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PSXE Poll Update: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Tops GTAIV

We really didn't know what would happen with this poll, but as it turns out, a late charge by last year's Grand Theft Auto IV couldn't quite catch the winner: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas .

Perhaps it was because SA built on the foundation set in place by its predecessors. Perhaps it was because you had more role-playing elements than ever before; you had to take care of your character, you had to become proficient in everything from driving vehicles to shooting weapons, and oh yeah, you could take planes up into the air, jump out, and use your parachute to float down gently and survey the world. How awesome was that ? Personally, my favorite was and will probably always remain Vice City , simply because I love the '80s setting, but it's impossible to ignore the great strides GTA:SA took. I liked GTAIV more than SA and I certainly think it's a better game – yes, I'm aware of what they took out, but I honestly didn't miss them – but there has yet to be a GTA since GTAIII that I didn't enjoy. I love 'em all, SA included, and most of you say the latter is indeed your favorite installment.

We take a little detour in this week's poll, simply because we want to gauge the result of the Killzone 2 hype. Now that you've finally had a chance to see it and play it, do you believe the game has lived up to the hype? Or is that even possible? Perhaps it's not such a straightforward question, but it is indeed an interesting and legitimate one… For our part, we say it does, but perhaps you're more of a stickler when it comes to the small drawbacks (and there's nothing wrong with that). We'll see…

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15 years ago

San Andreas is definantly my fave. I don't know why… perhaps its because the whole map wasnt just roads and buildings.

About killzone hype, the multiplayer is just so god darn addicting… so ya, in the multiplayer department, it did live up to the hype.

15 years ago

Ahh…can still remember the 1st time I put GTA3 in and experienced the sandbox style of gameplay, what a fun time.

15 years ago

Killzone 2 definetly lived up to the hype, I can't see anything wrong with it, the people complaining about the laggy controls just aren't used to a less trigger happy shooter, this one actually needs u to think than to just run around shooting evrything that moves, I finished the game y/d afternoon and saw that I died around 120 times, that's from me being too reckless at times lol

15 years ago

definately, gta also lived up to hype in my opinion.

15 years ago

no way man one of the most over rated games ever! 10/10 no way!

15 years ago

yeah GTA IV was overated to me too.

15 years ago

The path that was released the other day fix the controls in K2 and yeah K2 does live up to the hype on and offline.

15 years ago

I can't say I agree my fellow PSXE readers. I can understand though because GTA IV's main purpose was not to surpass San Andreas but to rebuild the GTA engine. In the new Liberty City its the little things that count. Liberty City is the most alive videogame "sand-box" city I've ever experienced.

15 years ago

I loved Vice City more, because of the setting and story. I loved SA because of the size and everything you could do in it. GTA IV was sh**. Don't care what anyone says, it was sh**.

Funny how the poll doesn't say 'wasn't a good game'. There probobly would have been an editorial on it if people voted bad. 'PSXE's poll shows shameless image to readers'. LOL.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/2/2009 10:34:13 AM

15 years ago

So, you can't fly zany rocket packs or go sky-diving (with parachutes that is), then online gaming, character developement, and gameplay refinement can all go to hell?

Last edited by Aftab on 3/2/2009 7:07:55 AM

15 years ago

Yes it can because niko was boring. The game wasn't funny, and has lost the livelyness it's always had.

15 years ago

BTW Carl Johnson was the funniest!

15 years ago

I thought Niko was cool, and he wasn't a flat character like they were before. And the game wasn't funny? The radio was funny. The tv shows were funny. The random car chases, spills, and fights were funny. And all of that wrapped over a very competent game engine that wasn't there before. And you thought the game wasn't lively? If you don't find it as lively as before, which I would find hard to believe, then fine. But to say it is "shit" is just wrong, because it's still one of the best games of this generation.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You can say you don't like GTAIV all you want. It's incorrect to say it's "sh**." Just please get that through your head…opinion does not, and never will, dictate inherent quality.

15 years ago

Exactly, and thank you.

15 years ago

Somehow I missed out on the poll. Not really I problem, because I didn't really play the predecessors save for helping my nephew out in a couple of sections in Vice City. Perhaps because I wasn't jaded by the series, or spoiled by zany jetpacks, but i was blown away by GTA4. The shooting, driving, shopping, the locales, the music, changes in weather, dynamic character and npc interactions…. I was trying out my played-through ps3 games, and GTA4 was by far the most fun to play again (compared to MGS4, R2, Deadspace, Gears of War 2). It had something to do with how lively and unscripted the world seemed. Something smile-inducingly new happens everytime you play it, and so even the scripted missions don't seem so set on rails. This what truly makes it a technical and production value achievement, despite the simple textures and somewhat glitchy gameplay. GTA4 is one of my favorite games of all time.

