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Bayonetta Japanese TV Ad: “Non-Stop Climax Action!”

We may have to wait for Bayonetta until next year, but it's a big October release for Japan.

And while everyone still has their reservations about the PlayStation 3 version – and we all know the Xbox 360 isn't exactly a big seller in the Land of the Rising Sun – Sega will still have a solid marketing campaign in place. Check out the Japanese TV commercial that has managed to get people talking; it features some sultry CGI fun and the theme song, "Something Missing," by MiChi. Essentially, what you're looking at is the female version of Dante from Devil May Cry and because we love DMC, we honestly have no problem with that atmosphere and style. If you have a Japanese PSN account, you can download the playable demo, which supposedly eases some of the fears of PS3 owners as it apparently flows rather well. Unfortunately, there's still talk of frame rate hitches that aren't evident in the 360 version and the bottom line is that while Platinum Games handled development for the latter, Sega is doing the port to the PS3. We really had thought we left the days of crappy ports behind (like, way back in 2007), but that may not be the case.

Even so, I definitely want to give the game a try, even if I do get it for the 360. And if we see ads like this here in the US, I imagine a bevy of testosterone-addled teen boys will make a beeline for the store to ogle that tall, slinky vixen. Eh, such is the way of the world.

P.S. There's no hidden meaning behind "non-stop climax action." There just isn't. You have a dirty mind!

Related Game(s): Bayonetta

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago


14 years ago

looks pretty sweet!

Last edited by inkme101 on 10/12/2009 11:01:07 AM

14 years ago

The main character isnt really attractive or cool looking. The librarian glasses mixed with that 70s hairdo and dress thats all covered up….. The only cool feature about Bayonetta is her cool high heel guns.

14 years ago

And the fact their her dress is made out of her hair, right? and that it disappears from her powerful techniques? =D

But yeah, tried the demo out, this game is packed filled with combo's, it's something I really wish DMC used more of, super fluid combination long combo's. But honestly it copies too much from DMC (yes..I know..same people) but I mean when you use some trademarks, like Dante's Stinger, and Vergil's Sword action, but oh well, it still seems fun but it's something I'll be passing on.

Also I thought you already made an article about this long ago xD maybe I'm thinking of somewhere else

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 10/12/2009 11:16:00 AM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

They're using Dante's Stinger in the game?
W T F!!!
Every Japanese fan will realize that and think it's totally copied.


14 years ago

Yeah i know! I just can't stop playing with the endless combos.

14 years ago

Very nice ad! I guess all that's left is the simple matter of making the PS3 version run like the 360 one(if possible).

14 years ago

This all took place in the slums of Shoulin

14 years ago


14 years ago

LOL. Thanks for the info grasshopper………………. Just kidding

14 years ago

I gotta say, could they have chosen a worse name than that?

Seriously! Bayonetta?


14 years ago

The name matches the game, I mean honestly does anyone actually think it looks like a good game…

14 years ago

I played the Demo, Its pretty good so far.

Last edited by Oyashiro on 10/12/2009 3:33:35 PM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I think Bayonet-ta is pretty much the only name that would work.

Is her favourite move a guillotine?

14 years ago

I've played the Demo and had no issues.

But sometimes it felt like I was playing little bit of Sonic the Hedgehog with all those gold Rings bouncing around.

14 years ago

Haha, that was my thought too… Well SEGA is the publisher. XD

14 years ago

Same here! lol

14 years ago

"And if we see ads like this here in the US, I imagine a bevy of testosterone-addled teen boys will make a beeline for the store to ogle that tall, slinky vixen. Eh, such is the way of the world."

So you assume those "testosterone-addled teen boys" would buy this account on the account that the game's main character is female? If this is the case then its now wonder why video games are precieved as a immature hobby for dateless nerds.

Personally speaking I don't purchase a game on the account of the game having a scantly-claded female or any crap like that, but I purchase a title on the account that I see some long-term value in it, quality and things of that nature.

Look at this, but when Tomb Raider first came out I didn't have gf at the time, but I didn't rush out to buy the game on the account that of being dateless or even the fact the character had big breast.

In regards to Bayonetta, the game look good and something I'll naturally be interested in. Sadly though I've been growing quite skeptical of the game and its ability to live up.

