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Top Designers Pick Their All-Time Favorite PS2 Titles

Sony is currently celebrating 10 years of the PS2 ; it was a system that featured a huge, perhaps unparalleled, number of classics.

What were you favorites? That's what the PlayStation Blog asked many of the industry's top game designers. As you can see, guys like Stig Asmussen, Tim Schafer, David Jaffe, Cliff Bleszinski, David Cage, Hermen Hulst, Ted Price, Warren Spector, and Evan Wells have chimed in with their top 3 PS2 titles. It's interesting to see; is anybody surprised to see David Cage's list of ICO , Rez and Okami ? The mastermind behind Heavy Rain enjoys the artistic, yes? And Tim Schafer is in a similar boat; his selections were Katamari Damacy , Okami and We Love Katamari . We see a lot of love for all the Grand Theft Auto titles, too, including Vice City , which landed at #1 on several lists. Of course, you'll also find Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater , Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec , Devil May Cry , Shadow of the Colossus , Silent Hill 2 , God of War , Final Fantasy X , Ratchet and Clank , Resident Evil 4 ; you know, the usual suspects.

There are just too many greats. I suppose if I were forced, I'd put all three GTAs at the top of the list (oh, I can do that; there was a GTA Trilogy set, wasn't there?), and then go with Final Fantasy X and God of War II . Still, I would feel terrible that I had to omit the first GoW, MGS3, FFXII, ICO , SotC, DMC, SH2, GT3, Katamari Damacy / We Love Katamari , DQVIII, Champions of Norrath , and others. Just…too…many.

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13 years ago

Gran Turismo 3 A spec, Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear Solid are all on top of my list.
But I can name so many, what great memories.
The PS2 is the greatest video game console ever!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Don't let Jawknee tell you otherwise.

13 years ago

poor widdle bwaby, you still butt hurt because i laughed at your ridiculous blanket statement?

There is a difference in his statement and yours. The consensus pretty much is that the PS2 was the best console to date. History has proven that. Your statement however was semi-fanboyish and simply not true given the fact there are thousands and thousands of games to be judged and only a limited number of consoles.

Man up dude. If you can't take a little internet criticism and heat how are do you going to cope in the real world when some one puts you in your place for making such absurd blanket statements?

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/27/2010 11:10:49 PM

13 years ago

Who still has a blankey?

13 years ago

I think he needs a tissue instead. 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The difference, Killa Tequila, is in the wording. StangMan80 made sure to write 'on top of my list'. Key words: MY LIST. You simply wrote that it was the best game ever, and that, it is not. Had you written IMO or any other such phrase, I imagine it wouldn't have gone as far as it did. Now, Jawknee, you're above that, so please lay off the lil' fella.

13 years ago

Your right Lawless. I'll ease off. 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I find I usually am, but thankyou. 😛

13 years ago


Did you really just try to resurrect that discussion?

13 years ago

LMAO ALRIGHT!!! We got a rivalry thing going on at PSXEXTREME ONCE AGAIN LOL!!!

killatequilla vs jawknee.

It was Adam360 vs. Ben Dutka at one time…ah those were the DAYS LMAO!!! I still remember Ben's final post against that guy.

Now I'm not comparing you two to either Ben or Adam…but hey I SAY…FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! It always brings a smile to my face. KEEP THE FIRE BURNING!!! HAHAHA!

13 years ago

Ah yes, the good old days. Back when games weren't gimped. Allowing developers to focus on content instead of spending all their time trying to satisfy multiple system requirements. It's a shame we'll never go back to that.

13 years ago

I was almost exclusively into RPGs on the PS2, but aside from the greatness that was FFX, FFXII, and Star Ocean III.

Aside from those though my list would be:

1.)GTA3 because it was a great party game.
2.)Darkwatch cuz it was a unique and fun FPS.
3.)The Bouncer, the best beat em up. I was sad that it was so short.

13 years ago

Yeah, I remember playing the hell out of The Bouncer. I lot of people didn't like it but I thought it was great back then.

mike rlz
mike rlz
13 years ago

anyone play bully?

13 years ago

Loved Bully, though sadly I don't think we will see another entry. Especially in this current environemtn of insane bullying that causes people to commit suicide. I thought the game got lots of undeserved flak back then, imagine now.

13 years ago

I forgot Okami was a PS2 game. I always think of the Wii version when i think about that game.

13 years ago

I hate to say it be I'd have to agree with you on probably not seeing another Bully released.

Just in my state alone(N.J.), we've already had a anti-bully law in place, but now there's also another amended bill to it which severely stiffens up the criminal penalties, and it's just sailing through our state legislature right now.

13 years ago

Okami IS Zelda…not that that is a bad thing 😉

13 years ago


1. Socom II
2. Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
3. Ace Combat 5
4. Ace Combat 4
5. Kingdom Hearts Series
6. Socom III
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Gran Theft Auto Series
9. Twisted Metal
10. Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2

Last edited by TheCrazyMerc on 10/27/2010 10:29:50 PM

13 years ago

Just an FYI, don't reply to the spam. They're BOTS.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/27/2010 10:55:44 PM

13 years ago

They didn't pick Dragon Quest VIII? that was probably my favorite game by the end of my PS2 days.

