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Latest Japanese Software Sales Data

Media Create has released the latest sales data from Japan for the week
ending April 9th. It looks like things have returned to "normal" as the DS once
again reigns supreme atop the charts, and the PSP is nowhere to be found. The
PS2 generally has four or five of the top ten titles, and this week is no
exception as it places four games on the charts.

Rank/System/Publisher/Game/Weekly Sales
1. (DS, Nintendo) Brain Age 2 – 81,000
2. (PS2, Konami) Pro Baseball Spirits 3 – 69,000
3. (DS, Nintendo) Animal Crossing: Wild World – 63,000
4. (DS, Nintendo) Brain Age – 56,000
5. (PS2, Namco) Pro Baseball Star 2006 – 52,000
6. (DS, Nintendo) English Training DS – 50,000
7. (DS, Nintendo) Pokemon Ranger – 44,000
8. (PS2, Square Enix) Final Fantasy XII – 38,000
9. (PS2, Sega) Pro Soccer – 23,000
10. (DS, Nintendo) Mario Kart DS – 23,000