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Dragons Start Hoarding On November 2

Gran Turismo 5 will no longer make it for November 2, but there's another reason to be excited for that date…you greedy hoarder, you.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , Big Sandwich Games will deliver Hoard to the PlayStation Network. It's described as a "dual-stick action-strategy game about dragons gathering treasure." You will roam about a fantastical, charming medieval kingdom, trashing villages with your fire breath, kidnapping helpless damsels, slaying knighted would-be heroes, and just wreaking havoc in general. Why? Shiny things, that's why! The game will retail for the standard $14.99 and feature over 35 maps and 4 different game modes (Treasure Hunt, Princess Rush, Survival, and Co-op). We'll also get leaderboards, a comprehensive rewards system with over 100 Badges to earn, Trophies, and – wait for it – "over 20+ hours of gameplay." Everyone always wonders if these little downloadable experiences are worth the cost of admission; well, it seems Hoard most certainly will be…provided it's a good game.

And we're definitely hoping for just that. If you want to learn more about it, head on over to the game's official site and have a look-see. Should be fun!

Related Game(s): Hoard

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13 years ago

I normally don't like top-down games, but this looked pretty neat from the trailer I saw.

13 years ago

Seems like an interesting game. I generally wait for new PSN games listed at $15 to drop to $10 before purchasing, which they usually do in a few months.

13 years ago

There was an old Sega Saturn game I liked called "The Horde."
This game sort of reminds me of it. And not just because of the name.

13 years ago

I have that Horde game, but since it's been many full moons since I've even played it, I can't remember what the game-play was like.
Guess I should go pop it in again just to see see.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 10/22/2010 12:38:50 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

November 2 is GoW:GoS day. That's the only reason to be excited for that day. Oh, and the first anniversary of me buying my car. I don't think it'll be fixed by then though…

Erm, yeah. This actually sounds pretty trippy, but not for me. Release it on a PSN compilation disc and I'll buy it. (Are you listening Sony people?)

13 years ago

I thought you guys just had donkey's and carts down there…hmm

What was your first car?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Nah, only the New South Welshmen still use those.

It's a Mazda Tribute.

13 years ago

……. what would dragons want with treasure?
sony give me a date for ecchochrome 2 god dam it!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Ask Tolkien… Smaug had a whole bundle of it.

13 years ago

Are you kidding? Go play some DnD, you nerd.

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