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Yakuza 2 Official Site Launches

When we have to address games that take eons to break Japanese borders and end up in North America, it's easy to get confused. The original Yakuza turned out to be a gritty, solid action game for the PS2, and it came to both Japan and and the U.S. But while we're already talking about Yakuza 3 news – like Sega using real Japanese models in the game – North America still hasn't received Yakuza 2 . See? We told ya it was confusing.

But have no fear, as the September 9 release date for the long awaited sequel isn't far off, and to drive the point home, the official site for the game has finally launched, and you can take a gander at some of the latest information. They've got screens, trailers, and even an interview, so you can scrounge up plenty of details; don't ignore Yakuza 2 just because it's on the PS2. Like we said, the original really was a lot of fun, if a little bare-bones, and we have high expectations for the sequel. Is it any real surprise that both the original and the sequel did very well in terms of sales in Japan? The two countries do have very different tastes in terms of games, of course, but Yakuza is the type of title that should appeal to just about all action fans.

The release date isn't bad, either. It's before all the big-name titles drop closer to the holidays, and there's a good chance that Yakuza 2 will receive an agreeable price tag. You should think about it, guys.

Related Game(s): Yakuza 2

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15 years ago

Wow I can't believe no one has commented on this. I loved the original on the ps2 it kept you going with the great story and all the dynamic moves you can unlock. I will definitely be getting this game. It's given me another reason to go back to my ps2. They also changed the main qualm most people had with the original game(the horrible dub job).
But to be honest I loved hearing mark hamil scream the mf word. Haha classic.

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