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PS2 Hits 150 Million Worldwide, 1.5 Billion Software Units

If you're wondering how many PlayStation 2 units have been sold in just under 11 years…well, it's a really big number.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) has announced that the cumulative sales of the PS2 hit 150 million worldwide (sell-in stat) as of January 31, 2011.

Sony hit this super lofty plateau 10 years and 11 months since launching the PS2 in Japan in March 2000. Citing strong third-party support and "a slew of blockbuster franchises" like Gran Turismo , God of War , and Ratchet & Clank , the PS2's vast library now sits at a whopping 10,828 software titles and overall, they've sold 1.52 billion software units. The press release also notes that the PS2 delivered new technology like the DualShock 2 controller and the EyeToy USB camera, which is now being used for another advanced piece of tech, the PlayStation Move. The Eye really did have mainstream appeal; as they say, "this new style of gameplay expanded PlayStation 2's users to a wider audience, including families and casual players."

Also, let's not forget that the PS2 was the first to implement DVD technology, which certainly helped. And lastly-

"Despite almost entering its 12th year since launch, PlayStation 2 system continues to serve as the entertainment centerpiece in many living rooms and is strongly supported in countries and regions, particularly in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South America."

Yes, the most successful – numbers-wise – video game console in history has done very well over the past decade or so. …tough to top that with any future piece of hardware, don't you think?

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13 years ago

The ps2 is still my favorite console ever. There is just a ridiculous amount of great ps2 games.

13 years ago

Playstation 2 will still keep Selling because this console has so many memorable games that u can play forever.
The same will be case with Playstation 3,there are so many memorable games which players will playing even 10 years from now.

Last edited by Kiryu on 2/14/2011 10:59:51 AM

13 years ago

Here's hoping that the Dreamcast will close the gap, some day =p

I miss my PS2. When my Phat-PS3 died my PS2 access went with it. At that point, I had already sold my PS2-Slim to buy MGS4 for $60.

I suppose I could always go to Gamestop and lay down $40 and buy a used PS2. Though, I don't know if I like the idea of buying a used console.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Eh, just buy it new. It's worth it.

To have my PS3 and PS2 Slim hooked up at all times makes me think it's all I'd ever need. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/14/2011 11:04:50 AM

13 years ago

I know I can't speak for everyone in this matter, but even though I hunted down my current sku (Feb '07 60-gigger bought brand new) just for b/c, it just so happened that the few games I ended up using the vaunted feature for ended up getting the next-gen collection treatment (GOW collection, ICO/SOC collection).

I actually did get to play the Metal Gear Solids finally just a week before MGS4, and there are a couple games that I have played that i still want to hunt down (Shinobi being one of 'em), but I suppose if one still has a decent ps2 collection, then as Ben said, it just makes more sense to also have a ps2, even if just for measures of redundancy. The fact is, we very likely will see future PS's with PS3 b/c, but PS2 b/c has been already phased out this gen.

13 years ago

I currently have a 360, PS3 (MGS 80GB with PS2 Software Compatibility upgraded to 320GB), Wii, an old fat PS2, and a Gamecube with GB attachment hooked to my TV right now. I have my Dreamcast and my PS1 (not the little PSOne, but one with the expansion port) sitting nearby ready to hook up. All still work and are in great condition. Got a DS (not the fat or DSi, but second gen) and PSP2000 sitting around here too. I tend to grab not the first, but the second release of systems. (First has too many bugs and issues, so I grab it after the first revision.)

Also have a 36" wide 6 foot tall bookcase with 8 shelves packed full width of games for xbox, 360, PS1, PS2 (2 1/2 shelfs of those), Gamecube, Wii, Dreamcast, and PS3 games. No room on it for my PSP games, though. I have those elsewhere.

I really need to go buy a PS2Slim for just-in-case if I ever have my old big PS2 die out on me.

Now, back to PlayAsia and eBay for more imports, and to wait for Hyperdimension Neptunia to arrive this week. Next month is Ar Tonelico Qoga, so I've got to finish what I'm playing before then. (Currently Grandia for PS1–leveling Feena's magic takes some time.)

13 years ago

Awesome numbers. PS2 is just *the* console in truth. I think this is also a testament to the way in which Sony continues to support previous generations of product, even after successors are launched.

I wonder how many new PS2 games were released in the last 12 months?

13 years ago

ps2 is like ps1, I still remember the ps1 pushing through the year 2000. But man ps2 really surpassed the ps1 in terms of how long it stayed relevant in sales.

ps3 will probably do the same thing. When ps3's price drops to #200 you better believe that will be selling for another 2 or 3 years after the ps4 comes out.

