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Vita Is Sony’s “Largest Platform Launch In Terms Of Marketing”

Sony has been called out for not supporting big-name exclusive software with enough advertising and marketing.

But the company has frequently said they've learned from past mistakes in regards to their new portable, the PlayStation Vita. Hence, expect some hefty and frequent ad campaigns.

According to a New York Times report , Sony has invested no less than $50 million in Vita marketing; Sony boss John Koller says it's "the largest platform launch in terms of marketing investment we've ever had."

Sony plans to pump out a series of ads revolving around the theme, "Never Stop Playing," and you'll see such ads on 26 major websites like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as on TV, with commercials airing during "The Simpsons," "South Park," "Tosh.0," and NBA and NCAA basketball games. "Never Stop Playing" is based around the fact that players can continue playing a PS3 game on the Vita after they've left the house, one of the unit's most appealing features.

The Vita launches next week on February 22 in North America and Europe, but if you just can't wait and want it early, you should've already pre-ordered the First Edition bundle , which will be available tomorrow. As for coverage, it all starts for us…very very soon.

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12 years ago

OMG! I mean seriously, OMG! Sony says that $50 million is their largest platform launch ever? Good grief, I think MS spent that much securing the demise of SE alone. Crap, MS spent multiple times that launching the Zune, there's no telling how much they spent launching the 360 and then Kinect. Well, actually there are rumors about that, but if the rumors were true, they could have given away 1 million Kinect sets and still not broken the launch budget.

LOL! Seriously, if $50 million is their largest platform launch ever; you have to wonder why they did't lay out more up front to push the PS3 since it might have sold more units up front with a larger launch push.

12 years ago

I agree. 50 million dollars? That's chump change compared to the likes we have seen Microsoft toss around out there. Software publishers have spent well over that marketing a single game!! When Sony said it was going to be their largest marketing campign ever I was honestly expecting something in 250+ million dollar range. 50 million is not enough to carry out a mass marketing campign that the Vita needs.

Just talking with my friends while playing KZ3. The majority of them don't even know what a Vita is…these are some pretty hardcore and well informed gamers that follow the industry pretty closely. A couple of them have a 3DS and one had a PSP so it's not like they were biased against handhelds. Anyways, the few who know what it is did not even know it's coming out next week. The sooner that campign starts the better because I do not think awareness of this product is very high at all. This campign should have started sooner.

12 years ago

If you can show me any publisher that's spent $50 million *marketing* a game I will be truly shocked. Making a game yes, but there haven't been more than a handful of games that even cost $50 million to make. But I don't believe $50 million for marketing a game – unless Antivision really went to town with one of the CoD games…

12 years ago

Consider yourself shocked. It is well known that EA spent OVER 100 million dollars marketing Battlefield 3. I'm not talking about development costs either. That money was spent on a massive marketing campign. That's just the one I can remember off the top of my head but I am certain that figure is accurate.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 2/13/2012 2:40:23 PM

12 years ago

Wow, I am shocked. That's a ridiculous amount.

12 years ago

Nice new picture.

12 years ago

TY, it's my tribute to a favorite not to be forgotten.

12 years ago

That's great, I just wished they had use some of that 50 million to give it some tv time during the superbowl.

Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 2/13/2012 10:27:59 AM

12 years ago

I'm very glad that Sony is taking marketing seriously with this launch. But I'm a little surprised that $50mil is their biggest launch budget ever?

I guess I don't really notice the adds much. I follow Sony closely and am always on top of what's new. They didn't need ads to get my pre-order.

But hey, consumers respond to advertising. So get it out there and make some noise Sony! Here's hoping for a great Vita launch in the West.

12 years ago

Agreed, I'm still finding it hard to believe that they spent less than $50 million launching a product that cost quite literally billions to develop.

12 years ago

They are going to be careful how they spend that tiny amount and make sure it appeals to the gamers and the gadget freaks.

12 years ago

I hope it succeeds. They had a booth in the middle of a mall near my area but it did not attract much attention. Most of the time there were plenty of vita devices available to play around with as nobody was very interested. Nothing close to Apple craziness.

12 years ago

I was wondering when they were going to start marketing the Vita. The only TV commercial I haave seen so far is the Taco Bell commercials, and Sony doesn't even pay for those.

12 years ago

so i guess that explains why its due out in a week and ive seen not a single add for it!?
nothing on TV, nothing on bus stops, nothing at the train station, nothing at shops!
hell, even the move was advertised better then this!
i remember they had booths setup all over the place 1 month before release allowing people to try it out.
1 week away from the vitas launch and no ones got a single unit out to try!
$ony really need to learn you need to spend money to make money!
they would be doing FAR better if they actually bothered to advertise their products!
and i mean THEIR products, because every single time i see a $ony add its for a third party game.
i swear to god if i see another add for the darkness 2 im going to scream!
$onys turned into M$, doing what they did with MW2…….

12 years ago

It may seem like a little but right now but as well all sit and read and talk about it were already doing free marketing for Sony by word of mouth which is the most powerful form of marketing, thats what they wanted people talking about it not just pushing out the ads on tv on the buses ect.. i've seen them do this before with a few things outside of video games and see how well everything sells.

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