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“Colossus” Movie Writer Says: Give This One A Chance

When the news broke that Shadow of the Colossus would become a movie , most weren't too enthusiastic about the idea. In fact, many fans of the innovative PS2 title were downright disgusted.

Why? We all know why: Hollywood butchers great games. But in a recent interview with Risky Biz , "Colossus" film writer Justin Marks is asking everyone to give him a chance. He says it comes down to selecting the right game for a movie adaptation, and although we still have difficulty imagining a SotC feature film, the important thing is that Marks sees potential. As he said:

"I think many of the games haven't worked as movies because it's hard to find the right game. There are very few that lend themselves to movies. If we started thinking that anything that worked in one medium shouldn't be adapted for another we wouldn't have a lot of the great movies we've had, because so many of them came from novels."

"Colossus" is being produced by Kevin Misher and one of the primary stumbling blocks will be the game's lack of intricate storyline and dialogue. But Marks says it gives him the opportunity to build on a foundation, which means we may get a very interesting script that remains faithfully grounded in the SotC universe. Added Marks:

"With a lot of games there are so many elements in the universe you spend your time tearing down and tearing down. What's nice about this game is that it's so sparse so you can start building right away." He added that he understood fan's concerns that a studio might be tempted to add Hollywood flourishes like a cheesy sidekick but that he would strenuously avoid those cliches."

Essentially, because he has more of a blank slate, Marks may be able to produce something that appeals to both the avid fans and the mainstream audience. He says the game is "seen through such an adult lens, so that what pleases the fans pleases a wider audience," so it might not be an automatic box office failure. Fact is, the vast majority of the mainstream public will have no idea that "Shadow of the Colossus" is based on a video game. …and that could really be a huge benefit.

Related Game(s): Shadow of the Colossus

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15 years ago

for some reason i picture this movie as having a lot of flashbacks. i'd also expect the number of colossi to be cut down – but overall i think SotC has a better chance of coming out as a good movie because the plot and story are so open.

15 years ago

Well, I dunno, what else has he written? If he can write a solid script THEN I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. The problem with this "building" thing is that you can build yourself right out of the universe and into something completely different.

I disagree that games don't lend themselves to film adaptations, I think in fact many of them do, the problem is that movie makers have become so complacent that they aren't willing or able to convert it properly. They see the need to tweak and add and subtract like every person who ever butchered the national anthem at the Superbowl. Just do it the way it should be done and nobody gets hurt.

15 years ago

Well he wrote for the recent street fighter movie so um.. not a whole lot else to say there

15 years ago

Chun li? Holy fail.

15 years ago

Hollywood = garbage

15 years ago

I was one of those who was disgusted, but I'm starting to come around to the idea. I think maybe they actually could make an amazing SotC movie if they leave the story pretty bare and mysterious.

I agree with Ogibillm that they will probably use flash backs. That could work. Maybe only have dialog during the flashbacks. They could do it. Apocalypto managed to remain compelling with very little dialog (at least, I don't remember much).

15 years ago

What Marks said about the "lack of an intricate storyline" is exactly the problem. Because the game essentially has no 'story', so to speak, he can add just about anything he wants. How about we get SotC2 first on the PS3, then maybe we'll talk Hollywood..

Last edited by Daedusian on 4/9/2009 2:21:50 PM

15 years ago

Don't worry it'll be like this:

"Imagine if you were lost in a barren land."

"Sleeping princess whose destiny is wrapped in eternal sleep."

He gets the girl, kisses her and end of story, yay.

15 years ago

haha! sadly, you're probably right.

15 years ago

I'll give it a shot, but so help me god if this sucks….

Games only work because they are interactive. Games arent designed to be a passive medium and thats why game movies suck. The only game movie that was goo (imo) is Advent Children, and it was freaking amazing.

15 years ago

i think the lack of intricate story is actually what a movie adaption of SotC has going for it.

most movies have simple plots with few locations.

but what do games have? intricate plots, varied locations, and tons of plot twists and development.

the simplicity of SotC lends itself well to film.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

What if it was done like "Lord of the Rings".

Same type of setting I imagine SotC would be in except the quest is to kill Giant type monster(s).

Could be good…..I'll will watch this movie. Heck I've seen the other garbage (and some good) Game-to-Movie movies, Why not this one?

15 years ago

Well I saw a leaked version of Dragon Ball…let's just say they have yet to prove the movies based on video games or anime will ever be good…I mean first Dragon ball, then from what I hear is Ghost in the Shell, Akira, etc. I mean maybe they picked Jake Gylenhall to be the Prince of Persia?!? So…yeah I have very little hopes for this one as well.

15 years ago

Cowboy Bebop is next up too *sigh*

15 years ago

So the mainstream crowd matters only because of revenue but honestly the fans are what matter the most. I have to say they need to take as much input from the fans as possible and adapt precisely from the game as much as possible. Coming from a major PoP fan I have faith in the movie, at first I really didn't think Gylenhall was good for the part but I would like to see how they attempted to make a decent PoP movie. Heres hoping Colossus will be alright, god knows Max Payne was sub-par.

15 years ago

Wait the guy that wrote the legend of chun-li is writing for the movie? All hope is lost.

15 years ago

SotC was about gameplay and atmosphere. It was weak on story and dialog(if it really had any at all). This game was not designed to be made into a movie. This will be marketed as a action pack Blockbuster, And seeing who is writing the screenplay… This movie will turn people off to SotC.

15 years ago

it would be much better if it was made by J.J abrams

15 years ago

IF and that is a BIG IF – I give this movie a chance… then chances are I'll be mighty disappointed! It's best to hope for the worst and be proven wrong

EDIT: @Oyashiro you're right… "ano" is pretty much the only word I remember in that game – that is " COME HERE YOU BEEPING HORSE"… yeah yeah I know there was some ancient made up language LOL

Last edited by Mystearica on 4/9/2009 7:30:53 PM

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

it'll be a bunch of guys taking down the many collosus

15 years ago

I would only watach it on these conditions:

1. If it were made using the same CG as the PS2 game.

2. If the only only word the hero said was "Aggro".

3. If the only other voice was a garbled up being that could only be understood through subtitles.

4. If it had epic music and dynamic camera angles.

5. If it made you feel sorry for the thing you stuck a sword into.

And finally…

6. If it "is" the game, and I'm playing it.

Can you handle that Mr. Director?

Still I might give it a chance because it may not be an epic fail. It's always a possibility.

15 years ago

I wonder how many colossi will be fought, I doubt they'd be able to get the killing of all 13 colossi in 2hrs, they'd probably get like 6 of them, 8 if they make it a 3hr movie, but to get all 13 they'd have to go w/ a 4hr movie, and that's pushing it

15 years ago

"What's nice about this game is that it's so sparse so you can start building right away."

Should this clown be allowed to write the SotC movie? What's he saying?? The game is sparse? Whaaat? He's saying "Give me a chance to build your sparse game into something better" ??

That's not what I want to hear. I want to hear what I heard when LotR was coming out. I want to hear "I love this game. The entire cast loves this game, and we're all going to do it justice." Don't worry about freakin' mainstream people. They're boring. Besides, if it's done right, the fans of SotC will be dragging the mainstreamers along with them to see it.

15 years ago

There are many good and bad things you could determine from his statements. Best to just wait and see what the trailers look like, I suppose.

15 years ago

Haven't seen the new Street Fighter movie, but 4% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes leads me to believe it wasn't very good. And this is the guy who's going to write SotC!?!?!?

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