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Sony: Consumers Demand “Rich Handheld Gaming”

Some say the mobile gaming explosion could have a negative impact on Sony's upcoming PlayStation Vita.

But Sony is catering to the gamers, and the company believes those gamers demand an in-depth portable experience. Sony director of hardware marketing, John Koller, said the PlayStation Vita will actually "supersede the mobile market." Why? Because it's innovative and despite mobile gaming's popularity, the gaming options are "light" when compared to the Vita. Said Koller:

"We firmly believe that PlayStation Vita will supersede the mobile market when launched, and have grand ambitions for a product that is really at the forefront of innovation. The mobile market in the U.S. offers consumers extremely light gaming options. We developed PlayStation Vita after observing a significant addressable market that demands rich, deep handheld gaming."

Furthermore, in an effort to expand the world of Sony, Koller confirmed that games and apps created for the Vita will be available on Google, android phones, and tablets. Yeah, well, they'll definitely need to appeal to the gamers, don't you think?

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12 years ago

Indeed. I only had my iPhone when I went to Europe and while SSFIV Volt is fun, there were many times I had regretted not bringing my PSP or DSi.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

You went to Europe and you relied on video games to kill time?

You know you're a true nerd when…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago


12 years ago

I only want 5 things:

More buttons,

rearrangment of buttons,

removable battery

video output

redesign of the edges.

I know this is not happening but hopefully the future SKUS will put this in mind.

12 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what other buttons would you need on the Vita?

12 years ago

I really don;t know but maybe an extra pari of shoudler buttons>

12 years ago

Only game I played on an iPhone that was satisfying was Infinity Blade. Such a good game! Other than that, everything felt like fun time wasters, like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, Mirror's Edge (ridiculously short), Fruit Ninja, Doodle Jump, Tiny Wings… you get the picture.

Plants Vs Zombies was highly addictive and awesome fun too!! GTA Chinatown Wars was HORRIFIC to control with no physical buttons or joystick!!

That's where the Vita will come in handy. Games that are big in scope and satisfying to complete like a good AAA PS3 game, and what better way to kick off the new system than Uncharted!!

Anyways, here's a list of Vita games I want that you can never get on iPhone or don't play as well on iPhone:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Modnation Racers
Street Fighter X Tekken
Littlebig Planet
Wipeout 2048
Final Fantasy X
MGS HD Collection
Resistence: Burning Skies
Persona 4: The Golden
Rayman Origins
Katamari Damacy Vita
Assassin's Creed Vita
Bioshock Vita

And most of those games are being released in 2012!!!

I hope Sony can keep the Vita secure and hack free for as long as possible cos this thing may well dominate the 3DS!!! I just hope Sony advertise it more here in Australia, there's more Nintendo ads everywhere than MS and Sony put together!!!

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

I want! video out! are you listening Sony??

12 years ago

The only thing that made the Vita a sure purchase for me was the two analog sticks. Everything else is a bonus. I will never be into the gimmicky little games I can get on my phone. To me, they are not worth my time.

12 years ago

smart phones are made for communication. try playing your games on it and by the time you recieve or make a call, your battery be at about 10%…… you see, it just makes sense to have a device made strickly for gaming.

12 years ago

except when these strictly gaming devices only have 5 hours of play time either way. time for extra batteries, or extended ones.

12 years ago

Still better than playing games on your phone only for it to die when you really need it to make a call or do business.

12 years ago

True. but I know whenever I get my vita, I'm definitely buying the extended batteries haha, probably multiple even.

12 years ago

actually my iphone has better battery life then the vita!
ive played games on it for 6 hours at times, according to $ony you will only get 3-5 out of the vita.
thats why people were so disappointed when they announced the battery life, you would expect a gaming handheld to have a better battery life then a mobile phone!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

It's still a very targeted market. Sony can spruik their high hopes for the Vita all they want, but their success among consumers will ultimately be measured by the sales figures, regardless of their forecast predictions. I'm sure there is quite a contingent of people clamouring for console quality gaming on the go (I'm one of them), but I don't think that it is quite as large as Sony seems to be expecting.

12 years ago

what a crock of sh*t!
mobile gaming gives you as in depth a experience as you want!
infinity blade and N.O.V.A kick the royal sh*t out of any PSN game!
im sick of this stereotype that mobile gaming is only good for quick 5 minute golf games.
as usual $ony are stuck in the 19th century stereotypes!
next they will be coming out saying only guys play games!

12 years ago

Honestly this whole idea that the gaming handheld will die out because of mobile gaming is comparable to the scare back 7 years ago when people though flash gaming on computers will replace regular console gaming.

Just look what happened since then. And of course many people are talking a new situation of how there are online social games people can play…but the truth of the matter is…GAMERS evolve. They want more and the best of the best.

That's what SONY is giving with its handheld. Being able to play PS3 quality games on a handheld is just perfect and I can't wait for the action. And to defend the handheld gaming market, I think even the Nintendo 3DS will do quite well (MAINLY in JAPAN w/ the software they have: Monster Hunter, LOVE +, Biohazard Revelations). It just of course…hasn't released those games yet.

12 years ago

There is a great deal of difference between a full blooded video game such as uncharted, and a compelling time eater like angry Birds. Although angry Birds might be fine to play for a few minutes here and there when you're waiting at the Doctor's office that's about it. What about all those situations where you are away from home and don't have your PS3/Xbox360 with you, but want to game? That's when you want a real game on a system with sticks and real buttons. That's when the Vita comes into it's own. That's when my PSP comes into it's own. When I am away from home for any time, my PSP comes along, my phone is a phone, not a gaming system.

12 years ago

Oh, is that what they demand. Great. Stupid me. All this time I thought people were demanding great console gaming. Seems it's just me.

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