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The Witness Preview

Scheduled release date:
January 26, 2016
Thekla, Jonathan Blow
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
January 26, 2016

You know, I couldn’t do Braid . It made me feel like a complete idiot. But it’s odd how the human mind works and your mental strengths and weaknesses often come to light when playing puzzle games. For while Jonathan Blow’s very well-received Braid didn’t click with me (despite a few small early successes), other puzzlers – like Portal 2 and Echochrome – had a profound impact. Not only did my brain more easily embrace these challenges, but I also felt as if I understood the designer’s thought process behind the game. In looking at Blow’s next effort, The Witness , I’m excited because this time…well, it looks like I’ll get it. It looks like I’ll love it.

As you’ve probably already heard, The Witness boasts a whopping 677 puzzles and Blow has said we should expect 30-40 hours of total gameplay. Obviously, the amount of required time will be highly dependent on the aforementioned “click;” i.e., if the puzzle structure and concept click with you, it’ll take you a lot less time. Personally, I’m hoping for that sweet spot, where you’re at first a little confused and then, as your eyes rove about, you start to see the light. First in hints and glimmers, then in that rapidly dawning birth of comprehension that is just so fulfilling. Just remember that in this case, we’re talking about a full 3D open-world environment where the puzzles go above and beyond. Translation: This isn’t your typical puzzle game.