15 years ago

And does KZ2 live up to the hype? Well, i was expecting to be disappointed, and so far, I have not 😉 I decided to play on Veteran on the first play-through, which was kind of mistake, as it is very difficult. But the only weakness that came to my attention was the slow turn-around speed (I'll see if I can adjust it). I haven't finished playing through the sp campaign, but so far, the only game that gave me as many ooh-ah moments is Uncharted. The game feels like a combination of Gears of War and Call of Duty. And it does it very well.

15 years ago

Uncharted will remain my best exclusive this generation.I played thru mgs4 once and traded it but with Uncharted,i beat it like 3 times

15 years ago

Me, too, sort've. But I think that had a bit to do with not many games being out then when Uncharted was released. So I played through it on each difficulty setting and it rocked each time. MGS4 has great online play (MGO), and the variety of weapons is very cool, though. And although not as colorful, the graphics had more scale to them. Ofcourse, Uncharted had more pacing to the gameplay, because MGS4's action was deliberately left open-ended. You could hide out under a box or go guns-blazing.

15 years ago

Duh, i'm such a dope. I was b*tching about the turn-around speed, because people were complaining about it, and believed it until I adjusted the settings and saw that was completely bs. It's as if people just want to find faults that are not even there. This is the best fps I've played so far, and find little reason for my 360 anymore (ninja gaiden 2). I can't believe i played more than half the game on those crappy settings.

15 years ago

i liked GTA:SA but like GTAIV i didnt play it much after i completed the story, unlike VC & III. Also the characters were so f***ing annoying!!! but the game its self was huge no one can deny that.

15 years ago

I voted GTA3, cause it was the last one I really enjoyed playing.

As for killzone, the game is so epicly amazingly awesomely good, that I just can't put it down. I haven't even touched the campain yet, I've just been doing online, and I'm soooo hooked. I'm not even a big fan of online, but they just did it soo good, and the ammount of depth to it just keeps me coming back for more

15 years ago

SA is the best but to me is on par with IV.
People who don't like SA are those who can't learn to relate to anything,probably because SA was like a boyz in the hood-black-ghetto-culture-thing.If you're racist i don't see how ever you would enjoy SA.With me,i enjoyed all gtas,VC's 80's setting was great,the soundtrack was one of the best.

Rockstar rocks cause they try different things.They tried an eastern european guy with IV.We can't always be having an american guy as the protagonist,get used to it people.

15 years ago

Well said man. I guess most people didn't like the hood setting. Its one of those few games that suit my style so it was better to me than the other GTAs. Don't get me wrong, nothing against playing as Tommy or Niko, but I felt like I could vibe with the game more with CJ. The NWA era was the greatest!

15 years ago

I played through the story line on KZ2 first and the whole time I was playing, I was thinking to myself,

"It's fun, but nothing really new here.."
No new innovations compared to R2 or any other FPS. And I was kind of dissapointed because I was expecting more because of the Hype…

But then I finished the game (which that last level was insane, by the way) and I went online….And that definitely lived up to the hype..

I've only played one round online so far, but it was way too much fun, and I can't wait to do it again…

Oh, and if you don't have surround sound for this game….do yourself a favour and go get a system… really comes in handy…

Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/2/2009 8:37:08 AM

15 years ago

"It's fun, but nothing really new here.."
Exactly what i thought when i played the demo.
Exactly why i won't be buying it soon.Yea,the online multi-player is good but like Ben,i don't really go online.

Am getting me some Bioshock,i tried the demo and the visuals are incredible though those splicers suck.The water and blood is very impressive.It doesn't have online too yet it's highly rated,it shows it's a great game,seeing as nowadays games get high scores mainly cause of online.

I'd always wanted to ignore Bioshock despite Ben's recommendations back in the days.Finally am buying it for sure.

15 years ago

If you're ever going to get into an online multiplayer game though…this is the one. I'm having a blast with it. And if you like FPS's, You're going to have to go online eventually. I think they are running out of ideas on how to make a great FPS better. (How much have they really changed in the last few console generations besides better graphics?)

I wouldn't be surprised if you see more of that genre start to go with more focus on the online play…Sure server issues and glitches can be a problem, but when everything runs smoothly, there is nothing better then fragging an opponent who is also another thinking, breathing person, instead of pre-programmed bots.

