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CNN Names E3 Best

CNN.COM has just

for the five "best in show" games of E3.

Of interest to PlayStation 2 fanatics, EA's upcoming first-person shooter, Black, and Capcom's bizarre airbrushed action game, Okami, made the list.

Of Black, "While this is meant to be a game about covert 'black ops' military squads, the emphasis is firmly on action rather than stealth or strategy. Squadmates move independently without the need to issue orders and the use of heavy weaponry is always encouraged."

And of Okami, "Arguably the most visually striking game at the show, the unique graphical style of Okami is no gimmick. The entire game is rendered with Japanese style watercolor brush art, reflecting both the game's basis in Japanese folklore and core gameplay."

We have screenshots of Okami and Black in our screenshots section.

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