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PSXE Best Of The Best Poll Update: PS1 RPG, Round 1

We promised you it was coming, and now it's here. PSX Extreme kicks off our Best of the Best Polls with the Best PS1 RPG, and it's now up to you, the reader, to determine the overall winner.

On the right of the front page, you can make your selection, and you have one week – as of now – to do so. Every Sunday at about midnight we'll be checking the final tallies and moving on to the next round of our series. The first step in these genre awards will be to post up our 10 selected finalists, take the top five vote-getters after one week, and pit them against each in the second week to determine the overall champion. We will continue to do this for all genres; action/adventure, platforming, sports, etc. over the span of this Poll series, and in the end, we will do one final all-around competition. The winning titles from each genre will go against each other, and we will then learn which PS1 game is the best of the best, according to our readers. Once we're done, we'll do the same with the PS2, PSP and PS3. We figure this is the most logical progression, and we've seen such suggestions from PSXE fans who offered their ideas.

So get to it! And don't forget, if you want to debate the poll, hit the link at the bottom and you'll be transported into the official discussion thread in the forums. And so, now that we've got all the details sorted out: we give you the start of the PSX Extreme Best of the Best Poll series! 'applause'

P.S. I put this Tactics logo here 'cuz, as many of you already know, it's my favorite game of all time.  But this poll ain't up to me, and I know FFT won't win. *sob*

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15 years ago


15 years ago

Thousand Arms

15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Okay, just so everyone is aware, please don't cast your vote in the Comments section. Just use the Poll.


15 years ago

i had to vote for Xenogears, i love it even more than FF tactics, the dark story really gets me

15 years ago

i loved that one also, but too bad square gave it to namco.

15 years ago

Haha that is what I voted for as well! That story is by far one of the creepiest/epic ever written. Not to mention the gameplay was awesome as well. If anyone hasn't played Xenogears I suggest you try it out!

15 years ago

Best story definately would go to Tactics, most influential would definately be FFVII, and while I'd vote for Xenogears alone with Aaron, I'm going to stick to my roots on this… personal favorite… Final Fantasy IV, which *cough* did have a PS1 remake release.

If you gonna hold that against it, Xenogears, but FFIV otherwise, no questions asked. I haven't been a Dragoon on FFXI for over 4 years for no reason you know 😛

15 years ago

XENOGEARS! I love me all of the FF games but Xenogears is rare magic

15 years ago

lol Why even bother its obvious FF7 is going to win

Though i personally vote for Final Fantasy 8

15 years ago

I'm gonna have to say Chrono Cross is my favorite, but it is kind of unsetteling to see how many votes FFVII has already

15 years ago

I'm disappointed Legend of the Dragoon or Parasite Eve wasn't there, so i obviously went with FFVII.

15 years ago

You're right I totally forgot about Parasite Eve. That also was a great game. We get a third installment though on PSP! HELL YEAH! AND while we are on the subject of "where is…" Where is Tales of Destiny 2!? 😉 Don't worry Ben, I'm just giving you a hard time.

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 8/18/2008 5:20:51 PM

15 years ago

Hey Ben you should've made it a besides FFVII…whats the best PS1 rpg lol…cuz looking at the poll so far….yeah i'm not surprised at the current winner 😛

15 years ago

Well, maybe they'll do a first, second, and third place finishers, so we see after the top 5 selected who won the top 3 spots in our eyes. That way, after the expected FFVII win, we can see what people preferred after.

15 years ago

How isn't Legend of Dragoon in the list?

15 years ago

hey guys i feel kinda stupid asking this, but where is the poll so i can cast my vote?? lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Poll is on the right of the front page.

As for Legend of Dragoon, I like it, too, and if I could, I would've put 20 on there. But our polls only fit 10, so I had to weed out the original Suikoden, Legend of Legaia, both Lunars, Persona 2, Breath of Fire IV, Dragon Quest VII, etc. I just went by the games that have scored the best overall according to GameRankings and MetaCritic. 🙂

15 years ago

Would it be easier if I put it on every page for this, you think?

I voted FF7, although I've personally only played like 3 games on that list.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You mean the poll on every page and not just the home page? Yeah, maybe. If it's not too difficult to do, it'd probably be a good idea.

15 years ago

thanks ben. i didnt see it cause i never scroll down that far lol. did you ever play the arc the lad games ben?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, I did, but I didn't like them too much. I got the Arc the Lad Collection, beat the first one, got about halfway through the second and stopped.

15 years ago

Umm i liked final fantasy 9 the best so sorry guys- ff7 was just the first 3d final fantasy i think 8 and 9 should at least be considered.

15 years ago

persona 2 in the states ( this game is actually persona 2.5 overseas ) was so underrated, excellent game, great story but can be confusing since they never released persona 2 here in the states

15 years ago

If you really want to know about the best of the best, start a discussion about it, but to boil it down to a one-click popularity contest feels cheap and dismissive.

15 years ago

If Final Fantasy VII doesnt win I'll castrate myself so I can literally put balls in my mouth in astonishment…

15 years ago

It shall win. We must fight for it! I'm gonna hail at my brother to vote for it.

15 years ago

Yo jb (jonny_bolton)…I hope for your sake you're right brotha. lol.

Last edited by recks1jtp on 8/18/2008 10:28:43 PM

15 years ago

I know this is not suppose to be here. What if I get information and I want to send it to you Ben. Do I just e-mail you guys? cu'z the options giving under "About Us" doesn't specify any, unless if you got your own sources and you don't need help.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You can just send it to me.

15 years ago

No surprise VII is leading the pack. But i'm shocked that VIII has more votes then IX. I loved that IX brought you back with mages and such. Just couldn't get into VIII, maybe i'll have to throw it in and re-try it.

15 years ago

Didn't like 9 so much, the characters and story. But the graphics, gameplay, music (freaking awesome music!), and landscape was pretty cool. Put in my gameshark towards the last boss, and said 'eff it' I just wanted to beat the game.

I want FF VII, VIII, X, X-2 and XII to be released on the PSN in HD quality to be honest … Never beat 8, 10, 10-2 or 12 … Was too busy with females and WoW at the time.

15 years ago

lol 'ace' i love the way u used the word "females" followed by the words "and WoW" makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside but i gotta tell u ff 11 beats WoWz ass u should give it a try and its a couple bucks cheaper a month.

I'ma start playing it again in december so if any of u psx guys have ff11 accounts u should contact me.

15 years ago

I prefer WoW over FF 11 online. I thought that Square could have done so much better for FF 11. Maybe they can make a new online FF. Hopefully.

15 years ago

What about Chrono Trigger? I liked it better than Chrono cross.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Well, that's a SNES title. I know it came with FFV in FF Chronicles for the PS1, but IMO, that doesn't qualify. 🙂

15 years ago

Tu shay, Ben! I get it now, though. PSone "exclusive" RPGs. 🙂

Last edited by Reccaman18 on 8/19/2008 10:54:33 PM

15 years ago

No Chrono means I had to go FFVII… of course right? Out of the list FFT was my second choice though Ben.

15 years ago

Behold, JBoogie's first post!
Anyways, I voted for FFVII, like most owners, but thats not my true opinion. I think that Brave Fencer Musashi is one of the most overlooked games of all time, and THE best RPG for the PS1. It still stands today as one of my favorite games of all time.

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