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Big Home Update: Wipeout Museum, Sodium Scorpions, More

PlayStation Home continues to get bigger and better; pretty soon, it'll be like Disney World: can't see it all in one visit!

They've detailed the latest home update over at the PlayStation Blog and as you can see, it's a big one. First and foremost, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the esteemed Wipeout franchise, they're launching the Wipeout Museum, loaded with all sorts of stuff based on the critically acclaimed titles. This includes games like the Team Logo Hunt, Wipeout 2D arcade cabinets, and even an interactive DJ area, which will let you blast your favorite slick tracks from the series. But it certainly doesn't end there. There's the new Observatory space, which should be open tomorrow for the PlayStation Minis event, which will let you play a game "of wits, memory and luck" on a special board featuring Minis images. While you're in the Observatory, you can check out the pool-like FreezeBall game, too, so there should be plenty to do in the next 24 hours.

If this doesn't interest you, perhaps you'll be interested to know about an outbreak of red scorpions in the Sodium Hub:

"Coming heat waves are predicted to cause numbers of red robotic scorpions in the Sodium Hub to swell! Experts predict numbers will reach their peak this weekend. Do your part to keep the Sodium Hub safe by donning your stomp boots and keeping the red scorpion menace at bay over the coming days. Remember, the more red scorpions you stomp the greater level of upgrade you’ll earn for your stomp boots. And that’s not all; each progressive Stomp Boot upgrade will increase the number of points awarded to you for stomping red scorpions when worn!"

Let's see, what else? Just Cause 2 clothing and furniture items have been added to the Mall, the Trigger Happy-in-the-Box game from the Midway space will be available for use in your own clubhouse and personal spaces, there are new Monkey Island 2 items in the LucasArts store, and lastly, there's the LOOT Mobile Internet Browser, which "allows you to access the Sony Pictures Emporium website from your personal space." After tooling around all day, you can take take part in the nightly Featured Game parties so you can play the latest PS3 and PSN games with your friends within Home. These parties take place between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. EDT in the Gamer's Lounge; they'll tell you what the featured game of the night is and then you just pop it in to launch your own game, or join someone else's. This Friday, they'll have ModNation Racers goin'.

'whew' Is that it? What the hell isn't in Home at this point?

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14 years ago

still pissed over Hiroshima

14 years ago

Off topic, inflamatory and pointless. Reported.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Go back to that square enix topic to read my most recent rant about folks like you.

This really isn't the forum to be a shit-disturber for the sake of shit-disturbing. You're the definition of what I spoke of in the previously mentioned topic discussion.

For reference sake to others, it was the Square-Enix, you're wrong topic, and my post i'm referring to starts with, "Let's hope you find a physical fight then…"

You are the flag bearer for disgruntled teens, everywhere.

14 years ago

You're like Dexter, but instead of "Omelette du Fromage" he was stuck with racial nonsense.

14 years ago

I can't wait to get home and have a tour of the Wipeout museum. I wanna go on that Wipeout 2D arcade game. I hope that there is a Wipeout personal space with game cabinet included coming along sometime soon.

Need to stomp some Scorpions too…

14 years ago

Wipeout 2D? Is it side scrolling? Looks like I'll be going Home.

14 years ago

'whew' Is that it? What the hell isn't in Home at this point?


14 years ago

or chat.

14 years ago

YOu can chat, but you have to 'call' the person. In other words you have to initiate a private chat.

14 years ago

Yeah, I know about the calls. I liked the first couple of days when you talked to everyone on screen, though. I played around a good bit those first couple of days. Yeah, there were some jackasses, but now it's just too quiet. If I want to type chat, I'll go to a chat room somewhere.

14 years ago

I'm glad to see that sony continues to grow Home, altho it's not for everyone it seems, it gets new stuff all the time and it's getting to where there is so much to do, it can be hard to find the time.

14 years ago

Red Bull Air Race came close, but there has not been that one space to get me hooked yet.

I am hoping something from GT5 does.

14 years ago

Think I mentioned this before but if Sony can somehow integrate FACEBOOK into HOME it would make HOME more visible to a larger audience. For those on FACEBOOK who participate in all those social games this might be right up their alley.

The PSN app on FACEBOOK could link to a 'gasp' user TROPHY ROOM. When logged in friends can view your activity. User "A" is in the MIDWAY space. User "B" is in the Gamers Lounge or their Summer House or Club.

Update comment, photos, videos and activities all in real time.

14 years ago

that would be completely epic

14 years ago

I have to download this again.
There's so much to do now, i gotta

14 years ago

We need NES classics in there.

14 years ago

I have a 0.5mbps internet so home takes hours to move to a different space.
Although every time I go there I'm impressed with the amount to do.
Shame everyone on my friend list is always playing one of infinity wards games

14 years ago

Ditto. Connection at my country is always bad. And yeah, always a lot of MW2 players on my PSN friends. Even those i added in RDR and Uncharted 2 are more frequently playing MW2. The drones… :p

14 years ago

hey, for anyone who uses ps3 home, what's is the point for the home's club? if you add those people you meet to your friend list, you can have a text chat, join a chatroom, join and chat with someone in a game, all without being a part of Home. again, you can be in a game and text chat with multiple people without being in home. other than joining people to your club, what else is there to do or talk about. i mean are they even considering charging you a monthly, bi-monthly, or yearly to keep and or rent your club? i thought they would eventually let you have friend's over to listen to downloaded music or to watch your downloaded shows and or movies from the ps3 store. or have the home set up as continents and you can literally go to different countries with your avatar and your in game keypad would have a virtual translator so you can have general idea of what the other person is saying. and or FREE REALMS can be free only on or at home. your actual home avatars can participate and it doesn't necessary needs to be m rated, but not e for everyone either. oh, and yes, home has gotten bigger since the past 2 to 3 years. your comments.

14 years ago

my thoughts exactly

14 years ago

meh its been 2 years since i last visted home and i still have no plans to visit.

offtopic question
since i am done with my backlog of good games my question is should i go through all the grabage games of this year like Nier, Aliens vs Predator, Alpha Protocol, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce, Dark Void, and Dead to Rights reatribution ?

14 years ago

Nier isn't garbage, start there. My review will be up soon.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/7/2010 5:18:41 PM

14 years ago

worldendwithme, i'll tell you what is garbage, before ff13 what games for the 2or 3 major consoles did square come out with? i guess they made a nintendo version of ff, but that's about it. now there shoveling all this crap before the release of ff13 versus and ff14? just cause 2, nier, some third person shooter, deux x, tomb raider, and some mech assault game, give me a break. hey, if i was releasing a game that requires that you not only buy the game, but pay a 10 to 20 fee in order for it to be at least halfway decent, i wouldn't be so eager to come out with it either. for example, i'm not into 1st person shooters like modern warfare, but their black opps game (i'm not sure if it releases this year or next) has a release date, doesn't it. is ff13 versus even coming out the 1st quarter of next year in japan?

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