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Persona 4 Confirmed For North America

The PS2 is immune to the wear and tear of time in terms of software availability, as proven by yet another RPG announcement: Persona 4 is on the way, role-playing aficionados.

According to WorthPlaying, the game has been officially announced by Atlus and better yet, it's confirmed for North America (yay!). Once again, the title centers on Personas and the classroom setting that has become popular in recent Japanese RPGs. In retrospect, the previous entry in the critically acclaimed franchise ( Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 ) was excellent and original, and a welcome breath of fresh air in the world of role-playing. As Atlus tends to do – they take care of their loyal fans – the game will launch as a deluxe 2-disc release, and every copy will come complete with a soundtrack CD. These are the kinds of extras that keep fans coming back for more, and by now, we've come to expect this from the veteran RPG publisher.

The game will have the price of $39.99 and is slated for a December 9 release this year. Hopefully, one of these days, Atlus will graduate to the PlayStation 3, and we can reap the rewards of their tireless efforts to satisfy role-playing fans around the world.

Related Game(s): Persona 4

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16 years ago

AWESOME!! Was waiting for this 'cause I really enjoyed Person 3 >….<

16 years ago

I was actually wanting this for PS3, but I guess PS2 isnt bad. It needs games, and this ones been good to it. Good thing I got an 80 gig with B/C.

16 years ago

See, its stuff like this that makes me a sony supporter. Their last gen system is still supported, unlike the xbox that dropped of the face of the earth when 360 hit

16 years ago

There is a huge difference between XBox and PS2 though. The PS2 has sold 130 Million . The Xbox sold less than 30 million. And almost all of that market has either moved up to 360 or abandoned the platform so there is no market for Xbox games. The PS2 is still the primary console for tens of millions of people.

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