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ESRB Rates Yakuza 2, Set For US

The original Yakuza for the PS2 released in the US, but despite solid reviews, it didn't exactly burn up the sales charts. This is probably why we never saw Yakuza 2 (or Yakuza 3 , for that matter), but we've heard whispers that the second might eventually make its way to North America.

Now, it seems those whispers have been verified. According to Kotaku, the ESRB has assigned a rating for Yakuza 2 , and we doubt the ESRB is in the business of rating unavailable software just for fun. No, this means that long-awaited sequel will finally be coming to US shores, although we still have no release date. We'd like to think Yakuza 2 would hit within the next few months, but knowing the history of such titles that very reluctantly make the trip from Japan to the US, we're not counting on it. But who knows? This might end up being one of the last must-have PS2 titles, and it might be available for purchase by the end of the year. We enjoyed the original – as you can see in our review, linked above – and we're not the only site who wants to see Yakuza 2 . And how about the third one, Sega?

Remember, the PS2 is a long ways from dead, so it's not surprising to see news like this. Besides, we could always use a gritty action title with a kick-ass main character; who cares if it's last-gen?

Related Game(s): Yakuza 2

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16 years ago

I care Ben!

Hehe, just kidding. I might need to dust off my PS2 for this.

16 years ago

I loved the first Yakuza. Great game.
So, who do i have to beg for it to be released in the EU too?

16 years ago

BOUT FREAKING TIME! Should I even care anymore though?

16 years ago

I REALLY want part 3 though, bad ass game!

Last edited by solidkevin on 6/5/2008 4:01:11 PM

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