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Best Buy’s Top 18 For Last Week

Eighteen is an odd number for a list, but nonetheless that's what we have. PS2 releases are slim but Hitman: Blood Money and Liberty City Stories managed to make the top ten, with the latter in the number one spot. The DS is also an admirable performer with NSMB and Brain Age still selling strongly even after several weeks. The Xbox 360 sales may not lay at the top of the heap, but Microsoft's next-gen system does have the strongest distributed presence on the list. With Sony hyping May's PSP sales, it's disappointing to see the portable's software nowhere on the chart. All in all, though, we're likely going to see lots of old releases getting dredged up again with the summer release list running a little thin.

2. New Super Mario Bros. DS
3. Brain Age DS
4. GRAW X360
5. NBA 2k6 X360
6. Hitman:Blood Money X360
7. Call of Duty 2:GOTY Edition X360
8. Hitman:Blood Money PS2
9. PGR 3 X360
10. Oblivion:Collector's Edition X360
11. 2006 FIFA World Cup PS2
12. 2006 FIFA World Cup X360
13. Big Brain Academy DS
14. Oblivion X360
15. Mario Kart DS
17. Tiger Woods 2006 X360
18. 2006 FIFA World Cup Xbox

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