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PSXE Poll Update: With Great Software, Vita Could Live

We all know PlayStation Vita is struggling. Many don't expect it to last much longer, as Sony has basically stopped saying anything about it at all.

But we wanted to know if top-notch exclusive software could save the impressive portable unit. We may never see that software but if it did arrive, would Sony's handheld survive and maybe even flourish?

Well, the PSXE community is sort of split on this, but the majority do believe great software could rocket Vita to new success. Unfortunately, a lot more also say there's basically no hope; the game is over (pun intended). Sony's system was designed to provide players with the best possible portable experience out there. It didn't fail in that respect…it just didn't deliver the necessary library.

Now, this week's big release is Project CARS , which is already bringing down some impressive review scores (embargo was May 6, if you were wondering). Planning to snag it? Need to see more reviews from trusted sources? Racing just isn't your thing? Let us know.

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9 years ago

It's a remarkable consistency in regards to the ratings of Project Cars. I don't think I've seen them this focused before: Not a single rating below 80 or above 90 after 15 review scores.


9 years ago

If they did a software update to allow multiple region accounts and games like the PS3 then it get alot more sales.

9 years ago

Project Cars looks very tempting but the thing with me and racers is, I'm getting bored quite quickly. Maybe if I had the steering wheel it would be another story…
I just finished Bloodborne (what a game it is!) and I think I will wait for Batman while playing some of the chalice dungeons, or maybe I will snag Witcher 3 on 19th.
As for PS Vita – dead to me. I'm selling it next week.

Last edited by JackieBoy on 5/11/2015 3:10:48 AM

9 years ago

Not too big on racing but would love to see the Vita thrive. I was planning to get a used one for Portable Ops and Persona 4.

9 years ago

Vita is never going to be anything more than a niche device, at best.

Project Cars looks pretty sweet.

9 years ago

I keep mine just in case I get in a bad car accident and become a paraplegic.

Then I'd have time to dink around with the portable.

I'm thinking of getting Driveclub, no Project Cars for me.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/11/2015 10:51:38 AM

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Love the Vita :/