I still have my ps2, I don't get why people sell their consoles lol. It's not like Gamestop is actually going to give you more than $50 for it.

13 years ago

I like that expression "relevant in sales." The PS2 surpassed the PSX in relevance and I do believe the PS3 will remain relevant for an even longer period of time than the PS2 did.

13 years ago

I'm watching the current "Bonus Round" episode on Gametrailers. I can't believe how negative Pachter is being towards PS3 and it's inability to move out of "third place" in this console war. I just don't buy his belief that it's significant for Sony to "upgrade" Wii owners with PS3+Move combo. He also claims that the Xbox for $300 keeps "adding more features" as if it's unique to that platform. What? And Sony hasn't? His whole PS2 strat analogy is flawed because the PS3 does SO MUCH MORE than the PS2 ever did, functionally. He either ignores (PSN) or undermines the value of PS3's unique offerings (Blu Ray).
And why did he have to refer to the 360 Slim with a discriptor "whisper quiet?"
I dunno, anyway, hopefully, if PSXe ever does this video stuff, Michael Pachter won't ever be a guest on the show.

13 years ago

I find that man to be extremely irrelevant. I really don't understand why people listen to him.

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/14/2011 11:52:16 AM

13 years ago

I also want to clarify that I don't necessarily think the PS3 needs to be "first place."
Really, quality, in this economy, does not usually equate to greatest quantity of items sold. Cheaper lower cost products usually sell better than premium versions of a similar item.

13 years ago

What features did the $300 360 add? Seriously, what features? Apart from the $300 360 *Arcade* model with Kinect bundled but no HDD, the $300 360 (with HDD) is the same bloody machine as it has been for 12 months with no additional features at all. The man is either incompetent or a lying, paid, shill.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/14/2011 11:54:21 AM

13 years ago

Wifi is the only thing I can think of. Oh and it eats your disc if you move the console while turned on. Haha

13 years ago

maybe he means the new avatar thingy, or the netflix, maybe its the facebook app. ohh, i know, the best feature is that the failure rate is down from 30+%.

thank God for the 360 or those things wouldn't be around, anywhere.

13 years ago

I actually watched Bonus Round earlier today as well and was amazed at how Garnett Lee and McWherter kind of defended the PS3's position from what Pachter was saying – I honestly expected it to be the other way around.

But I did like how they really didn't have anything good to say about MS this year….they have Kinect (with no software) and then Gears 3….and that was it. When Geeff said that MS didn't really have any other exclusive, McWherter said "well that wont be the only exclusive", and Geoff said, "Well what else is there? – what do you predict?" and McWherter had no answer….because there really isn't that much out there for them. Then just look at all the freakin' amazing PS3 games this year.

Oh, and Pachter's idea of "toggling in and out" of Kinect with the controller is just stupid….

All in all I don't like predictions….it's just a bunch of people talking out there a$$.

13 years ago

I didn't watch it long enough to see that part SvenMD. Though, being a Xbox follower, I'm quite shocked by how dismal this year looks for MS. I began being concerned about MS's focus on Kinect several months ago. I didn't want them to go chase "greener pastures" with the Kinect and leave me out in the cold. I hoped the Kinect would fail miserably so MS would have to stay glued to their core audience; gamers like me. Now, so far this year, it looks like core gamers play second fiddle to Kinect crap that aboslutely holds zero of my interests.

I know MS isn't entirely retarded so, it's for this reason, I suspect an impending new Xbox around the corner. A scaleable, more powerful, more expensive hardcore platform that will target the core Xbox gamers who demand more after 6 years of now aging hardware–not to mention sagging software sales. I suspect we'll hear credible rumors and rumblings within a year's time.
Because if we don;t, I think MS has gone totally bonkers.

13 years ago

has it been 6 years already???

13 years ago

Whisper quiet? BS, I have the 360 slim with the 250 gig hdd. I install all my games and my 80 gig phat ps3 still is quieter. Pachter is a massive pile of douche IMO.

Also, IMO the 360 dashboard is the biggest cluster f*ck I have ever seen.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Theres ALOT o love in the world for playstation,and its because of the unique and inventive games that can only be found on sonys platform and there probably won't be a better example of this than 'The last guardian'…can't friggin wait 🙂

AHHH the love,can ya feel it people??

13 years ago

Here is to the PS3 reaching those numbers!

13 years ago

I'm tempted to buy a new PS2 since they are so cheap now. I still have my old one and it runs fine buy it's quite a bit louder and gets hotter than the current models. Amazing my PS2 still functions considering it's 11 years old. Hope my PS3 Slim lasts that long.

13 years ago

20-40% of that number is obviously due the massive amount of DRE's something I can attest to giving the fact I'm now in my 3rd PS2.

