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Get Your Madden On!

Well, it's the time of year again. Before millions of fans huddle around the warmth of their HDTVs for some pigskin action every Monday, EA is inviting them to celebrate a little early. For today is a very Merry Maddenoliday!

Like it or leave it, the iconic franchise is a bonafide phenomenon. It's not always perfect and EA's bullheaded decision to pay off the NFL for exclusive rights all-but-eliminated competition, but even then one cannot deny the mark Madden has made.

But in its earnestness to stay on top, is the franchise tripping over its own feet in the process? The lack of challengers is making Madden go soft (as if the real John Madden needed any help there!) and only minor yearly updates is going to sour gamers on this long-running classic. If you're the only game in town, you've got to be perfect!

Oh, who am I kidding, it's too hallowed not to sell anyway! Regardless, Madden 07 is now in stores for the PS2 and PSP (as well as a dozen other platforms, no doubt), so please video game football fans, get your Madden on!

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