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FF XII London Launch Next Week

Hardcore fans always show up for their favorite game launches, don't they? And every once in a while, the publisher and retailer work together to reward those avid fans with some nifty bonuses, kinda like what Square-Enix and HMV are doing with the launch of Final Fantasy XII in London on February 23.

If you're on the ball and show up that day to pick up your copy of PSXE's 2006 Game of the Year, you can nab a super-cute Moogle and soundtrack CD featuring five beautiful tracks from the game, each composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto. Of course, there is a catch, my FF friends- you have to be one of the first 100 people through the door if you want all the goodies. If you're in the next 100, you still get the CD, though.

But guess what else? The news gets even better, as both the executive producer (Akitoshi Kawazu) and the director (Hiroshi Minagawa) of the game will be on hand for a meet and greet! You can also register to win a trip for two to Japan…presumably, you won't be going back with Hiroshi and Akitoshi; you're on your own.

Now, if you're at all interested in this stuff – and we think you should be – we suggest hot-footing it down to HMV at 150 Oxford Street, London between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to take advantage. But if you want to roll by early and make your presence known, they'll give you a gift wristband. Remember, it's Friday, February 23. You don't want to forget that day, Euro-gamers.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XII

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