I burnt out on FPS's for a while (Thanks Halo..) but now that online gaming is so immersive and interactive, I've rekindled the old flame thanks to games like Resistance, R2 and KZ2. I'm also still loving Warhawk and SOCOM, but they aren't FPS.

If you like Online play, this game is a must have…if you're just going to play the storyline…and never touch it again, then just rent it, but at least give the online a try…It's worth it.

15 years ago

haven't even played one since overhead view. is it as good as fallout 3?

15 years ago

Ooh, Tough question.
I loved both of them. The thing I like about the GTA's is that your character that you start with is pretty much the same one you end with…You don't upgrade attributes with XP points or anything. If you're a crappy driver or lousy shot…you have to get better yourself, not because you leveled up…You just need to find armor and better weapons. If you liked Fallout though, I definitely recommend any of the GTA's..

For the next one, I'd like to see them change venues, It's always been about America, why not do a Brazil GTA, They could make it something like the movie City of God or something, a kid working his way up in the drug world. Or Mexico…the Cartel's are a big news maker now. There's so many things they could do.

15 years ago

OOOH City of God Game now were talkin

15 years ago

kidgrid I take it you aren't a gamer? If you were any form of gamer you most likely would have atleast had a controller in your hand at some point in the past 8 years with a GTA3+ game on the screen.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 3/2/2009 10:02:37 AM

15 years ago

I like the games I like. Not because they are hyped. I watched someone play it for about 15 min and it didnt do anything for me. But then again it was a lot of "do the hooker then kill her and get your money back".

15 years ago

Okay, this is going to be way off topic, but I had to post it…

You guys remember the article that was here a few days ago about the girl that had a rash on her hands from playing too much Playstation? Well it just popped up on Yahoo news, so I thought I'd see what they said about it. There was nothing different then what Ben had already reported, but take a look at the comment someone left about it. Kind of Sad, but hilarious at the same time. Here's what they said:

"The most serious symptom displayed by "gamers" is profound brain function deterioration & total lack of social skills & awareness. It is very common and far more serious than sore digits. I can usually pick "gamers" out in a crowded mall. They are generally obese, sloppy dressers with a blank, vacant aura about them. Much like couch potatoes but without the nacho crumbs all down their huge bellies & the yellow nicotine stained fingers."

I mean really? Anyways, thought I'd share…lol
And besides, Gamers don't hang out in malls…there's like people and girls and we would have to go outside…outdoors is scary….lol

Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/2/2009 10:17:47 AM

15 years ago

That person has a foolish ideology about gamers,thinking we're all the same.

15 years ago

yeah your right. I get my nachos delv to my house so i dont have to see great ball of fire in sky

15 years ago

That ignorant idiot on Yahoo News has a very bad case of "Athletes Mouth!!!!!

Since his big toes keep tickling his tonsils so much, he just needs to wear shoes and keep his big fu*cking piehole shut more often.

15 years ago


The next GTA is going to be far better like Vice City It will happen

15 years ago

San Adreas was fun, but GTAIII is just the best thing ever, it had all the fun elements and little quirks.

It also had a really good storyline, cool stuff…

15 years ago

The one thing I didnt like about San Andreas was the fact that you had to waste 90 minutes of your game playing time to build up your breath underwater before you could progress. Made me so mad I was like this is taking for ages I wanted to cotinue with the story.

I have loved every GTA since GTA III myself but each time they have improved each and every time.

15 years ago

I agree with you Ben bcoz i was born way after the 80's and never knew what it was like. So this game came to my doorstep when i was 8! I loved the freedom and the radios were probably the best few songs i heard in my small lifespan.

Ben did your taste in music change a little after this game?

15 years ago

"do the hooker then kill her and get your money back",

and that didn't interest you?!?!

15 years ago

I've just passed the second heavy and aerial assault on veteran in my first playthrough. KZ2 has defied all my expectations and is my favorite fps so far. It has the best visuals, best sound, and best gameplay. And I haven't even played online, yet!

The one thing striking about the gameplay (atleast on veteran) is that you can't just run up and grab cover, or a rail gun, or find a prechosen weapon and save the day, unlike R2 or Gears2, where the action in the single-player campaign was set on rails for the most part. You have to mix it up, because the enemies sprawl everywhere chaotically. The only thing Resistance or Gears had over KZ2 was the female support character. I'm sorry, but Evelynn is nasty 😐

Sony has officially solidified PS3 OVER the 360 in terms of exclusives. Congratulations GG on a job well done.

15 years ago

I'm waiting for TeamIco's latest game before I run out in the streets rejoicing.

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