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Don’t Sleep On A Next-Generation Syphon Filter Reboot

According to the rumor , Sony may unveil a Syphon Filter reboot at E3 this year.

Believe it or not, that could be one of the biggest announcements of the show.

This franchise made quite the stir back in the original PlayStation days and honestly, it would've made a much bigger stir had it not been for Metal Gear Solid . Yes, MGS was superior but then again, the two franchises were inherently different, too. And if Sony Bend really is cranking away on this reboot – supposedly dubbed "Kill Strain" – then you will hear some very happy fans whooping and hollering.

I know these fans; they're awfully loyal, and they'll tell anyone who's willing to listen that the first few entries in the Syphon Filter franchise were absolutely stellar. The original title still holds an average 90 Metascore, for instance, and the PSP iterations were excellent. Furthermore, this is precisely the kind of game that could really benefit from the added power of the PlayStation 4. Does anyone else remember a game called Winback for the PS2? It launched early in that system's lifespan but it made me think, "if we just had more power…"

That's what I always thought whenever I played a Syphon Filter , even though I was more than satisfied with what Sony produced. A reboot would be fantastic, although I may have some reservations about Sony Bend. They have to join the big boys and that's always a tall order.