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Burial At Sea Episode 2 Features The Very Tough “1998 Mode”

If 1999 Mode wasn't challenging enough for you, the developers have a little somethin' for ya.

Irrational Games included the much more difficult 1999 Mode in Episode One of the Bioshock Infinite downloadable content, Burial at Sea. People liked it so much that the designers have confirmed that the even more taxing "1998 Mode" will be available in Episode 2.

The second episode will be ready on March 25 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and if you're up to it, go ahead and tackle that mode. Said creative director Ken Levine:

"In Burial at Sea–Episode Two we put a focus on balance and stealth mechanics. As we were developing this new style of gameplay, we started to see people self-impose non-lethal playthroughs. Given the fan reception of 1999 Mode, we thought it would be cool to give them another way to play Burial at Sea that challenged their mastery of stealth tools."

If you click the link above, you'll see a picture that – if you're old enough – should strike you as familiar. That should remind you of the PC box for the original Thief PC game, which launched back in 1998. Ironically, the Thief reboot just released this week.

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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10 years ago

I still have the original Tomb Raider box for PC (and tons of other games) with that same box design. I loved it, they even flipped up in the front to display extra pictures and descriptions.

10 years ago

Those triangle boxes were nuts

10 years ago

They take up way too much space in storage. I know it's a waste of space but I miss the huge boxes. When you're young they make you feel like you're getting more for your money (parent's money).

10 years ago

Actually got me thinking about older games that I'd like to see redone. How about Unreal? I loved the original game before it became the tournament series. It started out great and it was the Crysis of the 90s in regards to the graphics.

10 years ago

And Thief reboot bombed.

Looking forward to this though, when Levine screwed the pooch I thought he might ditch this too.

No way I'm gonna make it into a frustration-fest though, normal mode will do me fine.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/27/2014 11:30:35 PM

10 years ago

Of course it bombed. Another example of trying to cater to everyone instead of the fans.

10 years ago

"F8ck the fans! We want it alllll. We want every bi*ch in this place to buy our game!!!! You hear me? Do it up Twilight style and we'll make some sales you little 8th grade motherbit*hes!!!!"

10 years ago

LOL! So true, so very true. I suppose this is the medium more than any other for me that makes me feel old. I miss the days when developers didn't water the final product down trying to get every last customer to like a portion of it.

10 years ago

well have fun with that i've downloaded infinite but i probably don't buy DLC for this game but yeah have fun with it if u buy it.

happy gaming =)

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