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Michael Jackson Signed PlayStation Up For eBay Auction

It figures that absolutely anything related to Michael Jackson is huge these days, and that includes the PlayStation he signed. …supposedly.

If you need a chuckle and would like to make a bogus/legit decision for yourself, head on over to eBay and examine the goods: it's not only signed, "I love you, Michael Jackson," but it's also the 1,000,001st PlayStation to come off the assembly line. …again, supposedly. The current bid is $580 dollars but if you don't want to wait, you can just buy it right now for the low, low price of $1.5 million. And if you do, we assume you have more money than brains, and you automatically believe that the article in IFA Today, which evidently proves the legitimacy of this item, is 100% honest and factual. Well now, this has given us an idea: we're gonna locate a copy of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker , write "It's MY game, Michael Jackson" on it, and toss it up for a real bargain at $1 million. What are the chances that it sells, and why do we get the feeling that somebody really would buy it; if not for a million bucks but for at least a few hundred…? You know, even if this is legit, we fail to see how it's all that great a collectible, even for die-hard MJ fans.

But hey, it's worth a look. We've seen plenty of crazy stuff on eBay in the past, so this is hardly surprising. We just hope this MJ memorabilia thing doesn't get too out of control…

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15 years ago

I'm sorry to say this but….

ps1 > ps2

Anyway sad to see them selling this gem. It should be kept with the family and forever cherished -_-

15 years ago

PSX, the only console that introduced "true" gaming in my life. Before that was Street Fighter, Sonic and Mario… Man, they're really milking on MJ now, huh?

15 years ago

I'm guessing this idea popped into someones head after hearing that "Michael loves games."

15 years ago

Haha probably fraudulent.

15 years ago

Sniff, sniff, sniff……is that the smell of scam???
Cough, choke, sputter,….YUP, smells like scam to me.

I guess who ever buys that will also need one of his $250,000 snot-soaked paper face respirators too, just to stem the stench that's emanating from this deal.

15 years ago

In my opinion the PS1 has been the most difintive games console so far, but that is rediculous……… whast the person who bought it going to do with it? I dont understand the fascination of buying signiture items, when they're signed, its usually due to a personal 1on1 experience, like meeting the star at a convention or whatever, but if you buy it, it becomes inpersonal and kind of loses its meaning.

I can buy a PS1 for £5 in the city, no joke.

15 years ago

$1.5 million? I'm pretty sure only Michael Jackson would pay that amount for such an item.

15 years ago

as i said before its amazing what people will pay for things off ebay.
a ps1 for 1M?
i can buy a fu**ing Ferrari for that price.

15 years ago

Yes you could but it wouldn't be signed by Michael Jackson would it.

Even if there is proof that the signaure is real, I can't see anyone really paying 1.5 million for it.

15 years ago


15 years ago

lol, i wouldent want one signed by him.
because its a ferrari they were built to be driven….. FAST!
so it would get dirty if i wash it several times by by signature.

15 years ago

Does it come with any games and a extra controller for that price? j/k

Isn't California $1.5 million in the hole for the memorial? So if you buy this PS1 then you would be bailing out California.

15 years ago

The story he gives sounds plausible, but I don't believe it. I'll wait for the Michael Jackson signed time machine, thank you very much.

15 years ago

Magilla Gorilla wants to know…..
How many banana's will "Bubbles" be going for????

15 years ago

Nah, if there will be a playstation that is signed by Kobe Bryant I'm gonna buy that playstation.. haha lol!

15 years ago

Imagine how much they would've asked for if it was a 80 gig b/c PS3 w/ the card readers and such….$5mil… $10 maybe. Crazy!

15 years ago

Now everyone can stop saying the ps3 is overpriced.

15 years ago

even though it is.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

Guys the 1.5M is only there to keep bids going. The current bid is $4000. The person who's selling it doesn't intend to sell it for over a million.

15 years ago

I'd like to meet these people who are bidding on this. They might be socialites or something.

14 years ago

The winning bid was $6000 plus $50 shipping. For a freakin console!

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