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Shadow Warrior 2 Preview

Scheduled release date:
TBA 2016
Flying Wild Hog
Devolver Digital
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
TBA 2016

2014’s Shadow Warrior reboot was a blast and a half. It was a raucous, old-school first-person blast-fest and slash-fest that pulled no punches and never apologized for being brainless. It was representative of the way video games always used to be. Now, that’s not necessarily a good thing because this industry has made great strides, and we’ve come a long way from those brainless, totally absurd adventures. Even so, despite that progression, we have to remember that not all games have to take themselves so seriously, and that we occasionally want to kick back with a Duke Nukem clone. Okay, maybe not a clone, but you know what I mean.

We don’t wanna think; we wanna kill stuff.

That’s why this series is so freakin’ great, and it’s also why I’m anxiously anticipating the sequel, which is slated to release later this year. As you might expect, the team at Devolver Digital is looking to amp up the insanity to the nth degree. They want to deliver an even more shocking and outrageous action game, with more blood and more weapons. But it’s not merely about increasing the quality and the amount of existing content; it’s also about improving and building upon the gameplay. For instance, not only will this anticipated follow-up boast four-player co-op, but we’ll get new “daring missions” and procedurally generated everything . In other words, the longevity should be through the roof.

And when I say procedurally generated everything, I really mean it: Despite a few pieces of story-driven content, each and every mission will be procedurally generated, including randomized enemy positions, terrain, building, and even weather conditions. Hell, they’re even giving the damage system a procedural structure, which will dictate how limbs go flying. Yeah, you can blow off – or lop off – opponent limbs with a variety of deadly firearms and blades and as you might expect, it’s a cornerstone of this gory experience. Protagonist Lo Wang isn’t exactly merciful; he doles out justice and pain in spades and as he can now go into battle with three other allies, well… Anybody remember Mr. T’s quote in “Rocky III” when asked what his prediction was for the fight?