LOL! at Resident Evil 4. That PS2 port was garbage. Mikami left Capcom because of that crap of a port. I can't ever really count RE4 as a PS2 game. Its still a Nintendo exclusive to me.

My list:

1. DragonQuest VIII
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Final Fantasy XII
4. ICO
5. Shadow of the Colossus
6. Metal Gear Solid 3
7. Metal Gear Solid 2
8. Resident Evil Code Veronica
9. God of War
10. God of War II

13 years ago

Much like the PS3, ports to PS2 tended to be messed up. But I still loved RE4 on it. Don't recall any issues.

Funny thing is, The ResiEvil Code Veronica PS2 was dead to me because the original Dreamcast version was by far superior.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/27/2010 10:45:31 PM

13 years ago

The PS2 version of RE4 had way lower texture res and the sound was terribly compressed. The controls didn't feel as tight as the Gamecube version either. The sound though was by far the worst aspect of the PS2 port. I really couldn't believe how bad it was.

As for Code Veronica, i first played it on Dreamcast then bought it for PS2 later and didn't notice any drastic problems with it other than it wasn't as clean. The textures looked lower res.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
13 years ago

I beat both the GameCube and PS2 versions of RE4.

GameCube – looked amazing.

PS2 – looked a lot grainier, but had the Adda Missions.

Asides from the graphics, I don't remember any serious issues with the PS2 version though.

13 years ago

reviews for the Dreamcast version were a lot better I remember.

13 years ago

Yea i remember too. I would still have it if the Dreamcast controllers didn't cramp up my hands.

13 years ago

sigh….i really wish people would read the entire post.

It wasn't just the graphics. Read.

13 years ago

You have to bear in mind Jawknee is big on the technicals 🙂

13 years ago

I still own both versions. I am remembering the PS2 version correctly as i only picked it up less than a year ago at Target for $2.50. It's far inferior to the Wii and GameCube versions. Code Veronica however, the transition from the DreamCast to the PS2 was far more successful. This guy pretty much sums it up.

"- Worse controls – aiming isn't as responsive, which can hurt you in tight situations.
– Lower Ganado count.
– Requirement of awful motion blur (see Freezer Room on Island).
– Ganados' faces look mutilated (and I'm talking bad design – this is not a good thing) due to lower poly count.
– Less environmental objects reduces atmosphere.
– Sounds are muffled. Ganados sound pretty bad.
– Less fog due to weak hardware. Hurt immersiveness.
– Water isn't reflective – instead its just flat and boring. Bad for lake scene.
– Lighting is far worse, especially with lightning (you wouldn't even know it is there). Reduces atmosphere at night.
– Longer load times – oh yay."

EDIT: Yes World is right, i am a bit of a whore when it comes the technical aspects of games. I tend to notice flaws, bugs and glitches far easier than some. I can't help it. I'm a perfectionist. 🙂

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/27/2010 11:58:00 PM

13 years ago

Yea not really but your free to disagree.

13 years ago

I'm with you on DQVIII. By the end of the main PS2 era, DQVIII was probably my favorite game of that system. It might even be my most favorite ever!

13 years ago

My top 5:
1.Metal Gear solid 3.
3.PES2005 (lolwut)
4.God of war II
5.Gran turismo 4

Luckily (or unlucky for PES) we got sequels to all of them on PS3, in some way or another. BTW Pes 2005 was my first PS2 game and I played it to death.

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 10/27/2010 10:52:19 PM

13 years ago

What's PES?

13 years ago

PES = Pro Evolution Soccer. Very big soccer franchise.

13 years ago

oh, that explains why I don't know it.

13 years ago

Not so fast 😉

13 years ago

Yes, i posted a reply before you had a chance to edit. Well played chap. Well played. 🙂

13 years ago

Well, for me I'm not really into playing the RPG's, RTS's, or sports titles(even though I own them), so I honestly can't put them in my top games list.

And I've only got about 350 titles, so that leaves about another 1650+ PS2 game's I've never got to play so far(but I am chipping away at it 2 to 4 games a week), so here's some from the titles I have played, or at least sampled.

There's just no way I can pick only 5 though…

Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of Destiny
Beyond Good & Evil
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
MGS (all)
Syphon Filter (all)
Ace Combat (all)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/27/2010 11:38:51 PM

13 years ago

AMAZING list! I never did play Deus Ex: The Conspiracy but I definitely love what I've seen for Human Revolution. You recommend the PS2 one then? Lots of people tell me to just wait for the PS3 game.

13 years ago


Grab the first 3, they should be super cheap by now, but just be advised of one thing though, the 3 console versions jumped consoles….. the 1st started on the PS2, the 2nd one jumped to the xbox only, & the actual 3rd spiritual successor went to both the PS2 & the xbox.