14 years ago

Judging by your comment, I'd say you never had a girlfriend but getting one might be a mission in and of itself…or if you're in the mood for a challenging adventure you could just pickup Uncharted 2…I personally think you getting a girlfriend would be harder though…

14 years ago

Did this article make you feel like you needed to defend yourself?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

A. It was mostly just a freakin' joke. You don't need to take everything so seriously.

B. If you honestly don't believe sex appeal sells in video games as it sells in any other entertainment venue…well, that's just plain naive.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/12/2009 8:10:05 PM

14 years ago

I just finished looking at some 360/PS3 screens of the game and I must say that the PS3 version looks like complete sh!t(compared to the 360).I thought Sega already mastered the PS3;I wonder what went wrong.

Last edited by Hexen on 10/12/2009 1:31:12 PM

14 years ago

It's not Sega's fault
It's the devs fault

Sega's only the publisher (doesn't develop the game)

Sad, Sega always seems to lose a lot of money….

Virtua Fighter…
Not making Valkyria Chronicles for the ps3
Not making Skies of Arcadia 2

Wonder if they "like" losing money, hmmmmm

14 years ago

I don't think in this day and age of the wonderful world of photoshopping and outright lying just to make one or the other look superior we should ever base anything 100% on screenshots on the internet. I have played the PS3 demo and it doesn't look like sh**. It looks fine, but like some have said there are a few framerate hiccups but actually not so bad as to take away from the enjoyment of the demo. It is actually rather good for a demo.

I stated in the original article dealing with the disparity between the two versions that if I did pick it up I would probably pick it up on 360 but after playing the demo I honestly can say that if I happen to get it it would be on the PS3 as I don't see anything taking away from the enjoyment of the game.

Final summation: Don't judge it too harshly based on internet screenies. Try out the demo for yourself and see if it is something that you still consider to be crap.

14 years ago

@ Scarecrow – It absolutely is Sega's fault. They even came out and said they take full responsibility for how good/bad the Bayonetta port to PS3 will be. The devs are simply to blame for not doing the job themselves.

14 years ago

we really cant say whos fault it is because we have no idea why PG are not doing it themselves.

may be sega wants to delay the game so they can work on the ps3 copy but PG dont want that happening, its hard to say.
but with that said since sega are the ones making it, its their job to say no and put their foot down and spend more time on it.
weather there in a position to do that or not i dont know, arent release dates normally up to the devs?
i mean if PG want both copies out the same time arent segas hands tied?

14 years ago

I dont get it, i played the demo like 5 times and i haven't had a framerate issue ever….

14 years ago

They want to sell us a second-rate port for the same price as Uncharted 2, GT5 and God of War 3? Yeah…I'll check the bargain bin at Walmart in a year or two.

14 years ago

'female version of Dante from Devil May Cry' – as previously quoted by Titch1794

Last edited by Titch1794 on 10/12/2009 2:36:18 PM

14 years ago

Which isn't a bad thing if the story AND character was just as memorable or more memorable than Dante

None of those two things seem to be the case

14 years ago

Can care less about this one. Never liked Devil May Cry either. I do want the 5-CD soundtrack though.

14 years ago

Enter the grammar Nazi: You could care less, or you could not care less? I suppose that you could care about this game as much as you care about the mating rituals of the silver-back gorilla and then you would care less about it seeing as how you don't post about that but do post about this game…

All joking aside, I'm with you actually. I haven't really cared about this game since I heard about it. The demo was cool though and if it garners outstanding reviews I may look into it, but right now, meh.

5-CD soundtrack?!? That might be something to behold though. Hadn't heard about that.

14 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks the art direction of the main character looks terrible?

14 years ago

I'm protesting ports, who is with me?

14 years ago

If that includes Shreveport, where I'm from, then count me in.

14 years ago


14 years ago

how come you sey u going to buy the 360 version when this is a site that people come for the entusiast of ps3…

14 years ago

Cause Ben doesn't want to waste his money on a crappier version.Capcom and EA can make games look identical on both platforms, so why can these guys do it with Bayonetta.

14 years ago

uncharted 2 is the greatest game i have ever played, and i've played bajillions of games in my 26 years. everyone who reads this should buy it, you won't be disappointed!

14 years ago

We just want Bayonetta's boobs too look as good on PS3 as they do on the 360. Is that too much to ask?

14 years ago

lets hope this has a better jiggle feature than NGS2.
that was useless!

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