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Playboy’s Jo Garcia Signs On To Help Promote The Vita

Well, good thing we cleared up that whole debate over whether or not Playboy model Jo Garcia was a gamer.

Back in November, PSXE spoke to Jo after we suggested her gamer label may be partly due to intelligent marketing and packaging. Her detailed responses were enlightening and 100% clear .

And now the beautiful gamer is off on another whirlwind tour to promote a new product: the PlayStation Vita. As she informed Forbes , Playboy's 2008 Cyber Girl of the Year and the operator of Playboy's Gamer Next Door website will hit the road between January and March to help push Sony's new portable. Eight parties in eight major cities, and the goal is to "show people what the Vita lifestyle is all about." As for her thoughts on the unit, and how it compares to mobile devices and Nintendo handhelds:

"This is how I feel about that. If you’re a gamer, you don’t really play hardcore videogames on tablets. As much as they have great games like Angry Birds, I’m just not a huge fan of playing a shooter game on an iPad. It just doesn’t work as good. It’s cumbersome. It’s big. Leave gaming devices to gaming. Just look at how the Nintendo DS has held up so well for the type of device it is. As far as the portable devices, it usually outsells the Sony PlayStation devices and I don’t know why that is. If you compare them as far as graphics, capabilities and the buttons and all that other stuff, I think that Sony devices tend to outperform those of the Nintendo devices."

Man, we love her. I've got Angry Birds on my nifty new phone. Amusing…but hardly enough to wrench me away from Gears of War III . As for the Vita and Jo's promotional tour, we hope that goes well because Sony could really use a big-time marketing boost in this country.

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Uh…stop calling her "joe." LOL

13 years ago

Sony might sell 3 million vitas in the first week here in the U.S.

13 years ago

This is good news. I completely agree with the last sentence in this article. Sony has long been overdue for a major marketing boost in NA. I think there are a substantial amount of gamers here that are completely clueless about all the great products and games Sony offers.

13 years ago

I grew up with Sony all around me, so I'm definately not clueless about Sony products. No need for that last sentence of yours.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/16/2012 12:07:02 AM

13 years ago

The last sentence was not directed at you. It was directed at a certain type of gamer that I have ran into a lot here in NA. It's a type of gamer who has probably never even really touched a PS3 or a Sony handheld for that matter. They tend to be a lot younger. They have their 360's and are on live 24/7. A lot of misconceptions in that group about the PS3, PSN, and Sony's products in general. A major marketing campign could help improve Sony's position amongst those gamers.

I have 2 cousins. One is 13, and the other is 15. I was talking to them about the PS3, and all of Sony's great exclusives. Would you believe that they have never even heard of the Uncharted series? They have never even heard of the Vita either. One of my cousins does already have a 3DS, and the other was considering getting a handheld. I did my part and told them that the Vita is a very powerful handheld that features to real analog sticks. I also let one them play Infamous 2(another game they never heard of), Killzone 3 and he loved both of them. He also loved Little Big Planet as well. Like I said they are a lot younger so I guess they did not grow up with Sony's gaming products like you and I have. Maybe clueless is harsh but that's the way it looks to me.

13 years ago

Well, If one has a 3DS, I think the other one should get a Sony vita, that way both can visit each other and swap/borrow handhelds and enjoy whatever different games have to offer.

My part, I only see handheld portable game systems great-more enjoying for vacation trips.
..But If I win a big bonus check, I'll definately get a Vita day1.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/16/2012 9:36:03 AM

13 years ago

I've known a few women gamers. All beautiful in their own ways, but the one thing that was the same about them all was their passion for gaming. Hell, I even knew a few lesbian gamers, but I recall them telling me that the late night gaming was the most entertaining(I was never invited, they teased me ;_;). I don't know how many people read her blogs, but it's good that she's getting the name out there. Shall we bombard Sony with e-mails to make her the official Vita spokesperson? Sort of a, "It's sleek, it's sexy" sort of thing. Ohhh yeah!

13 years ago

Here's a thought: sell the First Edition Vita bundle with a few included Jo Garcia wallpapers (tasteful non-nude photos!!), or even another bundle with her autograph etched or otherwise emblazoned on the device. Sure, she's an adult model, but she's also got the potential to be the best Sony promoter since Kevin Butler. I'd buy one!


13 years ago

Incoming KB and Jo Garcia Ad campaign? Do it!

13 years ago

Better Jo than Marcus.

BTW I still have a pair of PSP wallpapers featuring Jo that Playboy released around the launch of the PSP.

13 years ago

She is good looking but will she still convince me of geting a Vita, No.

13 years ago

Well she does give us bragging rights to say: My handheld is promoted by Jo! 😛

And well if she came to me in person telling me I have to get it so we can be PSN buddies and text… I'd probably get it lolll. If you are a single male with regular ormones and not totally broke you would get it too in that situation

13 years ago

If the Vita comes with a video of her on it im sold xD

13 years ago

I'd assume it's plenty easy to find vids of her without having to buy a Vita. Not that I would know anything about that, of course.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/16/2012 6:08:56 AM

13 years ago

LOL yeah but the Vita video could be *interactive* 😀

Move an icecube on Jo with the sixaxis motion!

Integrate Jo on you couch by taking a picture of it thanks to reality thing camera!

Multi-touch screen ^-^

I am stopping there BUT yknow what I mean 😀

13 years ago

Oh but it soon shall beeee. For I am sending brainwashing waves to you atm.

13 years ago

Wonder if she likes role playing games……

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Well, if you read the interview, that answer was pretty clear. 🙂

13 years ago

I don't mean the video game variety 😛

13 years ago

I am pretty sure you meant Live action Dungeon and dragon and nothing else Riiiiiight? XD lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/16/2012 11:32:17 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Neither do I. 😉

….okay, jk.

13 years ago

She makes a good point and I'm glad to see her helping Sony out with the Vita. Too many people are ready to write it off which only means Sony is only going to have an up field battle here in the US. With some good marketing and some well known gamers backing it it could give the Vita the fighting chance it needs.

13 years ago

I feel the vita will do just fine in sales especially due to the mass followers of the original psp, guaranteed 90% if not more are gunna upgrade, and lord knows i'd promote Jo Garcias vita any day

13 years ago

"You go, Jo!"

13 years ago

vita is a powerful handheld if my funds was large i would buy 1 even though im not a handheld gamer. what boss lady Garcia saying i been acknowledged about sony & playstation.

nintendo established handhelds long ago & cause of that they have audience that wont depart due to the consistent recipe.

playstation is a enhanced form of gaming. the games & tech of sony are detailed & offers more to a mature audience.

13 years ago

First of all, Jo reminds me of Aria Giovanni. I'm pretty damn sure that's a good thing.

Secondly, I wholeheartedly agree. The PSP's design was very comfortable. It did take some getting used to the analog sticks, since they were too small. It's my brother's PSP and he added some 3rd party thumb grips onto the sticks, which helped immensely.

The Nintendo unit is very cheesy and far less comfortable to me. In fact, that's an understatement. I can't stand how "limp" I have to hold the thing. I feel like I can crack it in half if I get too emotional playing bubble bobble (or whatever the hell it's game library consists of).

That's my $50 worth of opininated hatred. You're welcome! 🙂

Last edited by DemonNeno on 1/16/2012 12:44:38 PM

13 years ago

Wheres the dates & locations?

13 years ago

all american cities ? be sweet if she came to toronto