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Little Deviants Review

Replay Value:
Overall Rating:
Online Gameplay:
Not Rated
Bigbig Studios
Number Of Players:

It makes perfect sense to have a game that showcases the nifty features of a unique piece of hardware. Little Deviants utilizes the front and rear touchpads, tilt function, and even the camera and microphone of the PlayStation Vita, so in theory, it should be a great launch option. But the ho-hum nature of the presentation and a few poor design choices makes this one more irritating than it has a right to be.

On the surface, the visual presentation is actually quite attractive. Theres’s a zany charm to appreciate, as those cute albeit bizarre Deviants have an undeniable appeal. Furthermore, many of the levels boast a fair amount of imagination and quaint creativity, often mixed with a loopy sense of style. The only problem is that it all seems to lose its luster very quickly. Then you’ll start to realize that overall, there really isn’t an impressive amount of refinement and achievement.

The sound suffers from a repetitive, annoying soundtrack and a few mediocre effects that start to grate after the first ten minutes. The quality of the audio is erratic; it bounces all over the place throughout the production, as some levels are pretty good, while others have you reaching for the volume control. There isn’t much else to talk about concerning the technical elements, as they’re not anything to write home about; the developers obviously focused more on the Vita-specific features.

And as I said before, this would’ve been fine, provided those features were cleverly and appropriately implemented into an entertaining, diverse adventure. On the plus side, Little Deviants does have quite a bit of variety. There are 16 total game types so you won’t be doing the same thing over and over, and that’s pretty cool considering that none of these games require the use of the analog sticks. So yeah, you will be doing a bunch of different things with the touch, tilt, and camera features.

But unfortunately, it’s just not that much fun. For instance, the first thing you do is cause your Deviant to roll around by causing the land beneath it to rise up, creating hills. You do this by dragging your finger across the rear touchpad. Now, not only is this a little counter-intuitive in my eyes, but it’s also extremely unreliable. I could never quite figure out the best way to generate those hills, and the goal – get a key and reach the exit – was too bland and generic for me to care.

After, I participated in some races, had a chance to aim at robots with a cannon, and maneuvered my odd little creature through a maze with the tilt function. Sometimes, you’re not even holding the Vita horizontally (but it was crazy awkward). So the gameplay diversity is here but in truth, I’ve never had more trouble holding a portable game system. You’re constantly trying to shift your grip so you can perform better with a certain game type and occasionally, it doesn’t matter what you try; it’ll still be uncomfortable and frustrating.

Anything that requires you to move quickly, like the game types that have you running away from something, is terrible. You can’t see enough of the environment and the steering is a colossal pain in the ass. It’s too bad, too, because a lot of the games had a ton of potential and in fact, some work out just fine once you’ve figured out how to hold the damn unit. But none have any real staying power and a few are just plain boring. Variety doesn’t mean much if the execution is iffy and the fun factor is strangely low.

The only lasting impression one receives is this: somebody didn’t set out to create an interesting, entertaining game; they set out to make a vehicle for the PlayStation Vita. It’s clear at every turn that the designers only cared about working with the system’s unique and potentially innovative features. It’s like they sat down and said, “okay, we have this feature; how do we take advantage of it?” rather than saying, “we’re going to make the game we want first , and then think about gimmicky features later.”

Little Deviants has some ambition and creativity and it’s often inarguably amusing. But the generic, bland nature of the goals in each game mode, the lackluster presentation, and the erratic and unreliable control hinder it big time. Worse, there’s always a pervading sense that this is less a game and more of an incomplete production with only hardware features as the inspiration. That’s not the right way to generate an engaging, addictive piece of software. It just isn't.

The Good: Amusing, charismatic style. Plenty of variety. Mildly interesting use of the Vita’s features.

The Bad: Visual presentation rapidly loses its appeal. Irritating music. Control is erratic and often frustrating. Bland, generic goals. Fun factor replaced by irritation. Less of a game, more of a hardware promotional vehicle.

The Ugly: “I’m getting really sick of trying to maneuver this thing around. I don’t care if he dies.”

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12 years ago

LOL, I thought this game looked neat. Guess I won't be picking this one up unless there are any first editions bundles left??

12 years ago

LOL love the last quote " I don’t care if he dies.”i've read alot of poor reviews on this game.

12 years ago

This title came with my First Edition Bundle, and it's the only game I've downloaded that I haven't played. Maybe I'll just sell it and put the credit toward WipeOut or Army?

12 years ago

Not downloaded. Purchased. Urgh.

12 years ago

i ordered my vita off QVC for 6 easy payments its the 3G bundle comes with little deviants and uncharted and cases and other stuff not to mention ill get all the goodies that come with #g vitas already all for 400 so ima just sell the little deviants and get rayman oirgins ( i know shame on me i didnt pick it up on my ps3 when it came out ) IM SO EXCITED FOR MY VITA :):):)

12 years ago

Do you have a url or was this on TV? Thanks

12 years ago

well with qvc it fluctuates they change things almost daily so it was a good deal when i caught it. been removed though they had another bundle up for the vita but thats been taken down as well they have good deals there all the time i got a queen tempur pedic mattress for 400 on sale retailing at 15 i got a 52" LED 3D sharp aquos quattron with wifi and apps tv for 1300 on sale and that was right when shapr had just released those lines of tv's so im 100% sure they will have vitas back up but they are not there now sorry 🙁 oh and all you need is a valid checking account its not a credit check on the payment options either so any one can use them and no extensive sign up just create a simple small account and done. happy shopping :):):)

12 years ago

Cool, thanks for the info, I really appreciate it! 🙂

12 years ago

I'm glad I held off on the early launch bundle. The extra $350 would be better spent on this week's bundle with a larger memory card, and Uncharted or Rayman instead of Little Deviants.

12 years ago

i really enjoyed it for what it is.
you have to understand launch mini games are tech demos, and for that i think it did a fantastic job!
yea it could of had more mini games, but being a launch title you cant expect games to have oodles of content.
only thing i did not like about it is the stupid difficulty spikes!
you can breeze through 10 mini games and get gold stars blindfolded, then get 1 you spend 3 weeks finishing, then 10 with gold stars blindfolded, then 1 really hard.
it just feels like they did it deliberatly to try slow peoples progress, and did it rarley enough that people spent so little time with the game several weeks passed so they forgot about it.
but what about those who spent 5+ hours stright with the game?
your suppose to slowly ramp up the difficulty, not go 10 levels of 1, then 1 level of 10, then 10 levels of 1, rinse and repeat.
that problem is compounded by the fact that about 1/3 of the way through you stop unlocking multiple areas at once.
i found that whenever a level was really hard you had that one and only that one unlocked, so you either play that or you dont play the game.
but when levels were easy you had 2 or 3 others also unlocked.
thus again making it feel even more so that they just crammed in these difficult levels just to try extend the games life.

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