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PlayStation Vita: Do Enough Games Translate To Success?

One of the primary failings of most all new pieces of hardware has been a lack of software. This goes double for certain PlayStation platform offerings in the last decade.

But as Sony has said many times before, they've learned from those mistakes and now understand the necessity of having a lot of available titles when a new piece of hardware hits store shelves. That's why they delayed the launch of the new PlayStation Vita and why the handheld will have no less than 25 games ready to go on February 22 in North America and Europe.

If you consider the industry's history, that's a very good thing. More games – or to be more specific, more good games – means the chances of hardware success are much higher and in fact, without the games, consoles used to be little more than big ol' paperweights. But these days, just about anything is a computer, and that includes the devices we hold in our hands. Therefore, there's a lot more involved with portable entertainment and games may not be enough for the Vita.

While it nearly doubled the launch sales of the PSP when the new portable arrived in Japan in December, the reception may be lukewarm in the US and Europe. That remains to be seen, of course, and we certainly hope to see satisfactory sales numbers, but the hurdles are obvious. Could the Vita be the very first game system to flounder despite having excellent software? Well, why not? The Wii bucked the trend for a while, putting out one gem for every wheelbarrow's worth of shovelware…but then again, that was a little different; the Wii had a gimmick. The Vita is just fancy.

I just sorta miss the days when games meant everything…

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12 years ago

I don't know, Uncharted is there, which is definitely one of the games I'm playing first, then the Tales and Little Deviants, I don't really care for Hot Shot golf and Dynasty Warriors(though I might play them at some time). Yeah, I think we need more launch titles.

Well this were the games for vita I've known for a while. Feel free to add others to my knowledge if there are still are I didn't mention.

12 years ago

Well great games are needed to be successful in the market, and I think Vita has enough features to have me drooling all over.I also think the price is just right.

I guess its up to Sony to adjust any changes to the market as time goes by.

12 years ago

I have uncharted, ridge racer, and touch my katamari pre ordered. I went to game stop and asked for a list of all the launch titles and there are a good amount of games. I was the first to play with it at my local game stop. They had just set the device up today. I got to play the demo for uncharted and the wipEout game. I was absolutely blown away. They aren't kidding when they say that the graphics rival those of the 360 and ps3. Its the only game stop I know of that has a good deal of sony fans working there. makes for a nice environment. not to say that x-box fans cant be civil, its just that these game stop employees don't try to push much on you.
well, I seemed to have wandered a bit… anywho, just check with game stop or something and ask for the list. You might find a new game to try.

12 years ago

Ah thanks reccaman, I was just hoping for more RPGs in Vita anyway.

12 years ago

It's not just "enough" games. There have to be some system sellers in the mix. If you look at the Japanese launch line up it appears to be large and diverse but I'm not so sure there is a system seller in for the Japanerse market. Hot Shots Golf is the best selling Vita game but that is going up against the likes of Monster Hunter for the 3DS. Yes, there is Uncharted but that is obviously not a system selling game for Japanese market. It looks like the Vita's lauch line up in Japan is actually a line up that would do better in the West.

Maybe a more targeted approach for the Japanese market would have worked better. It's most likely a combination of Vita's price point and lack of system selling games that's causing issues with sustained sales in Japan. So, it's not just all about enough games. There needs to be at least 1 or 2 key games/franchises in the mix at launch. The 3DS got burned by that too. Plus, many claimed it was overpriced as well.

12 years ago

What the Vita needs are new IPs. I have nothing against ps3 franchises on the Vita, but the system's hardware has the potential to create fresh, innovative ideas for games in all genres. Hopefully, Sony capitalizes on this and reclaims its market share of mobile gaming. As much as I like iPhone games, some of my best portable gaming memories involved buttons 🙂

Remote play on the Vita also sounds to be one of the best upgrades. Being able to play my ps3 anywhere with wifi on the go is ingenious. I've been religiously eating taco bell (once a week), in hopes of winning a Vita, wish me luck!

12 years ago

I totally agree with this. They need more genuine games, unique experiences, tailor made game concepts for handheld gaming.

To play a game while laying in a sofa in front of your large TV is so *totally* different from pulling out your Vita while sitting on the bus, waiting for a plane at the airport, or taking a short break from whatever else you are doing.
The games need to reflect this.

