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Two Classic RPGs Get Reprinted, Average Price Cut In Half

If you're an RPG fan, you probably already experienced one – or both – of the following PS2 RPGs: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga . But if you're a fan and missed them, you may have been trying to get a hold of a copy…and you would've realized that it was a very pricey endeavor.

Well, thanks to a reprinting by Atlus in April, these two great RPGs have now dropped in price by almost 50% on the resale market. According to VideoGamePriceCharts, Digital Devil Saga was going for about $75, but after the April 26 reprint, the price has now dropped 43% to $44 for the month of May. Prior to the end of April, Nocturne would've cost you about $97, but now has dropped 53% to an average price of $46. That's one hell of a drop, and RPG fans who missed out earlier should leap at the opportunity to secure a copy of both. We will recommend Nocturne , just because it was the first of the saga that came to North America and, in our opinion, the best.

When games get too rare, prices skyrocket, but a publisher can issue reprints to bring those prices down. Atlus is well known for not providing enough copies of new titles upon launch, and we're actually surprised at these reprints. We're definitely not complaining, though.

Related Game(s): Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne , Digital Devil Saga

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16 years ago

OOOH now I can leave a comment. Ben can you please tell me more. I haven't heard anything about this. The reprint was like a month ago… that worries me!!! Is there some date that we will see them in stores or has this passed? *REALLY REALLY WANTS NOCTURNE!!! And DDS #1 if possible too*

Thanks for reporting this!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

I'm sorry, this is all we know. Have you called around to local stores to see if they've been supplied with any of these re-printings? Don't bother with places like Wal-Mart; just stick to the GameStops.

You may also want to test the online markets like eBay; with this re-printing, the prices should start to fall if they haven't already.

16 years ago

i remember when it took Square a long ass time to make FF tactics a greatest hits game, therefore lowering the price. it was hard to find and also went thru a price surge, at least where i was living at

16 years ago

Damn, I forgot all about those games. They were pretty good.

16 years ago

Thanks for the reply! So it already came out… man must have missed it. Nocturne is going at an average price of 47.87 on eBay, DDS#1's $$ is still up there… guess those people want to keep their games. I'm gonna call some GameStop stores located in the suburbs – you'd be surprised what you find there. Last week I found at a random location NEW copy of Growslander LOL

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
16 years ago

Good luck. I have Nocturne myself and sadly, I got to about 25 hours, got sidetracked, and never finished.

I'm not getting rid of my copy, though. 😉 And it was great, if I remember correctly…one of these days, I'll get around to finishing it.

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