13 years ago

In the time honored fashion of disproving someone else's claimed failure by proclaiming how great my console is, I should point out that my original PS2 (launch mode) is going string.


Then again, I have lifted the cover and manually adjusted the lens alignment several times…;)

13 years ago

Considering second place has less than 20% of those numbers, the fact that your claim is bogus, that mine still works perfectly and all my friends work great, that you're a college cynic who likely thinks one or two of his professors are God's gift to mankind… I'm not buying your claim.

You had alignment issues? Only problem I had is a busted memory card slot from my sister's drunk friend… why I lent it to her, I'll never know.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/14/2011 12:54:33 PM

13 years ago

@TheHighlander – I like to boast about my consoles as well. My launch PS1(big gray box), PS2(big black box), and PS3(phat) are all in perfect working order….never broke down and never had to be fixed in any way. I love my 0% failure rate – which is why I've stuck with Sony…..that and they GREAT freakin' games.

13 years ago

Couldn't have said it better myself Underdog.

13 years ago


I played the crap out of my PS2, the biggest problem I ever had with it was reading dual layer DVDs, other than that, the only issue was drift in the alignment of the lens causing DREs, and that's fixed in under 5 minutes.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago


From 2002 on, retailers reported 1-2% failure rates; the ratio of sold to returned defective. That number hasn't risen higher than 2% in over 8 years.

You're thinking about some piece of Microsoft hardware, obviously.

13 years ago

"Then again, I have lifted the cover and manually adjusted the lens alignment several times…;)"

I was lame and lazy and gave my "broken" launch model PS2–yes, I stood in line for it–to a friend of mine. He ended up spending about an hour to adjust the lens and it still works fine even today.

13 years ago

Greatest console of all time

13 years ago

"The Eye really did have mainstream appeal"


Everyone knows M$ are the pioneers of controller free gaming. Just like they were the pioneers of online console gaming… right after Sega.

13 years ago


Don't forget how their Mii-too avatars are way superior to Home which is of course an inferior copy of their concept in any case…


13 years ago

I loved that console but I'm glad I don't have to go through Gamespy to get online and play Battlefront anymore.

Of course now we don't have a Battlefront so…

Well so what. If Duke came back then I'm sure a good Star Wars game will surface again one day.

13 years ago

Count me as number 20 millionth!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

I bet you a red jelly bean that the PS2 drops to $50 at E3 this year.

13 years ago

I'll put a further bean on the PSP dropping to $99.99 sometime between E3 and when the NGP launches.

13 years ago

"particularly in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South America"

I don't know about Eastern Europe and South America, but I can tell you with full confidence that the vast majority of the sales in ME and SE Asia was because they could chip/mod their PS2's to play pirated copies. Everybody chipped their PS2's to play pirated copies. I know I did, back in 2003. I was 13 then, please don't shoot me 🙁

13 years ago

Tsk, Tsk. 😉

13 years ago

The ps2 was an awesome console and it will be a tough battle to match it's success.

Here's to helping the ps3 try to catch up. My little girl's ps3 bit the dust here recently with inFamous stuck inside. It lasted for three years, which seems to be the average age of the fat ones. No complaints from me, but I'm getting her a slim some time soon and she's not happy about it, she wants her fat one back.

13 years ago

I really really hope that this generation of consoles will last at least a couple of more years. You have got to figure that Microsoft or Nintendo will be the first ones out of the gate with a new console, anyway. But I'm hoping that my PS3 and Xbox 360 are *relevant* for at least 2 or 3 more years.

13 years ago

I hope they keep selling them for a while, my ps2 is a fatty and one day I plan on replacing it with a slim, just haven't really had the need yet, so, I'm waiting till they say that's it or mine gives up.

13 years ago

Congrats to Sony for that no easy feat.

13 years ago

PS2 all the way!!! thoese things were so much fun and indestuctable. you can throw it to a wall and it will still work. There were virtually no heating issues with the ps2 and bearly for the slim.. nowadays we got ylod rrods and broken lasers. man i miss th old days!

13 years ago

I missed so much with the ps2. I got one at launch and had for six months before my cousins broke it and never could afford one after that. I ended up with the Gamecube when it was $100 and my friend had a broken Xbox that he gave me which I fixed for nothing.

13 years ago

PS3 has a ways to go, but we'll make it.

13 years ago

wonder how many of them are due to faulty lasers……….
funny how every time M$s sales are brought up faulty systems are always in the topic, but when sonys sales are in discussion faulty units never show up.
lets not forget sony makes crappy hardware too………
me, i was on my 6th ps2 in 5 years!
before trading that in for a ps3.

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