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Roundabout: Piloting A Limo Has Never Been So Much Fun

Betcha never expected to have this much fun driving a limousine.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , Roundabout is coming to PlayStation 4 and Vita and the game will support the Cross Play and Cross Buy initiatives as well.

This is a '70s B-Movie game where you drive a limo around, picking up passengers, locating collectibles, finishing challenges, etc. The developers are using a "cutting-edge next-gen technique" called "full motion video" (har har) to recreate and render each passenger that rides in Georgio's limo. All this FMV will be remastered in glorious 1080p HD and the Vita version is "the same full experience."

If this sounds a little crazy, here's a trailer for clarification:

Related Game(s): Roundabout

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9 years ago

well looks like it ould be an interesting challenge

happy gaming

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