The Deus Ex series so far has been a great one, & it's all about conspiracy theories.
I have all 3 in my PS2 & original xbox collections, & I love em all.

As for the games, there elements of just about everything you can imagine in the games, stealth, RPG, body augmentation, FPS, bio-mods, terrorism, & multiple interactive story lines, branching out(like Heavy Rain).

The first one, "Deus Ex: The Conspiracy" was on the PC, then ported over to the PS2 & it recieved over 40 GOTY's & numerous awards.

The second one was "Deus Ex:Invisable War", but it only wound up on the PC & the original Xbox.

The third one, "Deus Ex:Human Revolution" that is supposed to come out next year, actually was supposed to really the 4th title in the series, with the real 3rd one being "Project Snowbind", which originally was to be a Multi=player only, called Deus Ex:Clan Wars), but there's a whole other story behind that(which I included below).

Anyway, I took the liberty of making some quick "cliff notes" below from the Wikipedia site for you. But when you get the chance, you should really type in each title over at Wikipedia yourself, just because there's just so much more important info there on each of the D.E. games.

So here's the quick synopsis of each game….

Deus Ex:The Conspiracy (2000) PS2, PC

Set in a dystopian world during the 2050s, the central plot follows rookie United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition agent JC Denton, as he sets out to combat terrorist forces, which have become increasingly prevalent in a world slipping ever further into chaos.

As the plot unfolds, Denton becomes entangled in a deep and ancient conspiracy, encountering fictional recreations of organizations such as Majestic 12, the Illuminati, and the Hong Kong Triads throughout his journey.

Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003) Xbox, PC

Invisible War is set twenty years after Deus Ex, and is based on the premise that a combination of all three of the original game's possible endings occurred. The actions of JC Denton in Deus Ex caused the world to descend into a period of war and economic depression known as "the Collapse", during which several factions built themselves into world powers.

These factions include the World Trade Organization (WTO), which converted many of the world's remaining metropolitan centers into highly regulated city-states; The Order, a religious order which created a new world religion from elements of all major religions and sociopolitical principles; the "Knights Templar", who advocate the complete prevention of biomodification; the "Omar", a society of heavily biomodified humans possessing a group mind, which runs a global black market, and wishes to become a transhuman race through biomodification; and ApostleCorp, which seeks to help JC Denton achieve his goal of biomodifying every human on Earth, and thus equalizing the race. While JC Denton is seen by the public as a threat to society, these organizations seek to use or eliminate his power to rebuild the world in the way they see fit. In keeping with the series' conspiracy theory theme, several of the major factions are revealed to be secretly connected—the Knights Templar originated within The Order, while the WTO and The Order are separate branches of the Illuminati.

Project Snowblind (2005) PS2, XBOX, PC

It was originally conceived as a multiplayer-focused third game in the Deus Ex series, Deus Ex: Clan Wars. But after the less than expected commercial performance of Deus Ex: Invisible War, it was decided to set the game in its own universe.

Nevertheless, it remains a spiritual sequel to Deus Ex and retains many visible and conceptual links to its progenitors.

In Project: Snowblind, the player assumes the identity of Nathan Frost, a soldier in an international peacekeeping force known as the Liberty Coalition. After being critically injured during an enemy attack, Frost is implanted with experimental nano-technological augmentations and enhancements, turning him into "the soldier of the future". Frost must use his new powers to help lead the Coalition to victory against overwhelming odds.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/28/2010 11:18:37 AM

13 years ago

I forgot to add into my favorite's list…
Fahrenheit(called Indigo Prophecy in NA)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/28/2010 12:17:07 PM

13 years ago

Wow, for that breakdown and description, I'd give you two thumbs up if I could. 🙂

Yeah, I knew about that Xbox-only sequel but I never knew that Project: Snowblind was originally going to be the third Deus Ex. That's a very interesting tidbit. I think I played that game but I don't remember what I thought of it. Maybe if my huge PS3 backlog ever dwindles, I'll go back and play these. Thanks for the info!

13 years ago

Once again people forget some of the best games ever, ape escape. I can't even decide on just a list of three but ape escape 2 would be on it.

13 years ago

Most of them like Ico i agree!

13 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 3 argueably the best PS2 game I've played, followed by the god of war games and a whole bunch. So much great memories.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Teehee… Were I to make a list it would encompass pretty much every PS2 game that I've played, because I honestly haven't played more than a half-dozen. Oh… that's terrible.

13 years ago

best PS2 game of all time has to be obviously BLACK!
2nd place goes to R&C 3 up your arsenal.
3rd place goes to R&C Gladiator.
but BLACK will always be at the top, still no shooter has beaten that, not even on this gens systems!

13 years ago

Dark Cloud was teh shiznit. My first game and first RPG on PS2.

13 years ago

1- DMC

13 years ago

1. Shadow of the Colossus
2. ICO
3. Jak and Daxter (duno which one as they were all equally good in their own way).

It's really a tough call between ICO and SotC, but Shadow just blew me away more. Every last moment of both games were amazing, but Shadow just lasted longer. ICO was too short :(.

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