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PSXE Poll Update: VR Gaming Generates Definite Intrigue

After Facebook purchased Oculus VR for $2 billion last week, the future of virtual reality gaming came into the limelight.

We wanted to know what you thought about VR in the interactive entertainment industry, and according to our latest poll, the vast majority at least think it's "cool."

In fact, most say they can't wait to check it out. Sony's next-gen VR tech, dubbed "Project Morpheus," is in the works right now, and it might be out sooner than we all think. One of the first games to take advantage of that amazing new tech is Project Cars , although I find it interesting that Evolution Studios couldn't make it work well enough in the upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive, Driveclub .

At any rate, it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out. This week, we reflect on a recent article and determine that it's worthy of a poll: How do the Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remasters hold up over time? Are they obviously dated? Or do their charms still shine brightly, despite a few dated elements (such as the voice acting)?

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10 years ago

"One of the first games to take advantage of that amazing new tech is Project Cars, although I find it interesting that Evolution Studios couldn't make it work well enough in the upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive, Driveclub."

Isn't Driveclub a PS4 game?

10 years ago

Likely a misprint.

10 years ago

She shines pretty brightly I say. Taking off my nostalgic love glasses I can see how it's a little slow, and how certain textures and people couldn't make the jump but the gameplay is still damn compelling and tense.

I love that it's a globe-trotting journey in one world with one overarching story that makes sense is amazing to me. XIII-2 and Lightning Returns just drop the player into a nonsensical cockamamie story wherein you do pointless side quests only. It's amazing to experience real characters, strategic battles, and one epic plot that doesn't include crazy things that happen for no reason.

I vote "Very well." I can't get that battle theme out of my head. Duh dun dun dun dah dah daaahhhh…

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

I wonder if they could do PS Home in first person perspective for the sony VR headset?

10 years ago

FFX/X-2 hold up really good with only one exception…the loading times in between pretty much everything

10 years ago

What loading times? Are you on Vita?

I don't find it bad at all. In fact, I wouldn't have even NOTICED loading times had it not been for reading comments on the internet.

10 years ago

any time you walk through a door, move through a scene…i know back when it came out it wasnt much but after playing many modern games im just not used to loading screens anymore

10 years ago

For this poll to give any interesting result these games should be played by regular gamers and not just diehard fans of the franchise.
And, well, I don't think many of us buy this release.

I mean, if you ask die-hard Tetris fans if they think this old classic holds up against the current day AAA productions, I'm pretty sure the result would be an overwhelming "YES" with lots of enthusiastic arguments as to why. 🙂

10 years ago

well since i am not a JRPG guys i will not comment

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

VRs COULD be amazing, and i say could because i know people are going to f*ck it up, just like they have over the years, by trying to cheap out on it.
it just does NOT work, you either go all in or dont bother!
you cant create the worlds fastest car with the budget of a suzuki swift!
so why do companies constantly keep trying to make VR so cheap?
thats what worries me with both morpheus and OR.
oculus are at least using a OLED display so you will get the beautiful rich colors people expect, and there using a low persistence display so the motion blur, there for the chunks of undigested food on your shoes, is kept to a minimum.
but its not even full HD, and that is just not acceptable!
as ive said a billion times go rest your head on your full HD display, stare at one spot for as long as you can until you get a splitting migraine.
and thats a full HD display, imagine how much worse its going to be when the pixels are even more noticeable!
and thats on a LCD display where the way the pixels are laid out makes them less noticeable, on a pentile OLED display its going to be even WORSE!
you really do need UHD for VR, 2560×1440 minimum any lower than that and you might as well throw it in the bin, people are going to try it and say yup this is why i said ill believe it when i see it.
its still giving me quick headaches and motion sickness, and the picture quality is just terrible!
there really is no point in doing VR if your not going to hit those 2560×1440 low persistence OLED requirements.

you really do want to take it that step further to because the applications are endless!
as DR richard marks said, imagine using project morphous as your window into experience us humans will probably never experience.
well, at least most of us.
there is just so much that can be done with this!
and to see this fall to the wayside because people cheaped out on it and didnt bring it to its full potential, like 3D technology, really would be such a shame!
3D is not about sh*t flying out of the screen at you, while that is cool, 3Ds about the same thing VR is.
improving the believeability of worlds.
one of the biggest problems with platformers and even racers these days is depth of field, is that sense of depth perception.
how many times have you died in any mario game because you thought you were closer to a platform than you were?
and thats whats so frustrating, all these issues would of been solved with 3D.
but as usual we cheaped out on it, noooooooo everything has to be done to make us rich immediately!
and of course it fell to the wayside.
please, dont let VR suffer the same fate.

Last edited by ___________ on 3/31/2014 3:36:16 AM

10 years ago

Meeh to VR well be just another gaming fad. It well be hot for a month or two then die out just like the PsMove did. I well stay away from VR just like i did the PsMove

10 years ago

I have an oculus rift…

All I can say is…get ready..this shit is crazy awesome!!!

10 years ago

seriously everyone that has put on my Rift headset…freaks out about how cool it is!

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