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Destiny Preview

Scheduled release date:
TBA 2014
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
September 9, 2014

As the industry has progressed and technology has gotten better, our virtual worlds have gotten bigger and prettier. The days of being hemmed in are long gone; even the linear adventures have more sense of freedom and exploration than ever before. As for Bungie's new project, Destiny , it's probably best labeled a "MMOFPS," because you have to be online to play, although you don't necessarily have to play with others. Still, this persistent universe somehow manages to provide us with a narrative as well, and it remains to be seen how important this is to the overall experience.

As you already know, Bungie made Halo . So, it's not too surprising to see that franchise's influence on Destiny . Visually speaking, it has that epic sci-fi feel and in terms of gameplay, many say the anticipated title has a similar weight and heft. If you take a close look at the weapons, you'll see Halo 's influence there as well, but it's clear that Destiny will have far more firearms with which to experiment. That's a good thing, too, because I've always thought the weaponry in Halo was its single biggest drawback.

While the game won't have the same setting or style as Borderlands , it has often been compared to Gearbox's acclaimed series. And that's because both IPs have a strong focus on cooperative gameplay within an open-world environment. Bungie is attempting to provide a seamless co-op experience, featuring smooth drop-in and drop-out play with friends. Furthermore, the team has spoken of an unparalleled dynamic nature, in that everywhere you go in Destiny , there will be something to see or do. It's not just, "go there, clear out the enemies, go somewhere else, repeat."

That has always proven to be the most boring aspect of this style of game, so I'm glad to see Bungie stepping things up. This way, you'll never know what to expect around the next bend or over the next rise. You can break off on your own or you can tackle objectives with a bunch of friends; that much is up to you. However, it has been hinted at that playing the lone wolf won't often be the best idea. We don't know yet what the maximum human player count will be, but much like any other MMO, you will continually encounter other players in various locations in Destiny's far-reaching world.

Essentially, based on everything we've heard and that excellent E3 gameplay presentation, this is a game that seeks to expand – in every conceivable way – on the co-op multiplayer formula. What you do, when you do it, and how you do it is entirely up to you. If you see a fight over yonder but you don't want to get involved, don't. If you're seeking a particular encounter with a certain enemy, or if you only want to play with a small group of close friends, so be it. If you want to go all free-wheeling and jump into anything that looks interesting, have at it. With a host of weapons, skills, and specific class abilities, the depth will be there as well.

And remember, that narrative is there, so completing missions and talking to NPCs will allow you to see an unfolding story. Of course, I get the feeling that getting stronger and finding better loot will be the crux of the experience. That's typically the case with any giant sandbox title, especially one where online multiplayer is a focus. I can't see anyone eventually recommending Destiny for the single-player experience but hey, that's not the point, right? In short, it could end up being the definitive co-op title of the next generation, if it's done correctly. And it probably will be.

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Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

I have a feeling this game will be my initiation into MP gaming. I am hoping that I can, as a solo player, just roam around and join skirmishes as I wish – as well as run through the "campaign". If that is possible, well, lets just say I'll be one happy fella.

10 years ago

Yeah they have spoken a lot about how the players can do all the things you just mentioned. So be happy fella.

10 years ago

I got to admit the environment appeals to me more than Dust 514's. Is this thing gonna be a free to play structure or what's the deal?

10 years ago

Well they haven't spoken too much. But they have said it won't be subscription based.
I am assuming it will be a one time purchase. They have almost confirmed microtransactions too. Which is to be expected at this stage.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I can't wait for this game! That is all.

10 years ago

it sounds promising enough. like you a bit of MP and single player to keep everyone happy.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

did i read something along the lines of no story?

10 years ago

There's a story.

10 years ago

Ummmm. Considering the fact that the only thing Bungie has showed off so far is co-op and single player gameplay. They literally haven't even mentioned PvP yet, then yes, there is definitely a story. All co-op missions will be a story of their own. There is a world of mystery to explore and there is a huge emphasis on lore.

10 years ago

"And remember, that narrative is there, so completing missions and talking to NPCs will allow you to see an unfolding story. Of course, I get the feeling that getting stronger and finding better loot will be the crux of the experience. That's typically the case with any giant sandbox title, especially one where online multiplayer is a focus." Sounds to me like there IS a story but it wont be good enough/emphasized enough that anyone will give a crap about it if i go by what that quoted part says

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Well, yes. There will be a story but given the game's structure, I do doubt that anyone will care. Despite what Bungie thinks.

10 years ago

Id care considering story is the main reason I play most games.. and MMOs with an actual story that has a beginnig and and end (with cutscenes and actual advancement) is why I love final fantasy XI and XIV and wont touch all those other crap non story having MMOs

10 years ago

MY only issue with these games, I could be wrong is, that if you do not get on board at the beginning and wait for a year or so, you get bumped. Not sure about match making, but I know at times when trying out the MP in mass Effect 3, I would get bumped by people because I was either not the class they wanted or the more likely my weapons were subpar. I get it, but what better way to learn the game and get experience from watching vets play and get some pointers. Still, I had quite a few good games with the MP when I did play which made up for the others.

Keep Playing!

10 years ago

Wow. Your friends are terrible. I've never found this issue. But honestly, intelligent match making eliminates this completely.

10 years ago

I've only had some time with Borderlands 2 and it is fun, but is the whole game just going and clearing out areas?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago


10 years ago

That's so sad.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

What precisely were you expecting from a self described FPSRPG shoot and loot game???

There is a story. It's actually pretty good. The last DLC story is even better. I think the writing is very very good and the humor is exceptional. YMMV

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 8/9/2013 3:56:32 PM

10 years ago

I dunno, something a little more creative.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

Well, that's certainly a specific enough answer that I am satisfied and completely understand your position now.

10 years ago

sounds like it will play a bit like Defiance….you don't pay for MMO, but there are plenty of micro and not so micro transactions. Defiance appealed to me and I think Destiny will as well, in that I'm a bit of a lone wolf type player and especially in sandbox games I enjoy exploring. I think this will definitely be a game I check out.

10 years ago

I want this game so bad, it's ridiculous.

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