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Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin Preview

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Double Fine Productions
Double Fine Productions
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PlayStation VR games shouldn’t be few and far between, what with 160 titles already in development and over 50 on tap for 2016 . But perhaps one of the most promising titles isn’t necessarily on everyone’s radar: It comes from the fantastic minds of Tim Schafer and Co. at Double Fine Productions and it’s called Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin . That’s right, after many years anxiously awaiting news of a possible follow-up to the 2005 platforming classic, we now have not one but two new games to look forward to; the other is the recently funded Psychonauts 2 , which won’t be available until 2018. So, if you want to get back into the swing of things with Raz and that gaggle of fascinatingly zany characters, you gotta dive into PSVR.

Announced late last year at the PlayStation Experience, this promising VR adventure picks up where the original left off. If all the fans remember, the first Psychonauts ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, which of course generated widespread hope in a sequel. If you’re not familiar, here’s a prelude (and warning, a bit of a spoiler ): Raz is finally recognized as a great PSI-Cadet and he has a chance to become a fully-fledged Psychonaut. Camp is over and it’s time to go home but before Raz can return home with his father, news arrives that the Grand Head of the Psychonauts, Truman Zanotto, has been kidnapped. Now it’s up to Raz and Lili – Truman is Lili’s father – to rescue him, so the newly-minted Psychonauts must jump straight into action!

Perhaps the biggest difference between the third-person platformer that was the original Psychonauts and this new effort is the perspective: In the Rhombus of Ruin will actually be first-person within VR, and Raz “will have the ability to project his psyche onto other peoples’ brains,” which means there is an entirely new mechanic at play. Raz has a fresh way of moving about this fantastical world, which of course prompts some obvious questions. Maybe the most important of these is, “how will this PlayStation VR experience work?” Control will always be an issue and if it doesn’t work well enough, the gameplay falls flat, right? If it’s first-person, it should be relatively straightforward but bear in mind that we’re talking about a completely new form of interaction. We’ll have to see how Schafer and the team approach this; there’s no doubt they’re bad-asses in the world of development but this is a whole new world…almost literally.