I love shooters, intense adventures and arcade racers like most other gamers do but I do *not* want to play them on a handheld device.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/31/2012 2:42:25 AM

12 years ago

Oh good god no. Not this crap again. This is the same garbage that was said of the PSP at launch. So Sony shifted to produce many new IPs and the response was complaints that not enough established franchises were available and people wanted their PS2 favorites on the PSP. Sony can't win either way. Produce fan favorites and the complaint is that there are not enough new IPs. Produce new IPs and people whine about not getting their favorites.

Maybe you don't remember the PSP launch and life? Maybe you do, but you don't appear to have learned the lessons.

12 years ago

@ Beamboom

Well for my part I want all those shooters and intense action/adventure games on the go! There is no need to get a vita if the only type of games you want to play are short and simple.

I do about 2 hours of community transport every day. Dood believe me it gets so boring to play short and simple games for that amount of time. I am drooling over the fact that REAL games that rival their console counterpart will be available for the first time on a handheld. Thats the whole point of the Vita. Don't dumb down your gaming experience. Play awesome stuff on the go!

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/31/2012 12:12:33 PM

12 years ago

By all means, the best would of course be to get both.
I just don't think a shooters&co work well on a small device. Maybe it's my fingers or whatever, but on the PSP I didn't find those kind of games to work well at all. Like Syphon Filter. God damn how cumbersome it was compared to playing a shooter on a full screen. Or the shooting missions in GTA. Man how I hated it.

And just so it's said: I have nothing against shooters at all.

The games I enjoyed on the PSP were all other genres. And an interesting observation: Most of them I'd not want to play on the PS3! Like Pirates or Crush!. They were perfect for the PSP though. So making a game made for the Vita doesn't mean they have to be small and simple… Just different!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/1/2012 4:32:38 AM

12 years ago

Highlander, I said I had no problem with ps3 IPs on the Vita. What I meant to say is that the system needs its own identity with franchises that take full advantage of the hardware's capabilities. This is also a chance for Sony's studios to create new first party titles specifically tailored to the Vita.

12 years ago

IK, my mistake. Though I do think that there is a very good chance of Vita titles having their own identity because of the additional control options, augmented reality features, the potential for always on Network and the ability to geo locate.

12 years ago

Another main factor would be the price; not the Vita price, but the currently low price of PS3, I believe most people would say "better to buy a cheaper PS3 than Vita".

Also it funny to think the word "Vita" is beginning to sound normal when compared to how funny it sounded when sony first announced it. Its also faster to say "Vita" then saying PSP2.

12 years ago

while the games on the Vita look promising, but that does not convince me to get a new handheld, I am still good with my 6 years old PSP1000 phat.

Handheld console to me, can only go so far, no matter wut. To be a hardcore, you still need the main console, namely, the PS3 machine + 50" LCD + hundreds of hours of grinding — none of these can be done on a handheld.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/31/2012 12:09:41 AM

12 years ago

All I know is I keep hearing more and more about the Vitas remote play. Everyone seems to be amazed by it. Notto mention it's graphical power. The games will come, I know that they always do. It seems to me though the Vita does have a pretty good launch line up in NA so… We shall see.

I'm not into handhelds so I won't be getting it, but I hate that I'm passing up on an Uncharted game.

12 years ago

it helps but too many games also have a bad effect, i am not sure if i will be getting one (depends on price in India) but if i do it is definitely going to be with uncharted and the game where a fat and a thin guy burst… cant remember the name of the game… really looking for that

12 years ago

it will be guaranteed purchase if i could play Bf3 off my ps3 via remote play. 😉

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I think you can via remote play.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 1/31/2012 3:25:57 AM

12 years ago

If the remote play really is as grand as I'm hoping it is there should be no reason for me not to get a Vita. The current game line up dons't blow me away like I wish it would. I want a AAA title in there. Of course none of that would matter if I can just play my PS3 library anywhere there is good wifi. It's just a matter of how good the remote play really is.

