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Business 2.0 Magazine Thinks Kutaragi Doesn’t Matter

on a new list created by editors at Business 2.0 Magazine revealing their thoughts on 10 people they deem inconsequential to the business world. Though in no particular order, the father of the Playstation Ken Kutaragi has managed to make that list due to poor handling of the PS3. More specifically, the choice to include Blu-Ray and other blunders surrounding the medium. A company classically determined to win format wars (Betamax, MiniDisc, UMD, etc.), Sony's lambasted by the magazine in the following passage:

"Unfortunately, the PlayStation 3, which was supposed to put Blu-Ray into millions of living rooms, is months late and hundreds of dollars more expensive than competing consoles from Microsoft and Nintendo – largely because it includes one-of-a-kind technologies like Blu-Ray. The delays and cost overruns are likely to make both the PS3 and Blu-Ray nonstarters. But there's also another problem, which leads us to Warren Lieberfarb …"

Kutaragi was not the only notable to make the list, of course, as Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Netflix exec Reed Hastings (amongst others) landed a spot. And that Warren Lieberfarb at the end of the above quote? Well, he's one of the guys behind Blu-Ray's competing format HD-DVD.

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