw a video of this..I'm surprised it looks so good on the PS2..Man that was/is a damn good console
Funny thing I always wanted to play Final Fantasy 11. Never had the internet availible to run it. Then when I did have broadband I had a PS3. I still have the damn network adapter for the PS2 in the box it came in unopened. Was gonna be FF11 and Socom and it was gonna blow my mind. Alas….. the days that never were.
They should just put it on PS3 as free to play.
I played FFXI on the my PS3 fatty before it died. It was B/C, so FFXI was available on that, at least.
Agreed, then the gap in my FF life will be filled. lol
Cheers to a great run!
the last new PS2 game i bought was silent hill shattered memories back in january 2010. it was ported from the wii so it wasn't exclusive but even still it was nice to see the good ol PS2 getting some love.
it was actually a pretty good game it was more of a throw back to the SH 1.2 and 3 era.