12 years ago

no and no.
enough games certainly not, they have to be GOOD games!
but not even then would it mean success, theres FAR too many other pain in the A$$E$ that have to be removed.
the restrictions to 1 PSN account per system, everything being locked from game saves, to games, to EVEN FREAKING DEMOS!
seriously, why the %$#@ are demos locked to a account?
you cant download a demo from one account and play it on another, WTFs the point of that!?
i downloaded the power smash 4 demo off my JP account on my ps3, then went to transfer it across to my vita and it would not let me because my vitas account was not the owner of the demo.
WTF, since when do you "own" demos!?
save games, and games i can understand, but demos!?
come on!
its almost like $ony made the vita as much of a pain in the a$$ to use as humanly possible!

not to mention the really small face buttons, and analogue sticks.
my hands are not exactly big but i cant press 1 freaking button without pressing others!
i wish my uncle was not in in WA now so i could see how he gets along with it, hes got the hands of a freaking gorilla!

12 years ago

So, do you actually know what you're talking about or are you talking through your arse again? I mean, honestly I agree with one of your posts 100%, and then there's this.

PSP is locked to a single account. Vita is no different. If you download a game using one PSN account and that is not the PSN that the PSP is registered to, you will not be able to activate and install the game on the PSP until it is re-activated on the second account. When you activate it on the second account, you lose the first activation, disabling content downloaded using it. The Vita is pretty much the same, except the memory cards are activated on a given account, so you'll need to have more than one card – one per PSN account, and reset the activation before switching. Pretty much the same as the PSP, only a little more formal.

As to your whining about the inability to move content from one PSN account to another, it's never been any different, so I'm not sure what your whining is about. It seems that you simply wish to whine about something, and want to portray it as if these are new restrictions – which they are not.

12 years ago

learn to read dude.
do kapish demo or no kapish?

12 years ago

learn to read dude, activated content downloaded via PSN has *always* been handled the same way, the only change was the recent reduction in the number of device activations for content. If a demo required activation, it already could not be transferred the way you are talking about.

12 years ago

I'd say it's not so much about the NUMBER of games, but the TYPE.

In my case, as much I love the PS Vita, I probably won't be purchasing it any time soon; specifically because there aren't many games that appeal to me that's in the launch line-up.

But then again….I am a picky gamer :/

12 years ago

The sad thing is that the vita can have a million awesome games and still not sell much. Look at the ps3, it has best games of any platform and yet in the us it sells less than the 360(I know the US is not the only market but we are of of the biggest) due to the things people "know" about the ps3. like it doesn't have good online, it has less games and no one likes the ps3. None of which are true. The hardest thing for sony to over come with the vita will be what people "know" about it. If it's "cool" to hate it, people will. Just like how the psp "had no games".

12 years ago

I really want to buy a Vita, I really do. But I'm really afraid of paying so much money. There are a few things that turn me off of buying it at such a high price. I really want it, and I'd actually probably buy a lot of the games that are being released. But, I don't want to spend all that money, have fun for a few days, and then never pick it up again. If they ever do a price drop in the future though, I'll pick it up immediately then.

Last edited by Nlayer on 1/31/2012 3:40:33 PM

12 years ago

The price is not high. A smart phone with half of the CPU/GPU hardware would cost you $600 retail. Relative to a 5 year old game console the price might seem high, but compared to contemporary devices, it is not over priced, if anything it's underpriced.

12 years ago

I would never buy a smartphone. I'm not saying the Vita shouldn't be at the price it's at. I'm just saying I only have so much money as a college student and I need to spend it wisely.

Basically, I can buy a Vita and miss out on a lot of PS3 titles. Or, I can pass on the Vita and buy PS3 titles.

So I guess for me it's a choice between the PS3 or the Vita. Which one do I want to play this year…

12 years ago


The price will; come down. The initial price is the price that early adopters pay. It's the price that we'll pay for Vita's that might be buggy and require rrevision. In less than a year there will be at least one hardware revision internally and that will almost certainly coincide with a $50 price reduction. I would bet a lot of money on that. So, I know it's not greta news because it means waiting a little, but the price will come down, probably sooner rather than later. I wouldn't be awfully surprised by a reduction announed at E3, or to coincide with the TGS.

12 years ago

Good news for me…
Since I found out I'll be getting a decent tax return back, hopefully I'll get my money back before the Via releases so I can pre-order get that G3 Vita bundle w/the 8GB card and free game & AT&T trial period.

And other than that free trial time-pass with AT&T, I still won't extend my time much more beyond that free period, unless Sony switches carriers & the new carrier gives me a better deal later on down the pipeline. And if not, I'll just use the WiFi instead.

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