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Transformers: Devastation Preview

Scheduled release date:
October 6, 2015
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
October 6, 2015

As a child of the ‘80s, you might have mixed feelings about how the classic Transformers are depicted today. With the advent of fancy CG, the old-school cartoon look has been swept under the rug, much to the chagrin of those who grew up with the popular afternoon TV show. But accomplished developer PlatinumGames has opted to come to our rescue, as the newly announced Transformers: Devastation is a blend of old-fashioned – yet undoubtedly silky smooth – animation and modern, edge-of-your-seat combat. The team that gave us Bayonetta and Vanquish is about to give a legendary cartoon the, uh, reverse overhaul hardcore fans will adore!

Here’s some interesting back story to get us started, courtesy of Metro UK’s hands-on time with the game at E3: Director Kenji Saito and the rest of the Platinum studio are big fans of the Transformers…no, really big fans. They even have special days where they’d all bring their substantial collections in to work. That tells us that these guys will treat this project with a gentle, guiding hand, totally unwilling to wreck the classic core of a series they all seem to adore. It also helps that they recruited Andy Schmidt to pen the script; Schmidt worked on many of IDW’s Transformers comic books, so he’s just the guy to do it. In Devastation , the Earth is being converted into another Cybertron and believe it or not, the Decepticons aren’t behind it.

Of course, the story isn’t the primary focus. It never is with Platinum’s high-octane productions (which is why we’re glad Metal Gear Rising was indeed a spin-off, because we wouldn’t have wanted this particular studio to write a MGS story). Beyond the perfectly crafted look of the Generations line of Transformers toys, the focal point will indeed be on the action, which is destined to leave us gasping for air. We’ll take to the battlefield as one of five playable Autobots: Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Grimlock, Wheeljack, and the leader, Optimus Prime. All told, there will be over 30 characters in the game (including the notorious Megatron) and true to the spirit of the project, we even get the voice actors from the original cartoon!