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E3 Gets Name/Date Change

First, it's cancelled. Then it's downsized and moved to a new location. Then it's cancelled

. Now it's back, complete with new moniker and date. Oh it's also been moved back to LA.

So what did the International Data Group decide to call it's new function? Game Pro Expo (yes, after the ragazine of the same name) it is. The GPE will now take place in mid-October so that it can completely lack relevace or interest gamers at all, despite pushing the idea on LA Convention Center members that the new show will rival E3 in terms of size and economic impact.

Occuring in the Fall eliminates the event's key asset – building anticipation for games and hardware that would normally release in its newfound timeslot. Instead, you'll probably get to play games you've already seen and heard about for months. Forget surprise announcements altogether. Instead, IDG is injecting the Game Pro Expo with a healthy dose of competition, filling in the gaps by pitting gamers against each other in tournaments or contests. They also plan to include a consumer component to the show, perhaps reopening it to the non-industry crowd in some aspects.

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