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Levine Says Bioshock On Vita Would’ve Been Like FFT?

I so would've played that.

Before Irrational Games shut down in February, Bioshock for the PlayStation Vita remained a distinct possibility. 2K Marin has the series now and chances are, we may never see the esteemed franchise on Sony's portable.

But do you know what former boss Ken Levine had planned for this handheld iteration? You may not believe it: As he told a fan on Twitter :

"I was thinking a Final Fantasy Tactics-style thing set in pre-fall Rapture. As some know, I'm a turn-based whore."

Levine said he wanted something on Vita that would "work well" on the system and "not be a compromise in any way." We first heard about the idea of a Bioshock installment on Sony's portable back in 2011, but it sort of went into hibernation after that, and with Irrational gone now… Man, this was probably my last best chance to get anything like FFT on the Vita. 🙁

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10 years ago

Errr. No.

10 years ago

Hellz to the yes! Turn based seems to be well suited to handhelds. This could have been a whole lotta win.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

If it has a genuine Bioshock story then great make it happen! An RTS would be awesome and hard to argue with, but the Vita really needs more hardware pushing exclusives right, provided there's some profit margin involved.

10 years ago

I hope Bioshock doesn't turn into an RTS game… But then after the developers disbanding the company after Infinite, I am not expecting another good Bioshock game ever again.

10 years ago

I'm not either, this will be the end and the original games will be considered a sort of Bioshock Camelot after 2K Marin drops 3 mediocre Bioshocks in the next 5 years. Then we will all call for a reboot and new dev.

10 years ago

I hope we don't see a lot of fears that Bioshock will turn into a turn based strategy franchise. This was in regards to a knock-off handheld game. Perfect opportunity to do something different.

10 years ago

Glad that died.

But hey maybe this means Levine's new crazy venture will be turn based?

10 years ago

Turn based, and on cellphones. 🙁

10 years ago


10 years ago

I haven't beaten Tactics yet cause of this stupid boss. Now cause of this article I have to go try again. Thanks for making me take the Vita out of the cobweb box Ben.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Which boss?

10 years ago

My money is on Wiegraf. The secret is to run away and spam yell until you can get about 4 attacks for every one of his.

I would have loved to play that hypothetical game. Of course I would have had to buy a vita for it, so that's not happening.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I never resort to such tactics, as by the time I face such enemies, I'm usually stupid overpowered. 😉

Well, not "overpowered" in terms of level; I just happen to know the most powerful skills in the game. For instance, get a Wizard equipped with White Magic and MagicAttackUP, and learn Holy ASAP.

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